
First Encounter and change

Keyword=[IMM] in my mind

I karima asz,just an ordinary guy who want to have a normal life like everyone who is enjoy their life with fullest,but yeah my past was dark so today im going to change it.i always got bad luck in my life,but yet i dont want to give up to be better even i have many problem in my life.

(Infront of kawahime highschool gate)From today,Im attending the school named Kawahime highschool,AND TODAY IM GOING TO CHANGE MY LIFE,why?I was always got bullied my school so Today i will change my life it will be a better life than before.

(Going to the Many Used Hall)This is where every student gather to applying the classroom,alright then,im looking at this big hall and continue walking and *BUMP*,ahh just who bumping into me,(there a girl got fell)im sorry i was didnt watch my way(Reach out my hand to her) she grabbed my hand,

(S)Yeah its alright and bye,make sure you look what infront of you while you walking(she straight go away from me),Ahhh alright,[Imm:what a weird girl]

Then i go to the teacher table for applying my classroom,(teacher)so your name is Karima Asz.Yes miss that is my name so which and what is my class miss?(Teacher)let me see,so your class will be at 1-3A.Alright miss thank you,(teacher)ight and have fun with your class,

Then im going straight to my class,and sit at my seat.Infront of me there a was cool person with white hair and long hair,then he looked at me.(Y)Yo,i just notice you were watching me,you seem like youre not from here what is your name?oh before i forgot my name is Koaru Yuuta(with bright smile).[IMM:deym this is what a handsome guy aura so bright] Oh my name is karima Asz,nice to meet you(smile).(Y)Oh that was nice,we could be friend from now.Yes thats alright[IMM:nah im going to die how tehek i could be friend with handsome guy,im just an average guy,seem like my life is over]

There a girl who walk pass me and then sit next to me.WAITTTTTT!!!!! arent you a girl who just bumped me?(S) Im sorry i didnt know who you are(saying that with straight face).I— Im sorry.

(Then that girl continue doing her work)

(Y)Hey,do you even know who is she?.Who is she?is she one of a artist?or a singer?.(Y)YOOOO BROOO!!!! That girl is a oldest daugther of Narukami family,The person who have biggest company in this country and that is her daugther Narukami Shio,She also famous in our school,and idol in our school.There many rumours about her until she got name The ice queen Narukami because of she is really strict and cold-hearted to everyone and YOU SHOULD BE CAREFUL AROUND HER,UNDERSTAND?.

(Looking at her) I got suprised with what yuuta just said and i regret what just happen earlier,who bumping into that girl and same time i was thinking my life just end.

Its break time,i and yuuta going to school canteen to buy some food to eat at same time we looking at this big school.I do buy Nasi lemak and yuuta buy Nasi ayam.After both of us have buy our foods we going back to the classroom and we have meet again Shio then shio looking at us wih her scary gaze and continue walking,both of us got scare while watching her.(Y)deymm that was scary,she does really look at us like a tiger who want to hunt their prey.Yeah,i do agree with this,this is really scary.

Then we going back to the classroom with bringing our foods.yuuta left his foods at my desk and he go washing his hand in the school toilet that arent too far from class,and then im alone in the class and looking at my desk,there was a letter from someone,what that person said in that letter it was "would you meet me in the rooftop of the school i would like to meet you i have something to tell you -S".that time i was got suprised,i just started my highschool life and then got a letter.im really confuse who is the person sending this,that person only use S,then yuuta comeback to the class,im directly hide the letter and then both of eat our foods

(End of the class).Its about time to go back home karima,so see you again tommorow(looking at me with bright smile).Alright see ya tomorrow.everyone in the class just back home it was just me in the class,and then im going to the rooftop to meet this mysterious person who send me a secret letter.When i have come to the rooftop,there was a girl who have black and soft hair and got blowing by wind with red eyes and angelic-looking girl who look at me and it was a Narukami SHIO.s-so narukami i-it was you who send the letter and at same time i just remember it the sender is S and i just realize that narukami girl have S in her name,i was didnt realize it was her all this time.So what you want from me?(S) Oh straight forward,alright then,what i want is i want you to be my slave(with scary smile).Bruh just why i need to be your slave?do you expect me to accept this nonsense?.She taking out a official letter and show it to me with smile,this is letter from my family that it my family buying you for this 3 years,why?your family having too much Debt until your parent give up to pay it,and then your parent asking my parent to pay your parent debts at the end my parent accept it with the condition selling you to my family and yeh they accept it.HUHH WHAAAAT? Damn my life is not destroy.(S) Yep seem like it,from now you must listen every of my order(looking at me with her evil smile).Then thats how my life has change 100%


Hello and Hy,im sorry if there have a bad english,and i wouldnt always update,i do update when im free,and i wanna hear your guys opinion about my novel and thank you for reading my novel

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