

As humans we keep having reoccurring thoughts all around,a lot of questions need to be answered, uncertain in our midst,not sure of what the future itself actually has installed for us,the world is large so the heart of a man is indeed....

Silence,night drops,humans sleeping half dead, unconscious of their environment,seems like going into a vision,or what ever it could be,have been trying so hard to sleep but it is not coming,so I took out my book from the locker,and my pen,which is my secret weapons, there I can pour at my heart when writing with no one standing,or pressure from all corners,imaginary pictures all appearing in my head,I hear voices of people who are crying for freedom,the rich floating in wealth,the poor gasping for survival,could it be,be what I ask my self,what is the meaning of Life? it's essence or speciality,I don't know,but one day I hope am going to find answers,so come with me as I take you through the journey of my thoughts,maybe you might just find answers to my question,first we are visiting a world of DISCRIMINATION

Discrimination is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics such as race,gender,age or sexual orientation,and many others.

Well I know many will be wondering I did no proper introduction about who I am or where I evolved from,you don't need to know now,maybe at the later end. A lot of people go through discrimination on a daily basis,and those behind it, their reasons always have some evidence of proof to justify their act,why are humans so,man thought is actually irrational to me,don't mind me using that statement,we don't want to agree we are on same thoughts,we see ourselves better than others, forgetting everyone as their own flaws,and you know what the most amusing part of it is that,an imperfect man can also see through another imperfect man, deception at its peak,let's talk about races,you know one question on my mind,I keep on pondering about is,why skin type or color,being a thing to hate about,when all humans go through same biological processes,like same formation processes,so just a skin color makes us difference,and so dose it matters?yeah all racist has where their ideology is based on. There's this feeling of being important than others, the feeling of superiority, there is this antagonism directed against people who are not from their region,or people who are in their region based on a particular reason. Some of this racists are just having this hatred due to personal feelings,I will call that transferred agression,it can be in form of social actions,practices or beliefs, political system in which different race are ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other,based on what they do think they know right,I guess so,always having a history behind,I think our forefathers did make things complicated for us, humans are living a complicated life,we don't value each other,we are hypocrites,so whether you are whites, black and red,and you have this feeling of haterd for one another, because of some bullshit fallacy,you are an hypocrites,you hate people because of their background, their differences, intelligence especially how you see we don't have anything in common, yeah the so called family( your race)you acclaimed you love and they love you, everyone are just sitted bitting their finger tips and looking for ways to make sure you don't succeed, what make them better than the people you see from other races,just because of a fallacy,why can't we all just stay in peace,live in love and oneness,why are we scared of uncertain,anyone can default,I did not want to start writing history on racism,but this is what I think,let's get to know the pages in a book before judging the cover,you see black painted all over a human,but you don't want to see the white in it,we are no different,so let's try putting out with everyone,humans are baddest, pro in the game, religion, ethnicity and corruption. What I know first, let's keep going,we all say the world is developing globally,but their are still so many glimpse of darkness revolving around.Thw next is gender discrimination,men are superior than women,or women are superior than guys,I do not support any party, both genders experience discrimination in one way or the other. Men are suppose to be this,women are suppose to be that,women are not respected nor regarded as they ought to,there are a lot of limitations,they are treated as slaves,some at a young age go through traumatic events,I hear cases of children being forced to get married to people older than them,just to ease their families from porverty,I just don't get why children should br suffering from the sins of their parents,some are raped on a daily basis, there's no justice,silent tears and pains,they never ask of it,they just some how find themselves in a world they are not needed,some are told that education is meaningless for them, forced to live in a dark age,I hear words like,your job is to get married,bring children in to the world,take care of house chores,female education ends in the kitchen and for those of them that could attain a certificate,they tell them not all professions can be handled,and those that find themselves in the political system works from the backdoor,your face don't really need to show, political positions are meant to be handled by men and not women and a lot more,they want them to remain weaker vessels, without hearing their voices,then men too also go through some of the things women go,not trying to be judgemental but women go through a lot than men,but in all what's our benefits for being too judgemental,this feeling of knowing too much,it's in our tradition for ages these things can not changed,it's your fate oh accept it,come of it what kind of fate is that,why is that so?fear women,fear men, mankind is petty,in pidgin,na we dey do ourselves,then age comes here,you small child what do you know you are only fourteen,just keep quiet you are not making sense,so many complains,do you know am older than you,well in my own opinion those should not really count,you can be in your twenties, thirty's,and forties and still don't have sense,so leave age my dear friends, maturity should not be determined by age factor,I guess,the young have wisdom that can also help the old,so let's this things should not affect us,our thinking ability,the wisdom of the old can also help the young,we are not good at everything right from the beginning. Hate speech on the verge by humans on a daily basis,when will discrimination stop,people keep bringing new method of discrimination,there is the issue of class and levels,so if you don't belong to their state of luxurious living,you are not living a good life,they treat you as trash. Common reasoning the rich and poor will die,death is what humbles everyone,and both are buried in the Earth,so it doesn't makes sense to me.