
Cecile's discovery

Cecile is a gorgeous young lady .Omar is her boyfriend of 3 years .her doubts grows further as Omar's behavior worsens .

It was a very bright and lovely day .All friends met at Plamedi's house and that's where the enjoyment started.the reunion party was amazing till cecile saw the change in Omar.she wondered to herself what had happened to him ,so she went on and asked him."hey babe are you okay ?",Omar infuriated and is out of control .Omar's mood changed completely after he had seen his baby mama,which cecile knows nothing about yet.

Omar had made cecile believe that she was the only woman in his life ,while he had a side chick.He got Nicole pregnant and abandoned her when she had given birth.Omar had no knowledge about his baby mama being present at the reunion party ."Omar chill bro,what happened?",Christopher anxiously seeks to know the reason behind Omar's changed mood and attitude.

"Why didn't you tell me that Nicole was gonna be here?". "Chill bro ,I just found out now. Don't be blinded about Nicole's presence,Cecile is still here too.you responded rudely to her and I think you should find her and apologize!".

Omar goes out for fresh air just to find Cecile and Nicole having a conversation.when Cecile saw Omar approaching her ,she immediately got annoyed and stopped laughing."hey baby ,can I please have a moment !?",Omar is nervous and wants to keep Cecile away from Nicole."if you're here to apologize,don't worry I had forgiven you already but I am leaving.bye!",Cecile walks always angrily .

"She's beautiful and very nice .I wonder what would be her reaction when she finds out that you've been lying to her all these years!",says Nicole with a mysterious laugh."how do you know cecile?"." She's my high school friend.she and i haven't seen each other for 5 years now,I was surprised to see her here."

Omar is sweating and out of words."She has no idea that you're the guy that had abandoned me a year ago"."what do you want Nicole?"."I want you to breakup with her".Nicole is pissed off and walks away leaving Omar stressed and confused.

Cecile stood in a dark corner watching Omar and Nicole argue ,but couldn't listen .She's restless and goes out to seek answers . She finds out from social media and Omar's neighbors that ,a lady often visits during the day and always brings a child with her.the lady's name is Sila,she's engaged to Omar."she's light skinned and has a 2 year old child",says Omar's neighbor.

Cecile was left shattered,but refused to think it was Omar's child.She eventually visits Omar at his house and finds Sila there. "Who is she?",cecile angrily asks ."she's my friend".

"Oh no ,I am his fiance ",says Sila calmly .

Within 3 years Omar had 3 kids with 3 different women .Cecile felt betrayed ."i love you ,please give me another chance ....."

"....once a glass of water breaks ,it's impossible to glue back the broken pieces and refill it".

Cecile disappeared after uttering those words .

Omar texted and called cecile ,but she never picked up.....

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