
Why Does Everybody Hate Isabelle? [GL HAREM]

Sketches: https://imgur.com/a/MnuceUz 'Isabelle', a sheltered princess has her world turned upside down when the emperor is overthrown by the people. She manages to escape but is now all alone in this cruel world. Having never left the castle walls, Isabelle struggles to survive and is just one step away from death's door. But fate seems to have something special in mind for the fallen princess. 'Lilith Raven', Leader of a small criminal group called 'Purple Solanum' gets her path intervened with the princess on one fateful day. Wheels of fate are starting to turn and changes are happening all around in this brutal but magical world.

AmolJandial · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

The Start of Training

Silva Forest, located south-east of the Dusk capital is quite well known but not for any good reasons. It's a forest of eternal silence, where no being lives, always silent.

The closest town to this sinister forest is a town by the name of Reingar. Common folks of this town get their daily livelihood from farming, but there are some other folks too who do some other business to get food onto their plates. There's a small inn, a few merchants stalls located in this town. Sending young boys to join the military is considered quite an honour in this area.

This town also serves as a warning to anyone who wishes to enter the forest of Silva.

Today, a party of five people could be seen resting in the town's inn. They wanted to gather some information before going into the forest.

"Mister, five cups of beer please" said the man in front. He was wearing a standard iron armour with a sword sheathed to his waist, his messy hair a dark black and innocent-looking eyes. Behind him, four girls stood, each smiling and looking at the man with some longing expression, but the moment he turned to look at them, their expression went back to a normal relaxed one.

"Friends, let's make sure to complete this task." he said with a shining and motivated face.

"Yes! Leader!" said enthusiastically a girl while forming a fist to show her determination. She had blonde hair tied in a ponytail, wearing a knight's armour with a sabre as her weapon

"O-of course... J-john" said a slightly timid looking girl with a slight smile on her face, green bob cut hair along with a staff hanging from the back. The staff looked like a long stick of birch with some sort of blue crystal attached to the top.

"Hmm" an emotionless voice along with a emotionless face but the determination could be seen within her eyes, the long black hair added to her mysteriousness. She had a bow hanged on her back along with a quiver full of different types of arrows.

"Hmph! I don't need you to tell me" with a haughty voice and mad expression, arms crossed in front of her chest, flaming red hair with a broadsword sheathed to the side and a kite-shield attached to the back

The leader names John looked at his party member with a joyful face and everyone took the seats to wait for the beer to arrive and gather information on the forest of Silva.

The inn owner came back five large cups of foaming beer and placed them in front of each, and as a customer service started making little talks with them. There weren't many people that came to this town, so it was important for him to make sure that anyone that did come, goes back with satisfaction.

"What's the name of your party kid" said the burly looking owner with a sorry state of hair on top.

"Oh! Mister, it's called the five Malvales" answered the leader

"Hmm? I get the five part but what does Malvales mean?"

"It's a beautiful flower with five petals, each petal representing each five of us" explained the leader with a proud face. The faces of four girls also filled with pride.

"Oh, that's nice. So what's such a young party doing at this part of the Nora Empire"

"We are going to the Silva forest" a resolute tone, showing his resolve.

Just hearing the name of the forest made the owner open his eyes wide with shock. He started feeling pity for this group of such young adventurers who are probably not even 20 yet, he can't change the decision of someone with such resolution, but the least he could do was try and make them drop.

"Boy, I would advice to not go into that forest. Haven't you heard the rumours of that place?"

"I have. But that's exactly why we need to go there. Can mister provide us with some information?"

"Yes, please sir! It's really important for us" said the blonde knight.

The owner couldn't help but hang his head, it really couldn't be helped.

"Well....Maybe you five will be able to dispel the curse of that forest"

"the curse?" the peculiar word drew everyone's attention

"Yes, that forest is cursed. The rumour is that anyone who goes there doesn't come back and the rumour is absolutely true. We warn anyone that plans to go into that forest, some don't listen and then never to be heard from again."

"I see, does mister know when it all started?"

"I think it all started a year ago. Before that, the forest was not cursed but then one day suddenly it became cursed"

"Hmm? that sounds suspicious. Couldn't it be just some powerful monster started living there?"

"We don't know. After all, nobody came back to tell the tales. But I think it has to do with the curse of Silvia Family"

Again something perked everyone's ears, "Curse of Silvia Family?"

"Yes. That forest was in the first place owned by the Silvia family, but not anymore"

"Why? did they leave" said John with a naive face

"No, they were all killed in front of us by the now-dead empire of Nora Empire, it was all our fault"

"That vile king even had his hands dirty even in this part of the empire! but wait...what do you mean by 'our fault'?"

A regretful expression covered the owner's face and with a self-loathing voice, he spoke, "The Silvia family were great nobles, lived inside the mansion in the forest and helped all the people of this town. Provided them with area, tools and knowledge needed for agriculture. Opened school for our children, they even taught me all about running an inn. But our vile selves took them for granted!!"

The party shocked by the hateful voice the owner spoke with, all that hate from the voice was directed towards himself and the king

"The king subjected them to a crime they didn't commit and had them hanged in this town... we all knew the king was just shitting but we cowards! didn't do anything!! we only realized their greatness after they passed away and this town was left on its own to survive"

Tears starting to fall from the owner's eyes. The group perplexed on what to do, "I-it's not your fault m-mister" tried the leader to soothe him

But that just made him angrier

"NO! It was our fault! they helped us so much but we didn't do anything for them. It's their resentment towards us in their end moments that placed this curse on that forest. Preventing us to even go to our saviour's house"

'So that's the curse this village speaks of' thought the leader.

'But that's more of a reason why we should do it!!' making his resolve, even stronger he stood up. With a voice filled with conviction, he spoke to the owner

"Mister, don't worry. Today we will make sure that curse is lifted and you all are able to visit their mansion again. C'mon guys, let's do it"

""""OF COURSE!!"""

The motivation of the group skyrocketing, they left the money for their drink and went out, towards the forest of Silva

The owner shocked again seeing their resolve," Maybe...these five really can do it" his lips curling into a warm smile.




Lilith was standing in front of the table, her companions sitting on the table behind her, Isabelle also siting beside Vivian observing the scene happening in front of her.

In front of Lilith, a man with short blonde hair was kneeling down to Lilith. His body not very muscular but was very firm, his blue eyes sharp and a face that can make any woman turn their heads for him. This was the leader of 121 sparrows, his left hand chopped off by the woman standing in front of him.

"Hmmmmm, you are quite honourable, Sir Richard" spoke Lilith was a pleased voice

"I have been defeated. As a mercenary, it's only normal for me to bow to the stronger one" his eyes closed, voice firm

"But most of the mercenaries don't abide by that rule you know"

"They are not real mercenaries, and I'm not the 'most' "

"Haha, I guess that's true. Vivian! why the fuck did you play with such an honourable man?"

"Meh" rejected Vivan to answer by stuffing food into her mouth.

Hearing the voice of his ex, the man flinched a little. His right hand forming into a fist, which Lilith didn't ignore.

"hmm? Sir Richard, do you still love Vivian? Even though she played with you like a fool?" Lilith's eyes becoming playful

"I--I....d..d-do..." his lips quivering to answer

"I see. Vivian! get your ass up here!"


Suddenly Lilith raised her voice, surprising everyone. Isabelle shrieked due to the incidents of the past and Vivian staring wide-eyed at Lilith while the peace of potato hanging from her mouth. She immediately ate the potato and stood up to go near Vivian.

"Y-yes? Lilith" Vivian showed an innocent smile to soothe Lilith, even if a little. But unfortunately, it didn't.

Lilith turned and stared into Vivan's innocent puppy eyes with a face full of Joy, but there was no joy to be seen in her eyes.


"eeeeKKKKK!!!" Isabelle instinctively covering her face.

"..." Vivian stood there and the puppy eyes were no more. The right side of her face printed with the slap mark, showing the intensity of the impact.


The next one on the remaining left side. This one with just as much intensity and force as the previous one. If it was someone else their teeth would have burst out, but only some blood came out of Vivian's nose.

Isabelle started clattering her teeth, while the other members just watched with serious faces.

Richard absolutely shocked by this turn of event. Wasn't he the one who was supposed to be punished here for trying to kidnap Vivian? Seeing the devastating impact of the slap, he gulped down his saliva and thanked the gods for his decision of not making an enemy out of Lilith because of his sense of honour.

"Vivian, do you know why this happened?" asked Lilith with a voice filled with grief, pulling Vivian and caressing her cheeks.

There was no trace of tears on Vivian's face, her eyes were firm. Vivian raised her hands and rested them on top of Lilith's who was caressing her stinging red cheeks.

"Yes, Lilith. I'm sorry, will improve" looked straight into Lilith's eyes to show that she understood.

"Good, get your nose bleed stopped immediately. It's ruining your charming face" said Lilith with a kind voice and again looked over at Richard.

"Sir Richard, it should have been you to hit Vivian for fooling you, but I'm sorry, I don't let others touch my family. I hope you understand"

"Y-yes! Absolutely! Mam!" his earlier firm voice changing into a voice of a loyal follower.

"Sir Richard, you don't fall into my spectrum of a bad person, hence Vivian deserved to get punished for fooling with someone on the other end of the spectrum. I simply trust them to make sure that the person they are harming does fall my scale of bad. Vivian knew you don't fall there and still didn't stop us from attacking your place. If she had told, then I would have not killed and just made your people unconscious. I can't bring back those I killed from your side, but I hope you will form a contract with us. We could use a mercenary group like yours"

Having his people completely fall under someone else's rule didn't suit him, he came here prepared to die for his people in honour, but he also can't reject her offer. If he rejected, then all of them will likely have bad things done to them.

Lilith figured out the honour that Richard follows and changed the conditions, "Don't misunderstand. You will be the one to lead your group, I will not interfere with your issues or work. Your group just has to help me when I ask of it and in return, I will protect your people if a need ever arises"

Shocked, Richard rose his head and looked towards Lilith. It seems like with the contract he would become something like a branch of the main family.

Richard saw great ambition in the eyes of Lilith. His group was most likely not the only one who's going the branch of the main tree, though he's the first. This was a gamble.

If the gamble pays off and Lilith's whatever ambitions come true, then his people would benefit greatly from it but if it doesn't then he couldn't even bring himself to think what can happen.

Blood started rushing through Richard's veins, the excitement of the unexpected forming a smile on his face. He stood up and bowed to his new Master.

"I accept the Lady's offer. I hope I will prove useful to you in the future"

"You made the right decision. Make sure that the day never comes that I have to doubt my decision"

Suddenly a chill ran through Richard's spine after hearing Lilith's last words. He really was playing with fire.




Richard went upstairs to sleep in the guest room. It was daytime, hence it would be dangerous for them if anyone saw him coming out of the forest of Silva.

The members of Purple Solanum along with Isabelle were sitting around the couch. Lilith and Charolette were sitting on the couch while others were either sitting or lying on the carpet in front of it.

Suddenly Isabelle raised her hands, wanting to ask something. Lilith gestured with her head, implying for Isabelle to speak her mind

"U-Um...what did Miss Lilith meant by...spectrum of bad?"

"Hmm? So the princess was listening despite all the shaking"


"Well, we don't kill people indiscriminately. Sir Richard is an honourable person, I don't think he deserved to be played like a fool by Vivian. Since she was playing with him, I thought of him to be someone who falls on my bad side, but he didn't

"Then shouldn't Miss Lilith just check that out first before dealing with them?"

"No. I can't make every decision for them, they have to think for themselves whether something is good or bad. I have provided them with the reference of what's bad and good. If they don't think that some particular reference is right then they discuss it with me. Vivian knew she was messing with a good person and still didn't discuss it with anyone and why? just for the thrill. Now, I can't let such people go all out just for a thrill, you know"

"I-..see.." though Isabelle acted as she understood, but she didn't.

"Hahaha, don't think too much. You will understand eventually, but more importantly, what do you want now?" asked Lilith, suddenly going completely serious. Not a slight expression of joy or playfulness on her face and Isabelle understood that

"Does Miss Lilith mean..." though she wanted to confirm it

"Yes. What do you want to do from now on? I can't let princess stay here if she's just going to become useless"

"I...want to become strong like you people"


"That...I don't know yet. I just felt that you all were so cool while attacking that place, and...well, how do I say, Um...I also want to be like that.." replied Isabelle with an embarrassed face.

"Hmm, Princess does know that's a very childish thing, right?"

"Y-y-yes!" hanging her head in embarrassment

Everyone smiled listening to her reason for becoming strong, Lilith laughed and stood up, "Hahaha! what a weird princess, but I don't dislike it."

Isabelle looked up in hope and finally asked, "Th-that's means yo-you will teach me?"

"No. Everyone will" answered Lilith grandly while spreading her arms wide and looking into the ceiling, with a broad smile on her face and face filled with nothing but excitement and joy

Unfortunately, that didn't last long.

Suddenly a beeping noise came from a weird looking tool hung on the wall beside the door.

Everyone's expression quickly became serious except for Isabelle who didn't know what that sound was. But the serious atmosphere quickly changed into the previous joyful one.

Lilith walked to Isabelle and told her to stand up

"Princess, it looks like some intruders have entered this forest. Just the perfect time to start your training"
