

When Kelly Channing is hired by Xaiver Nolan to be his secretary at the Nolan's group. Quetzalli Axel twists up things claiming that she is Xaiver Nolan's sweetheart. Kelly Channing is an exact replica of Nora Jabari Xaiver Nolan's ex girlfriend who passed away. What will happen to the two?

Crytalcasey · Fantasy
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chapter eleven : online recipe.

She pressed the button and stood there waiting for the elevator to be ready.

Soon a soft beep alerts her that the elevator was ready.

The golden doors with their silver stripes parted and revealed a roomy elevator.

The same marble that lined the halls of the lobby and the second floor lines the walls of the elevators as well.

Xaiver Nolan and Kelly Channing got in and pressed the floor number where she wanted to go and waited for the the golden doors with their silver stripes to close.

The indication of the speed was from the red LED floor indicator hovering above the door.

The elevator moved so fast the LEDs did not have the pace to indicate every floor she passed.

In total the travel time is 78 floors in roughly 57 seconds.

Once the trip was completed the silver mesh doors parted once again and Xaiver Nolan and Kelly Channing moved out onto the eightieth floor known as the hierachy of ranks where all the leaders of the company offices were.

Xaiver Nolan pushed the doors open and got access to the room.

"Make me a cup of mocha!" Xaiver Nolan commanded Kelly Channing.

"Boss what type of glass do you like your coffee to be in?" She asked.

"Any cup!" Xaiver Nolan replied.

As he settled again Kelly Channing came into the room holding an empty cup.

"This one?" She asked,she wanted to make sure that he was comfortable with the design of the coffee cup.

Xaiver Nolan nodded in acceptance because he also knew she would have bugged him showing him other cups to make the coffee in.

"How much steamed milk would you like in your coffee?" Kelly Channing asked as she came into the room with the cup full of hot water.

"1/5 steamed milk." Xavier Nolan replied.

"Excuse me boss,how much chocolate would you like in your coffee?" Kelly Channing asked as she came into the room holding the cup filled with milk.

"2/5 chocolate." He said.

"How much espresso would you like in your coffee?" Kelly Channing asked.

"Why do you have so many questions? How precise do you like the caffe mocha to be,just do without the instructions." Xaiver Nolan shouted at Kelly Channing who was now holding the cup containing milk and chocolate.

"Okay!" She said as she left the room.

"Here is your caffe mocha boss!" Kelly Channing said as she came into the room holding the cup of caffe mocha.

It looked like milk tea and worst of all did not have the whipped cream at all.

The caffe mocha made by Kelly Channing did not even have the three layers of steamed milk,chocolate and espresso aligned on it.

She gently placed it on the table and Xaiver Nolan looked at it.

"I've never seen this type of caffe mocha? Where did you learn it from?" He asked as he looked at the tea wiredly.

"You said I do without the instructions so I used my common sense." She replied boldly.

"What type of common sense do you have? Is it mentally impaired?" Xaiver Nolan asked her.

"No,I'm pretty sure that I'm not mentally impaired." She replied as she looked at the coffee.

"I'm pretty sure it's fine." Kelly Channing said as she pointed at the cup containing the coffee.

"What did you use to make the coffee?" He asked her.

"I followed an online recipe." Kelly Channing replied.

"Are you pretty sure that the one in the online recipe turned out like this?" He asked.

"Sure enough,why?"

"I've thought about it,I'm not thirsty at the moment. You can have the caffe mocha you made." Xavier Nolan said as he handed Kelly Channing the cup of coffee.

Kelly Channing walked out of the room feeling unpleased with herself.

She could not even make a decent cup of coffee.

As Kelly Channing was leaving the office she met with Assistant Zayn Hector who was holding car keys.

"Good morning secretary Channing!" He greeted her.

"Morning Assistant Hector." She replied.

Zayn Hector could see that Kelly Channing was not in that good of a mood.

"What is wrong?" He asked, "you seem a little bit under the weather."

"Nothing really I just could not make proper caffe mocha for Xavier Nolan." She replied.

"Do not worry I also could not do it on my first day here." He tried to encourage her.


"Mmmh!" He nodded in acceptance.

"I've got a question to ask you."

"I'm all ears."

"Does the boss usually cry out of nothing?"

"No,you actually resemble his ex girlfriend in some way so I guess he was just missing her."

Xaiver Nolan got out of the office and found the two chit chatting.

"Zayn Hector make me a cup of caffe mocha." He said.

"How about you take this one boss?" Kelly Channing asked as she stretched out the cup of coffee she was holding in her hands.

"Secretary Kelly Channing,you took all your efforts in making the coffee please have it to regain your lost energy." Xaiver Nolan said.

"Boss the car for secretary Channing is ready." Assistant Zayn Hector said.

"Assistant Zayn Hector then show her the car and give her the car keys." Xavier Nolan replied.

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