
Why is it red

It all started off as a normal day. My friend and I just got out of school walking down the road we always walk down and then laughing having a good time. Then suddenly this guy turned up deep red and A Tear formed from the tears monsters popped out. We were so terrified we couldn't move a finger. Then for some reason I asked my friend why is the sky red? Thinking he would have the answer for some reason. it all went downhill from there.

nobody25 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

I need to become stronger

As I wake up the next morning, I lay it in bed staring at the ceiling for quite some time. While I stare at the ceiling the sinking feeling of loneliness comes to me.

"I am all alone aren't I" I talk to myself staring at that plain ceiling.

But I knew I needed to become stronger to survive. So, I slowly start to get up out of bed, and start walking to the bedroom door. As I do, I make the roots move away from the door so I can open it. Then I started to search the house again but this time to look for all of the supplies and materials I can use. Once I was done searching the upstairs I went downstairs and put all of the stuff I found on the dining room table.

"Humm so I got a first aid kit with about a couple weeks' worth of food if I'm careful with it". I mumbled to myself while looking at all the supplies I had on the table.

The first thing I should probably do is search nearby houses for more food and drinks. After looking at all the food I figured out which food that would spoil first. That would be the ones that I would eat first. So, after that I put all the food back in the pantry and some of the refrigerator. Surprisingly enough the electricity worked in some places of the house.

"I guess I should go search for some more food". I thought to myself as I headed to the front door.

As I walked over the broken door, I started to look around to make sure there wasn't a monster near me. Then I went to the house across the street. It was probably the second-best house in the neighborhood but half of it was destroyed.

"I should go straight to the kitchen first to see how much food there is". I said to myself while walking across the street.

Then I was standing in front of what was left of the house. There were no doors and a few walls to hold up the building, but I still went straight to the kitchen. I started to look in the cabinets and found a few cans of beans and corn.

"Crash" I heard something break coming from the hallway by the kitchen.

I crouched down behind the dining table. I heard the thing started to come closer to me. It sounded kind of small. So, I stood up and I started walking towards the hallway as I was getting ready to fight this thing.

"Meow". I heard it coming from the hallway.

Then I suddenly turned the corner and there was a small little cat. It was a small cat a little bigger than my hand. The cat was pure white, and it's left I was green and it's right I was blue. It looked pretty scuffed up; the left ear was half gone it looks like it got scratched off.

"You had it hard didn't you buddy" I said to the cat as I reached my hand out to pet it.

It was kind of hesitant, so I pulled out some dry meat I had and gave it some. It looked like the cat enjoyed it. After that I decided to go look around the rest of what was left of the house. As I did, I found a duffel bag and some soap supplies.

"This duffle bag will come in handy, and I can clean myself off with this soap". I thought to myself while picking up the duffle bag.

The cat was still following me. It looked like you wanted some more food. So, I placed some more of the dry meat I had on the ground and the cat started to eat it. As it did, I left, and I went to the next house. This house is pretty broken down and only has a few walls and no roof. I didn't find too much stuff except for some crackers and bread. But it did have some bottles of water.

" hiss" "Arrr" I heard those noises outside of the house.

I quickly went to take a peek. It was the cat and some weird beast floating over it. The beast had big wings for its hands that were flapping as it was floating in the air above the cat. It also had claws for its feet. It kind of looks like a bat, just a huge one.

"I need to go out there, I can't let someone else die". I thought to myself hiding behind the wall.

So, I run straight out of the house as I do the beast flaps its wings making a big gust of wind that makes the cat shoot backwards smashing into the ground.

"NOO". I screamed while running at the beast.

The monster looked at me, as it did it started flying my way.

"I need something to kill this beast before it gets too close". I thought to myself as the beast was coming straight at me.

I was looking at the beast and I noticed its long neck.

"Quickly cut off its head" I said to the symbol with my right hand out facing towards the beast.

As I said that a leaf shot out of my hand. The leaf was a little bit bigger than my hand and it looked very sharp. As the leaf was going straight at the beast neck, the beast flapped its wings as hard as it could, making itself come to a complete halt which made the leaf go off track and barely missed.

"What was that, was that a leaf"? I thought those words as I was staring into the beast's eyes.

I tried thinking about the leaf again and to use it as a weapon. As I did, I started to run around so the beast couldn't attack me.

"Okay let's do this again". I said out loud.

The beast started to fly straight at me again. As it did, I shot another leaf from my right hand. But it dodged out of the way and without thinking I swung my left hand, and another leaf came out. Hitting the beast which made the head clean off.

"I did it" I said to myself, breathing heavily.

I started walking up to the cat, as I did the cat tried to stand up, but it was in too much pain that it couldn't. I grabbed the bottle of the healing liquid from my bag.

"Here this should heal you little one". I said softly to the cat.

As I did, I poured a little bit of the liquid into the bottle cap and poured it on the cat. The liquid synced into the cat and healed the scratches. I poured about two caps on the cat.

"All right little one would you want to stay with me for now on, I would quite like a companion". I said to the cat as I pet its head.

As I did, I picked up the cat and I headed back to the dark blue house. As I walked in this time, I used roots to block off the front door and the windows that were smashed. Then I placed all the food and drinks I found on the kitchen table.

"Mhhh, looks like we got a month and couple weeks' worth of supplies here for the both of us. I said to the cat while looking at the supplies on the table.

So, I sorted all the food from what would expire first to what would last the longest. Then I put it all where it needed to be.

"Now I need to become stronger physically and learn more about this power". I said to myself while looking at the symbol.