

Kuruna's POV


Two days had passed since the church ceremony Shin and I attended. Ever since returning from the church, I had noticed Shin acting strangely.

Aside from skipping school today which was normal for him, he'd picked up some strange hobbies. He engrossed himself in books about history, survival, and other things. He even went out and bought hunting equipment strangely enough, which didn't make sense because he loved staying inside.

I couldn't help but feel he was preparing for something. Preparing to go somewhere. But I wanted to confirm it myself.

After Arriving home from school, I made my way to shin's room to confirm my suspicions. I hoped my assumption about his behavior was wrong.

'Was he planning to run away? What if I'm reading too much into this and I'm wrong? Jeeez! I'll look like such an idiot!' I thought to myself before entering his room. After taking a deep breath I walked in.


Shin was at his desk face first in a book when I entered. Numerous books half opened and closed were scatted across his small room. From where I was standing I could just barely make out what he was reading. The book read "Wilderness Survival For Dummies" In bright yellow letters. This only frightened me more as I recalled my suspicions.

"Sh-Shin, do you have a moment?" I whispered almost as if I didn't want him to hear me.

"Yes but only a moment, what's up?" He turned to ask me with a both tired and determined expression.

"W-well it's about all of this, is something wrong? You've been acting weird since church."

"I'd of course be lying if I said nothing was, but I can assure you I'm ok. I appreciate you worrying for me."

'If you were ok why are you acting like this?' I thought, slightly frustrated by him not telling me what he's planning.

"Why do you have all these things? And what's with all the hunting gear and all the books about how to survive on your own? You're not planning on going off somewhere are you?" Tears swelled in my eyes as I struggled to keep my composure. Clenching my fist I continued questioning him.

"I know you don't like the way things are here. I know you despise mom and dad, and think religion is just a joke for everyone to feel better. But that still doesn't mean you should just up and leave! And what about me huh!? Did you really think I wouldn't notice? Were you gonna leave without saying anything to me?"

Unable to keep my emotions in check any longer, I let out small a sob before looking over a Shin. He wore a sad and regretful expression on his face as he watched me cry. My throat tightened as I realized I was right.

'He didn't even try to deny it. He's actually leaving.' Confused, I wanted nothing more than to leave. To run away so he couldn't see me felt like the only thing I could do.

"Kuruna I-I'm sorry. I was gonna tell you before I left, I promise. I'll explain everything, so just bear with me ok?"

Shin's words were soft and thoughtful. He made sure I heard what I wanted to hear, although if it was true or not I had no Idea.

"Explain yourself right now!" Trying my best to sound angry.

"It's a lot to take in, so prepare yourself alright."

Shin guided me to the side of his bed while he began his explanation.

Shin's thoroughly explained what happened to him at the church. It was hard to believe even from my perspective. As someone who believed in the gods, It was nothing other than shocking to hear that they reached out to Shin of all people. Perhaps even more surprising was hearing what the goddess wanted from him. Shin saving humanity? Such a thing would never have even crossed my mind. I was glad we were on a bed so I could lay down and try to process what I heard.

" So your a chosen?"


"And your going to another world for humanity's second chance?"


"Who are the others going? And how does someone pass the trial to become chosen?"

"I have no idea. She never went into detail, she said she couldn't answer all my questions. I have no clue why though."

"I never doubted the gods were going to save us, but I never imagined It'd be like this..." A cloud of emotions enveloped me as I pondered the situation. Should I be sad, angry, or happy? I couldn't tell.

"So you leave tomorrow huh. You think I'll ever see you again?"

"I-I can't be sure. I don't know If I'll be able to come back after leaving."

"I see."

Silence filled the room as we laid there blankly staring at the ceiling. The cloud of emotions was gone, replaced by a feeling of nothingness. My rough upbringing with my father made it hard to enjoy life to the fullest. I lived every day in constant fear and anxiety as he lashed out and hurt those around him. I had begun to think this world had nothing for me, that was until I met Shin. Despite my father, Shin wasn't afraid to be with me, he was always there for me when I needed him. Maybe losing his father made him lonely, but that didn't matter to me. Aftercall he's the one who saved me. But now, he would be leaving for good.

"I'm going to find a way."


"I'm going to find a way to go, I'll pass that stupid trial and go with you."

"We have no idea what the trial is! It could be dangerous!"

"I'm aware of that, but I'll beat It no matter what!"

"Why would you put yourself through this?"

" I can't have you getting lonely on the other side now can I?" Shin chuckled at my remark, dawning a smile across his face.

"You're unbelievable Kuruna."

"I know.. hehe."