
Chapter 1

I shot up in my bed. Damn, these dreams are getting more and more weird. I mean seriously. There is no way those could be serious. A prophecy? Yeah right.

I looked down and realised I had woken in a cold sweat once more. I sighed irritatedly and looked at the time. '3:00 ᴀᴍ' it read. How is it that for two weeks straight I have woken up at exactly 3 am in a cold sweat? This is seeming like some horror movie B.S.

I got out of bed and got out of my pjs. If I'm already awake, may as well get a shower. I went into the bathroom and paused in front of the mirror. My long blue hair was frizzed a bit from moving about during the night, my tired eyes were still as brown as ever. I looked down and got a bit of happiness seeing my top surgery scars. I turned the water on and waited a bit for it to heat up.

After my shower I got dressed for school. I put on my red t-shirt, light blue loose jeans, and my yellow hoodie. I made sure the two piercings at the top of each of my ears were fitted in nicely and fixed the triangle shaped studs on my ear lobes so that they pointed in the same direction. I brushed my long, light blue hair and put it in a loose braid.

It was still only 6 am (I take very long getting ready due to my adhd), so I had two hours to spare. I decided to space out for an hour.

My mom came in my room and shook me out of my trance like state. It was 7 am. We went to the kitchen and she made breakfast.

It was only mom and I. My older sister was murdered by a serial killer and dad committed suicide. Mom has had it harder than I have. The bags under her eyes were clear as day, unlike mine, which were subtle. She looked half dead, but was still happy around me.

After I finished, she asked me if I had another one of those dreams.

"Yeah. This time this weird monster came and killed everyone in our district. Get a load of that." I told her. She gave me a sincere look.

"Well son, just make sure you are safe today at school. And make sure you eat today!" She said as I slipped on my deep blue converse, fixed my light blue braid to the side, and headed out the door. "I love you, mom! I'll see you later!" I say before closing the door.

Little did I know that was the last time I would speak to her...


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