
Why Does Everybody Hate Isabelle? [GL HAREM]

Sketches: https://imgur.com/a/MnuceUz 'Isabelle', a sheltered princess has her world turned upside down when the emperor is overthrown by the people. She manages to escape but is now all alone in this cruel world. Having never left the castle walls, Isabelle struggles to survive and is just one step away from death's door. But fate seems to have something special in mind for the fallen princess. 'Lilith Raven', Leader of a small criminal group called 'Purple Solanum' gets her path intervened with the princess on one fateful day. Wheels of fate are starting to turn and changes are happening all around in this brutal but magical world.

AmolJandial · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Villainous Woman

Inside the cell, dimly illuminated by a green orb of light was giving a sharp contrast to the blue outside. A man with his legs tied and left hand impaled to the arm of the wooden chair had his life hanging by the thread. A look of despair, clearly showing on his rugged face.

But the women in front of him didn't show him any pity and with a slight smile on her face started his trial

"What is its name" Lilith didn't even see the man as a human being, he was just an object in her smiling eyes.


"Hmm, so we are starting from being stubborn huh. Charolette, leth."

"Yes, Leader"

The man didn't know what the term 'leth' meant, but he didn't get any good feelings about it. Seeing the little girl named Charolette's innocent and pure face, he started having doubts that this sweet-looking girl could do something cruel to him.

But his expectations weren't answered.

Charolette pointed her right index finger towards the man's left hand and moved it in a horizontal direction for about 1.7 cm. It looked like she was drawing a very small straight line on air, then she pointed her left index finger towards the man's left hand and quickly motioned it downwards.

During the process, the man couldn't figure out what this girl was doing? but the moment she motioned her left index finger downwards, he saw a distortion forming in the air above his left thumb, the distortion took the shape of a small line. The distortion looked just like the straight line the girl drew before.


and with the speed not noticeable by normal human eyes, the line moved vertically towards his left thumb


and before the man could even raise his voice, his left thumb got cut off and fell down the chair, rolling to stop by Charolette's feet.

*SPLURURUT!!!* Blood frantically gushed out and decorated Charolette's face red.

"Ahhh?....agghhh????......AAAAaaaaaAAAAAGHHHH!!!" the man's gave out his first scream in a confused tone but seeing that naive and guiltless face of Charolette's, his scream got amplified.

'Scary! Scary! Scary!'

For the man, that childish and innocent face of Charolette covered with blood was more horrifying than his current situation. Added to that was his uncertainty of the type of magic that she used. In his 34 years of living experience, it was his first time seeing wicked magic like this

"Hmm, Charolette what was the mistake this time?" (Lilith)

"Sorry, Leader. I'm still slow at casting it" (Charolette)

"Correct! also you didn't measure its thumb precisely, your distortion was .4 cm too long" (Lilith)

"But Leader, isn't that good enough?" Charolette felt a little hurt, she has practised her magic rigorously and because of that she was able to bring her air distortions to such preciseness, but why isn't it still good enough?

"mmm, it's good enough. But what we are looking for isn't just 'good', we are looking for that perfect factor" (Lilith)

"But why? I think this is good enough, I should start learning the advance parts" Charolette usually never questions Lilith's words or judgment, but Charlette takes immense pride in her magic abilities and being a child she doesn't want anyone to say that her favourite thing is just 'good' or 'ok'

'*sigh* youth, taking pride in useless stuff like this. But then again, she's just a child and still has a lot more to learn' thought Lilith to herself

Ignoring the man's confused face, Lilith crouched down and put her hand over Charolette's head, rubbing it while showing a kind smile to Charolette.

"Look, Char. Imagine a situation arises, where you have to save one of your big sisters. She's chained down and you have to cut those chains with your magic to save her. Like you are right now if you make the distortion even .1 cm big, you will also end up cutting her along with the chains. Do you want that to happen? to hurt one of your big sisters?"

Charolette may fight with her sisters except for Lilith, she may give them hate points and say hurtful things to them but she can only do those things because she knows that they will never leave or abandon her. She may not show it, but her sisters mean the world to her.

Realizing, how her rushing over to learn more advanced and flashy stuff can possibly bring harm to her family in the future, her mouth opens agape.

Charolette takes high pride in her magic, but that pride is not high enough to surpass her love for this family.

She tries to say 'Thank you' to Lilith, but words get stuck in her mouth and she just bobs her small head up and down, acknowledging that, what her leader said is correct.

"That's my little girl!... Don't worry, your sisters and your leader are here to teach you, and one day you will also be able to properly express emotions and say the things you really want to say." (Lilith)

"Yup! just take it slow Charolette! we know you love us very much under that stone face of yours" says Emhel, who just finished getting over her embarrassment from Lilith's words and also entered the cage

Charolette smiles a little and enthusiastically bobs her head.

But not everything was this sweet inside the cage, this sweet atmosphere further deepened the man's fear. How could they talk like this, while having their faces covered with blood?

How could they talk so normally in front of someone they are torturing?

To him, for a moment it seemed like some heartwarming scene was going on in front of him but realizing that the base of this scene was this little girl not being able to properly cut off his thumb! his heart also started beating frantically with dread.

'They are crazy! they all are crazy!! I will die, I am going to die!'

Lilith stood up and faced the man once again, "What is its name?"

"R-..rizva shuc..." the man didn't have any will to stay silent anymore. His pride as a member of 121 sparrows, was shattered instantly he witnessed this whole abnormality and fucked-upness in front of him. Fear has already surpassed every other emotion inside his body.

"Hmm...broke so easily. Emhel, I tell you, people, these days have just become so boring...giving up so easily, throwing away their loyalty too easily"

"Indeed sis, I remember it being a lot harder during our starting days"

Suddenly the man felt very embarrassed and shameful, but for him, just this much was enough to break his spirit. His emotional strength was not very strong to begin with, he consoled himself with these excuses. But the fear didn't fade away, not even a little bit... it just kept on growing, taking control over his body and emotions.

"Anyways, that will make it easy for us, I guess. So, Mr. Rizva Shuc, to what group do you belong to? don't worry, we won't kill you if you tell us the truth and I never go back on my words"

"Really!!! y-u-you won't kill me???" a hope rose up inside the man's despair heart

"Yes, I would rather die than take back my promises"

The man's main fear was that he would die today, even though he didn't trust Lilith's words but some part of him wanted to believe in that hope, and that small belief led him to finally spill the beans and completely betray his comrades over at 121 sparrows.

"121 sparrows, it's the name of the group I belong to"

"Hmm...so it was them. So? why did they try to kill one of my precious members?"

"One of your members....she broke our boss's heart after being in relationship with him for a year"

"*sigh* that Vivian, creating love quarrels like this" (Lilith)

"Sister Vivian is really a Nympho" (Charolette)

"Char! watch your words, call her a slut instead" (Emhel)

"hahaha, well said both of you. Looks like we got what we wanted, let's leave now, we got a long day ahead of us now"

"??! Hey! Hye! I told you what you wanted! let me live now!"

"Hmm? but I didn't kill you, did I? you are still very much alive and breathing"

"!!! HUH!! OI! OI! Oi! Stop bullshitting me! release me! release me right now!"

"QUIET!!!" (Lilith)


Everything went silent hearing angry Lilith's loud voice.

The air around started feeling awfully quiet

Charolette face was still stone-like, but her heart started beating faster, sweat forming on her forehead.

Emhel just got surprised, seeing Lilith show her anger after such a long time. She knows Lilith the best, she has been with Lilith since the day they were nothing but naive brats. She also knows that there are only a few things that can make Lilith genuinely mad and angry.

On the other hand, the man's heart almost stopped beating, piss rendering his pants wet.

"Now, look here, you asshole! I said I won't kill you, but I never said to let you leave. You will live, you will definitely live till the old age or until someone else kills you. This cage is your new home, this chair is your new bed, we will provide you with food, give you a bucket of water to wash and to shit in. That will be the most I will do for your bitchy ass, considering how you people tried to kill! tried to sneak on my! my family! ...but, oh no, no, no. The same fate won't be for your 120 other sparrows! today, a massacre will happen and all the credit goes to you! for spilling everything! Now, just shut up! and live here like a good little thing!!!"

Saying everything while looking deep into the man's eyes, Lilith turned around left the cage. Emhel, calmly followed, while Charolette followed with shaky legs.




On the staircase leading towards the exit of the basement, Lilith spoke to Charolette

"Char, that man will be your new dummy. Learning your magic on living things will provide better results, master your air distortion blade on him. You have his entire body to yourself. Slice off small parts, so that you can precisely make those blades with the correct length. Get Amanda's help as well, she will make sure that he doesn't die with her healing magic."

"Y-yes, leader" Charolette wanted to ask some more questions but seeing the dead-serious expression on Lilith's face for the first time, she kept her questions for a later time.

Of Course, Emhel knew everything going inside Lilith's brain. She knew if this goes on, then Lilith can lose herself tonight and really become a heartless monster. Though she won't leave her side even then, but she prefers goofy and smiling Lilith over the heartless one.

"Sis!" Emhel fastened her steps and wrapped her arms around Lilith from the back.

"Emhel, not now" said Lilith with an unfazed face

Emhel buried her nose under Lilith's back hair and started moving her hands over Lilith's belly in order to calm her down.

'haaaaa.... the smell of sis's purple hair is just too mesmerizing...shit! get yourself together, Emhel! you are trying to calm sis down, not yourself!'

"Charolette, leave"

"Y-yes, leader"

Charolette didn't understand what was going on, but she felt like it was for best that she should leave

Now, on the staircase, only two women were present. Emhel was still holding Lilith tight from behind, and Lilith just closed her eyes.

"Calm me" is the only thing that left Lilith's mouth, and that was the only thing that Emhel was looking for.

'Good, sis's starting to calm down. I just have to do my best for her now'

Emhel started rubbing her nose on Lilit's smooth and slightly white neck, her hands working her way towards Lilith's breasts and teasing them from above the dress.

"I can't forgive them for trying to kill one of my family members. I know it's excessive of me to kill every single one of them but....." (Lilith)

"Don't forgive them, I also won't. Also, it's a good thing that Sis is having these emotions. It's a lot better than those old days when sis didn't feel anything at all and was just like a doll"

Emhel slightly nibbed the edge of Lilith's left ear and blew hot air on the back of Lilith's ear, causing shivers to run through Lilith's entire body. Emhel didn't miss this chance and softly pinched Lilith's nipples which were starting to get erect. The slight tingly sensation and feeling of Emhel pinching and rubbing her breasts over the dress, caused Lilith to shiver more.

"My bad side really comes out if something happens to one of my people.....haaaaaahhhhh....haaahhh...." Lilith's rough breaths brought ecstasy to Emhel and she sneaked her hands under Lilith's dress, now rubbing and fondling the raw and firm Breasts.

"That just shows how much you care about them, we would have also done the same thing for sis"

Emhel again brought her mouth close to the back of Lilith's left ear , "Sis, your breasts really are perfect. Their feeling is just too good, no matter how many times I have touched them"


"Yes, Sis...just like this"

Lilith suddenly moved her hands and forced Emhel's arms out of her dress, Lilith turned around and pushed Emhel to the wall beside them. Lilith touched their heads together and stared deeply into Emhel's dark green eyes.

"I really am turning complete evil with all these killings"

"Yes, Sis is evil and cruel. But Sis will completely turn evil the day sis stops feeling empathy, compassion and feeling of protectiveness towards us"

"I fear that day is not far, the day I would stop feeling any emotion"

"That cruel day won't come. It's my duty and goal, to make sure that it never does."

"And what if it does?"

"Then I shall remain by Sis's side till the end, even if everyone leaves, sis will always find me beside her"

"haaaaa....now I can't let that happen, can I? you really put me under binds here"

"hahaha, the smile returned on sis's face"

"Only you know how to calm me. If weren't for you, I may have already become a monster unable to feel anything a long time ago"

"It's my pride, for being Sis's only girlfriend... Sis, you can get other partners too, you know."

"Nope, sorry for that. Just you are more than enough for me. Also, I know that your jealousy is way more dangerous than mine"

"hahaha, good answer, Sis........ also, if you ever plan on getting a girlfriend other than me or get fed up with me.......then please, Kill me first. Otherwise, I will personally give that new girl the most torturous death possible"

"haaaaahhhh.....I really love that obsessive and possessive side of yours. Makes me feel all tingly"

"Sis, you pervert"

"Hmm, I don't know about that.....by the way, when will you stop calling me 'Sis'. Call me Lilith, you are not my little sister"

"I know, but I started idolizing you as my big sis at first, these feelings came way after that. It has been many years since then, but it has just stuck to my tongue"

"haaaaaa...how I wish, you start calling me Lilith soon. I really want to hear my name from your pretty little mouth"

"Yes...I will try my best"

Lilith leaned in and Kissed Emhel on the lips, deeply this time. Her lips pressed to Emhel's, both of the eyes drifting shut, relaxing with it. Lilith opened Emhel's mouth just a fraction, feeling the fleeting hint of the tongue, shivers ran down Emhel's spine. Lilith's fingers trailing sensuously along Emhel's face, down the throat.

Lilith regretfully separated their lips, a bridge of saliva connecting their lips. Lilith lifted Emhel's right hand to her lips, kissing it seductively and nibbling the tender flesh of the Emhel's wrist.

"Thank you, Emhel. You will be my shield tonight, right?"

"Of course, Sis. Just don't go overboard in killing them"

"Well, we will have our other sisters as well. I also have to show that princess how strong we are, so I can't afford to lose control."

"Hmm, so Sis is planing to bait her in with power?"

"Yes, if she wants revenge...then she will herself join us, after witnessing tonight's bloodbath. If she doesn't, then the princess would feel disgusted by us and in that case, we will have to use other methods to revoke the feeling of hatred and revenge inside her"

"You really are an evil woman, Sis"

"and so are you, for confessing your love to such a woman"

Character Sketches in description

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