
Why is it red

It all started off as a normal day. My friend and I just got out of school walking down the road we always walk down and then laughing having a good time. Then suddenly this guy turned up deep red and A Tear formed from the tears monsters popped out. We were so terrified we couldn't move a finger. Then for some reason I asked my friend why is the sky red? Thinking he would have the answer for some reason. it all went downhill from there.

nobody25 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

the school

Lucy and I were talking to each other, and a group of people started to come around the corner. There were about six of them geared with weapons and armor.

"Lucy, you're not supposed to be out here by yourself, what are you doing"? A lady said with a very familiar voice.

I couldn't get a good look at them since they were still kind of faraway but there were about six of them armed with guns, swords, and other kinds of weapons.

"Lucy you are our main healer you can't go running off by yourself. I know you're worried about your sister but still you have to be careful". The lady spoke as they started to get closer to us.

"Maya this person-". Lucy started to say but before she could finish some of the people started running at us.

"Get away from him, remember what happened last time Lucy run". Maya, I yelled at Lucy

"Maya that's my…sister's name". I thought to myself standing there frozen in time.

As I was standing there three people from the back of the group started running at me. One of them was a man with a sword as big as my body. The other two were girls very fast equipped with pistols. I quickly had to come back to my senses and think of what to do next

"Are, they trying to attack me"? I thought to myself as I saw these people running at me.

"Wait he's Kane"! Lucy screamed but it was too late.

The guy jumped up in the air with his sword and the two girls came at me from the side while shooting their guns at me. But right as the girls started to shoot, I made a wall of roots to protect me. But the guy was coming down at me about to slice me in half. So, I made a leaf sword that cut straight through his sword, making miss me. Everyone stopped, they were confused but I kept on walking straight up to Maya.

"Maya I can't believe you're alive I'm so happy to see you, my sister". I said to Maya as I brace her whit my arms hugging her so tightly.

"K-Kane your alive sniff, sniff I-I thought you were dead". Maya said to me as she started to cry on my shoulder.

We stood there for a while hugging each other as tears rolled down our faces, the feeling of loneliness started to fade away knowing that my sister was still here with me.

"I'm sorry to break up the reunion but we should head back to the school. It's not safe out here". One of the guys said who didn't attack me.

"You're right it's not safe out here we should start to head back". I said back to the guy wiping the tears off my face.

We all grouped up and started to head back to school.

"Hey there, kid I'm sorry about trying to attack you back there, my name is Ethan I've heard a lot about you Kane". Ethan said to me he was the guy with the big sword.

"No problem, I'm sorry about your sword, I'll make you a new one". I said to Ethan while patting his shoulder.

I didn't get a good look at him before but now that I see he's a pretty tall dude and very muscular, no wonder you can wield such a big sword. He had black hair that kind of spiked up at the top. His eyes were a shade of brown that was very pleasing to look at.

"We are also very sorry Kane. We should have asked who you were before attacking". Two cute girls apologise to me while bowing.

"Oh no, it's okay you two were very fast thaw". I said to the two girls as they bowed their heads.

"T-thank you, sir". One of the girls said to me, as she twiddled her fingers.

"Now raise your head, we should start to go". I said with a kind smile on my face.

As the two girls raised their heads, I got a good look at them. They both had beautiful white hair with deep blue eyes. The one who said sorry had shorter hair with a ponytail on the side, and the one who twiddled her fingers had very long and flowy hair. They both had the same symbol on their arms, the one with short hair had a symbol on her left arm and the one with the long hair had it on her right arm. The symbol was blue with three lines in the shape of a wing.

"Oh yes my name is Xena, and this is my twin sister Zion". The girl with the short hair said as she pointed at her sister.

"N-nice to m-meet you". Zion mumbled to me.

"It's nice to meet both of you and thank you for taking care of my sister". I said to the sisters they looked quite pleased when I did.

"Should start to head back now we don't know when another monster will come". said the same guy who warned us the first time.

So, we all started walking back to the school together, and as we did, I noticed a bunch of monsters' bodies and people's bodies. The place around the school was pretty destroyed; it was pretty much only the school building that was left. As we started walking, I noticed that my sister was in front leading everyone and that Lucy was in the middle it looked like they were trying to protect her. Lucy was the only one without a weapon, everyone else around her except for Aaliyah had a weapon.

"Lucy must be pretty important if they're trying to protect her like this". I thought to myself as we walked back to the school.

As we were walking back to school, I felt the ground start to shake a lot. I started to look around and everyone started to huddle around Lucy. I spotted two titans running at the school in the distance. They were coming at us from different directions, one from the right and one from the left.

"Kane come over here quickly, it's not safe". Maya told me that as she singled me to come over.

"Oh, it's fine it's only two normal class titans we should be fine". I said to Maya as I raised both of my hands in the air.

As I raised my hands, I thought of very sharp leaves bigger than my body. So, I summoned them both with my hands and I fling them at both of the titans. As I did the leaves cut through the wind and the titan's neck, cutting their head straight off. As the titans felled to the ground, I looked back at everybody. They were still huddled around Lucy, and they all had confused looks on their faces.

"See, I told you we'd be fine, normal class titan are kind of stupid". I said to Maya with a smile on my face.

"What the fuck". Ethan mumbled under his breath while watching the titans fall.

"Well, I guess we should head back to school now". I said to all of them as I walked up to them.

"Y-yeah I guess". Maya said to me.

"See Lucy, I told you he was strong". Aaliyah said while grabbing Lucy's hand.

We all started walking back to the school, finally reaching the gate. It felt like it took us a while, but it only took us a couple of minutes. As we get there three other people start running out of the school.

"What the hell was that? How did those titans die so quickly"? A guy said running out of the school.

"Lucy, Aaliyah you two are safe. Don't ever run off again like that you hear me". An older lady said while hugging Lucy and Aaliyah very tightly.

"Oh yes, Mom I'm sorry". Lucy said to her mom.

"Yes, Mom I'm sorry too sniff, sniff". Aaliyah said to her mom, starting to cry.

"Oh, I'm just so happy you are safe, and you're not hurt. Are you"?

"No mom, we're fine". Lucy said to her mom.

"Yeah, Mom I'm fine Kane save me". She said to her mom

She filled everybody in on what happened. How I fought that middle-class titan and how I made the trees, she didn't leave out any details. It was quite a long story. Everybody looked at me. I can't tell what they were thinking, but I knew they were curious.

"Oh, before I forget, here you go Lucy". I said to Lucy as I grabbed out all of the healing bottles I had.

"What's this"? Lucy asked me.

"Well Aaliyah told me that the pink pedal helps you get some rest. So, I made some and now I'm giving them to you". As I gave all the potions to Lucy, I explained to her how to use them.

Then we all started to walk inside. I noticed people sitting around almost everywhere either hurt or tired. It looked more like a hospital than a school.

"What's going on here? Why are there so many people here sis"? I asked Maya as we walked down the hallway.

"Well, there's just so many attacks nowadays that we don't get too much rest". Maya explains to me how they came on getting attacked and how they always have to be on their guard.

I was a little confused about why they kept on getting attacked. I thought about it the whole time we walked down the hallway.

"Here we are Kane this is my room you can rest here for a little bit, I'll be back". Maya told me as she opens the door to her room.

The room had three handmade beds out of cloth. It looks like one of the staff rooms. It had no windows, and it was kind of small. I went to go sit down on one of the beds and I thought for a while again as I rested there.

"Why are so many of the beasts attacking this place? They never attacked me. Is it because there are so many people". I thought to myself for a while there, curious as to why the beast kept on attacking the school.

"Hmm, the beast never attacked one of my trees. I wonder if I made a big tree if the beasts would stay away then, haa probably not". I sat there on some type of bed thinking of why the beast kept on attacking.

I sat there for about 30 minutes or so when my sister came back. It looks like she wanted to talk to me about something I didn't know what, but she looked kind of scared.

"Is something wrong Maya"? I asked my sister.

"Mmm, Kane is Mom and Dad, and our little brother are they-". Maya was about to ask me about are family, but I stopped her before she could finish.

"They're gone, I buried them behind the house". I interrupted Maya's sentence by telling her that we were the only ones left in our family.

She fell on her knees and started to cry harder than I had ever seen. I went to her and patted her head and she jumped on me hugging me and landing on the ground. We lay it on a ground for a while and she cried and cried and cried. We lay there for probably more than an hour as my sister cried over are dead family.

"Oh, sis let me introduce you to someone, things got so crazy I almost forgot about her". I said to Maya while getting up off the ground and walking towards my bag.

Maya started to wipe off her tears and sat down on the ground. as she did. I zipped open my bag and pulled Gaia out.

"Meow". Gaia said to me in an angry tone.

"Yeah, I'm sorry a lot of things happen, Gaia". I said to Gaia as I picked her up and started to bring her toward my sister.

I brought Gaia to my sister and sat on the ground in front of her.

"This is Gaia, we've been together for quite some time, and Gaia, this is my sister Maya". As I introduced them to each other, Gaia got up off my lap and walked over to Maya.

Gaia jumped on Maya's shoulder and started to lick her cheek trying to cheer her up.

"Haha, thanks Gaia". Maya said with a nice smile on her face while petting Gaia.

It looks like she started to cheer up. I decided to tell Maya everything about my powers and all the information I know about the monsters. It took quite some time to fill her in completely. I told her how I can make plants and how my power works. I also told her the types of monsters that were out there. She didn't know some of the monsters that I have said and she was also impressed about how I can make plans and crops.

Then she started to tell me about the school, how they were running low on food but had plenty of water. She also told me that she did not have any powers and that she is the leader of most of the troops here.

"Wow, I'm so proud of you sis to look at you going to show everyone that you don't need the power to be strong". I told Maya as I pat her head.

"T-thank, but you're pretty strong too, being able to do all that stuff it's pretty cool". She said to me with a blushing face.

"Oh well thanks sis, but we should figure out a way to keep the beast away from the school and start to grow some more food". I told Maya while I started to get up off the ground.

"You're right we should start by going to the farmers. There's not that much field we have to grow but it's all we got". Maya said to me just as she got up off the ground.

So, me and Maya and Gaia started to head out to the fields. My priority was to get these people some food to eat before trying to figure out how to make the beast stop coming at us.

"All right let's go sis". I said to Maya as we go out of the room.