
chapter one: you Jerk!

hey did you here that we have a new hot student. Oh you mean the one every one talking about?. yeah I've heard of him. I wonder where he is right now. I mean I've heard of what he looks like but I want to know for my self. I've heard rumors though. have you?. Oh the tall one with the pretty blonde here and the "six pack" and dressed in all black?. yeah how did you know?. because he putting his stuff in his locker behind you crisy. Really is he Max is he. yep look behind you. Oh wow. he really is handsome. yeah whatever you say. Oi you talking about me. umm no my friend here just thinks your cute so yeah I guess she's talking about you cause I know I'm not. MAXINE!!. sorry crisy but you were the one talking about how hot he was not me. and do you really expect me to believe that cutie. don't call me that!. whatever cutie see ya around. W-whatever y-you Jerk!!.