
chapter 1 : YOONGI!!!

Why did you pick me? (Taehyung FF)

• I'm Min Y/n , I'm 21 years old. And Yes , My Dad is the richest and the most dangerous mafia boss in the world .. but sometimes I don't interest in the mafia world but since I'm My father PA I need to do my job.. I'm kinda lonely because everyone need to be separate with me ... but Luckily I got my Mom ! she is the pill of my Sadness..She is always with me no matter where I am..

• I was sitting in my office while playing my phone suddenly "Y/n!! daddy need you!!" say my sister , Min Yinjin.. "what?! I just sitting in my precious chair! Can he just give me one second???!!" I answered yinjin " You freakin lazy young lady, you better go down now before I kill you" say my big brother , Min yoongi "ARGHH! WHATEVER!" I answered

• "Well this little girl need to get a lesson " Say yoongi while smirking.. "Wait. Why did it quiet so sudden" I talking to myself.. SUDDENLY..BASH! BOOM!

• "What the fu*k is that?! Wait , isn't that from my room??!!!" since my room is beside my office I can heard any sound from my room..I was so surprised and run as fast as I can to my room and saw my vase that was a Present from yoongi when it is my 20th birthday and I check it to know who did the breaker. and I say a paper which is beside the big Piece of the broken vase and I read it..

• "Hello LittleSistorr ,

This is what you got , I give you a Warning! And about dad, I lied because I want you to help me , you know Mafia thing And let yinjin help me :( but it failed.. So I just 'cleaning ' you room sistorrr.. well I know you did not care..but you know what this vase cost 540K.. Well have a good day sistorr"

• "Noooo, It cost 570K *act crying* mom!! Look what yoongi do!" I say while shouting calling mom.. "yes dear, what is it? " I'm Mom answered as soon as she went to me, "Mom *make a puppy face* look what yoongi dooooooo *act crying*" I answered "*giggle* oh my god! Then go talk to him ? why did you tell me?? *laughing* " My mom answered.. "Mommmm!!" I answered back.. "Now, go do you job, oh yeah, your father let me call you, so get ready for next mission" say my mom with a sad face

• My mom didn't like this all Mafia thing but because of how much she love my father and us she just didn't give up to trying loving all this Mafia Job

• When I were at My Father office waiting for my new Mission, I was waiting suddenly...

Everything went black....

-To be Continue-

I was trying my best to do this ? So wait for a new chapter okay ❤?

JeonYenacreators' thoughts