
Why Is My Group Chat So Broken?

Being reincarnated right after his death, our main character finds no respite and is instantly thrown back into life.   Thinking that this could be his chance to gain superpowers and reach for the stars, he greeted every day with determination, but as the reality of his situation set in, his hopes eventually shattered.   His days are spent with less and less emotion, as if slowly, over time, he became a robot, simply going through the motions. He felt no reason to truly live his second life if it was going to be an exact copy of his first.   That was until one day he saw a message... [Would you like to join the Custom Made Group Chat? Y/N] “Fuck yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” [Would you like to hand out invites? Y/N] “Fuck it, we ball!” [Handing out invites…] [Activating group chat missions...] [Missions activated!]   [Error! Re-inviting members...] [Error! Error! Error!]   [Finding a workaround...]   [Workaround found!]   [Canceling invites...] [Each mission is made for a minimum group of five participants!] [Time Remaining: 29D, 23H, 10M, 36S] [[Note: If a mission isn't done once a month, unforeseen consequences may arise.]]   [The Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General] [Description: Megumi Fushiguro has made the difficult (not for him) choice of summoning the Divine General Mahoraga! Help Megumi defeat Mahoraga and save him from his soon-to-be end!] [Rank: EX-XX] “I’m so fucked…” Extra Tags: JJK, DxD, Fate, Eminence In Shadow, Custom Made Demon King, Pokemon, One Punch Man, Elden Ring, and Massive Depression

HopOffMe · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 10 - The Strongest Today vs The Strongest In History Part 3



[Group Chat]

[[Grave Warnings]]

(A/N: Everything is for a reason. This includes the MC's personality. Thanks for 1,000 collections.)

Omni Gojo put a hand over his rapidly beating heart. A sad smile appeared on his face as he looked at his hand.


This was it! The day he could finally avenge his friends and all of those who put faith in him.


"Beat loudly, heart. Today is the promised day!" Gojo said in a whisper as he quickly shook his shoulders to try and calm down his excitement.


The smile on his face grew as he could finally leave all of his history, loss, and heartache behind.


Remembering the words Akira said to Sukuna when they first fought him after he received his enlightenment. "Here it comes!" Gojo screamed the same words.


Gojo was hyper-focused on Sukuna's position before blasting forward! The smile on his face betrayed the seriousness in his eyes.

The first obstacle in his way was Mahoraga! The shikigami took out the Sword of Extermination from its forearm.


Intending a downward slash to hit Gojo head-on! Gojo had seen it coming as he dodged to the left.




The ground cracked under the weight of the attack. Gojo, however, took the opportunity to run up the arm of Mahoraga!


Mahoraga's head instantly turned to Gojo's position on his shoulder, but before he could make a move, Gojo kicked him in the face!


Pointing both his index finger and middle finger at Mahoraga, Gojo used reversal red!




Mahoraga was launched into building after building. He was launched so far that Gojo didn't even pay attention to the shikigami anymore.


Turning his head toward Sukuna, Gojo noticed Agito barreling toward him. Agito threw two quick jabs at Gojo's face.


Blocking the two hits, Gojo got in close before giving the merged beast the most disrespectful gut punch of its life.


"KAKH!" Agito physically reacted, and a large amount of spit came from its mouth.


"You're too weak to be here." Omni Gojo said as he pulled his fist back.


"Red flash."


Gojo landed another punch on the beast's stomach that radiated reddish-black lightning before using reversal red to blast the creature straight past Sukuna and into buildings far away!


It was weird; why hadn't Sukuna rushed in with Rika while he was fighting Mahoraga?


Gojo's eyes widened as he felt the cursed energy being generated at Sukuna's location.


Rika was currently standing over Sukuna. On her white face, a massive, single red eye appeared.


A small amount of pink energy began generating in front of her now wide, open mouth.


"Holy fuck." That was all Gojo could say as he saw how much energy was built up through his six eyes.


"No need to curse. After all, true love is supposed to be referred to with kind words." Sukuna raised his hand with a calm smile on his face as he spoke. "It's true love."


'I can't dodge! Infinity!' Gojo thought as he raised both arms to cover his eyes from the attack about to be fired his way.




Mahoraga burst from the rubble behind Gojo and threw a slash from afar. The attack looked as if it were a copy of something.




The eight-handled wheel began creaking.


As the wheel creaked, a massive pink beam of blinding light was fired.


The beam tore through the city, melting anything in its path and then turning what it melted into dust.


Over a kilometer was turned to ash behind Gojo, as the beam wasn't straight but like a cone. The farther the beam went out, the bigger it got.


Things too close turned to direct ash, while anything a few hundred meters away would melt from the heat.


This wasn't a normal attack. True love combines attacks from Rika and Yuta, but because Sukuna is in his body, it takes an attack from him.


It took a technique he had only used once since the Age of the Gods, his white fire. A combination of holy energy and his ability, Fuga.


As the dust cleared, Sukuna saw Gojo dusting off his clothes as if nothing were the matter.


Patting his left shoulder, Gojo smiled. "You really almost got me with that, Sukuna," Gojo said as he shook his head.




Mahoraga appeared from the smoke, fully healed.


Gojo's expression grew serious. "I think it's time we ended this." He said as he took a stance.


"You're right, it's time we ended this battle," Sukuna said as Agito appeared from behind him, fully healed, just like Mahoraga.


Mahoraga made his way in front of Agito, who was guarding Sukuna and Rika.

The battlefield went quiet as both sides took a tense moment to stare at each other.


Gojo immediately bolted forward! He threw a lapse: blue high into the sky.


Sukuna's eyes widened as he saw what Gojo did. "Mahoraga! Agito!" Sukuna screamed at his summoned shikigami.


Mahoraga threw another invisible slash at Gojo that was blocked by infinity.



"Nine ropes," Gojo said as another one of Mahoraga's attacks was blocked by infinity.


Agito came to attack next, which was blocked by infinity as well. Gojo proceeded to use the merged beast as a springboard to launch himself further.




"Polarized light." He continued as he launched his way to Rika and Sukuna.

"Crow and Declaration."


Rika lashed out with both arms but couldn't get through infinity as Gojo rushed to Sukuna.


"Between front and back!"


As Gojo got to Sukuna, using domain amplification, Sukuna was able to land a punch on Gojo's body before quickly getting a punch in the face in return.

Gojo had finished his chant, but he wasn't done! He needed to confirm Sukuna's death, so he decided to use 'it.'


"Take the amplified and the reversal," Gojo continued as he was pushed back by Sukuna.


Jumping back Gojo was able to dodge an attack from Mahoraga! Agito came forward, only to receive a kick to the chest as Gojo moved further back.

"Then smash together those two different expressions of infinity-!" Before Gojo could finish his sentence, a slash came from Mahoraga that got past his infinity!


The invisible attack had taken off Gojo's right arm up to the elbow. A slash had also landed on the ground behind Gojo.


Gojo gritted his teeth and ran toward Agito. "To create and push out imaginary mass!" Gojo finished his chant as he spun over the fist Agito had thrown at him.


"MAHORAGA!" Sukuna had lost all composure at this point and screamed at his shikigami.


Rika rushed forward in order to claw at Gojo, but that's exactly what he wanted! Using Rika as a stepping stool, Gojo jumped high into the air!


"Sukuna! The only reason you were the strongest in history..." Gojo screamed with a large smile on his face.


Rika threw Sukuna into the air while, at the same time, Mahoraga and Agito jumped after Gojo. Rika immediately jumped into the air as well.


"Was because I wasn't born yet!" Omni Gojo said as he pointed the index and middle fingers of his non-destroyed arm into the sky above.


Directly above him was the lapse: blue he had shot into the sky earlier! From Gojo's fingers grew a reversal red sphere that shot as fast as it could to the lapse: blue!


"Hollow Purple!" Gojo screamed as he began using RCT, with Mahoraga almost about to reach him.


As soon as the red sphere was about to reach the blue sphere, Rika grabbed Sukuna before wrapping around him as tight as she could.


Agito then grabbed onto Rika and tried to shield both of them from the blast.


Immediately after that, the red and blue spheres made contact!


Everything was covered in a whitish-purple glow, with Gojo closing his eyes and a bright smile on his face.




The hollow purple began erasing everything it came into contact with!

As the battlefield cleared, Omni Gojo stood proud, fully healed, and with a large smile on his face!




He turned his head to see Sukuna; the top of his robes had burned off. Half of his face was burned off, with one of his arms fully gone and the other missing three of his five fingers.


One of Sukuna's legs was gone as well. A sad expression showed on Sukuna's face.


Mahoraga, Agito, and Rika were all gone. The surroundings were just crumbled rubble for as far as the eye could see.


This was truly the turning point of Omni Gojo's story! He had saved humanity! All eyes were on him and his achievement!


The fight between Omni Gojo and Azaogdesz Sukuna was over!


Omni Gojo had won!









"You were magnificent, Omni Gojo!" Sukuna said as he stood in front of the cut-in-half body of Omni Gojo.


"I shall never forget you for as long as I live!" The impressed and proud smile of Azaogdesz Sukuna stood tall as he spoke.


What had happened? Didn't Gojo win?


That must have been what everyone around the world must have been thinking at that moment.


The moment Gojo stood in front of Sukuna, his fate was sealed. Sukuna had been playing passive in order to get Mahoraga to teach him how to bypass infinity!


He sacrificed everything in order to gain that extra ability.


The light in Gojo's eyes was still there, and as he was bleeding from his mouth and the bottom of his cut-in-half stomach, he just couldn't understand how he wasn't healing.


"Don't try to heal," Sukuna said solemnly. "I wrapped my attack in negative energy that should fight off your positive energy long enough for your death to transpire."


'Ah, so that's how it was.' Gojo thought with a small smile on his face.


"Using Mahoraga as a way to teach me, I was able to bypass your infinity and gain a new ability! I call it World Cleave." Sukuna told the dying Gojo his plan.


'It seems I just wasn't strong enough to avenge you guys...' A single tear ran down Gojo's face as he lay on the destroyed ground.



For leaks and early access.