
Why DC!?

I die young in my last life because some jerk thought he was fine to drive buzzed only to end up ramming his car right into me and then driving away thinking I was a f*cking deer. But that was in the past and thanks to the gods I was able to be transmigrated into a new world with a new body along with my choice of 3 wish and 2 divinities. After choosing my wishes and divinities I was reborn in a new world. F*ck!!! I was transmigrated into the DCU and it's not the movies or comics but some unknown alternate reality. It's not that I don't like DC but man all the random stuff that happens and the dark undertones aren't good for my mental health at all. I want a peaceful long life, not this sh*t. This is a fanfic and all characters are owned by their original creators.

WizPThief · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


In a luxury dining room, we can see six people sitting and eating a simple meal. Once the last of the food was eaten the only male in the room started to address everyone at the table.

"Okay first I would like to say is that we are weak."

"Weak what do you mean by that!?"

"Well, first in this universe both Kaguya and I are ranked as planetary threats and that's because both of us are not trained in combat or anything. Now for the Fracción team, you would be rank as domestic threats separate and as a team, you would be a city-wide threat. As for Tier, she is a city-wide threat on her own. Now it might sound like we are strong but on this planet, there are teams who can rival us and even defeat us. Now let me remind you again that is on this planet let alone the universe where galaxy-wide threats and more powerful beings are hiding."

"If that so what should we do?"

"Well we can do nothing as we haven't made any enemies yet but that doesn't mean we are safe. I would like for us to train to be on the safe side and Kaguya and I have to unlock all our powers."

"Unlock all our powers?"

"Yes, after all, both of us are gods and we should have more power than we are showing but right now we aren't doing anything with it. For example, I have the feeling that I can reverse time or fast forward it to the point that I can restart the universe."

"Okay, so we will be training for now on. Anything else?"

"Yes, as I got all of you as my bodyguards I need you all to learn about this planet so the maids will be teaching you. Also, you all are not allowed to leave this house until you are given the okay and also wear these bracelets when going outside as they will disguise you to look like humans. Do any of you have any questions?"

While Kronos was having his family meeting another one was being taken place inside a mountain with teenagers and young adults talking to one and another.

"So let me get this straight Linda your saying the Kronos guy the League is looking for might be working at the same place your interning at and you're basing this all on the fact he's using the same name."

"Yes, what do you think I'm wrong."

"No, it just hard to understand why would someone let alone a God announce where he is."

"Well, it's not that hard to believe as most gods are extremely prideful and hate to hide their identities."

"So you're saying that Linda really might have found him."

"Yes, but we should get my aunt to meet him to confirm it."

"Oh, goody wonder woman is coming. I wonder if she missed me. Also, has anyone found it odd Kronos chooses to lay low by working at a news company, you'll think he would work at a clock store or something?"

"Wally he's a God of time not of cliches. It would be like the Flash working at a shoe store or Batman working as a P.I.."

"Haha, I see what you mean."

The next day we can once again see Kronos at CatCo. but was not lone as he was with an olive short golden blonde hair beauty walking next to him.

He was here to meet his new boss and use the company computers.

It didn't take him long to find Cat as she was being surrounded by many people. Not wanting to be rude Kronos waited for the herd of people to lessen before walking up to her.

After ten to fifteen minutes later he saw his chances to greet her so he walked up to her.

"Hello, Ms. Cat I see you're having a busy morning."

"Busy my ass you should see how it's like when some earth-shattering news comes out, now that's when it gets busy. So what brings you here and who is she, your girlfriend."

"No, she's my friend. I'm here to do some research on Linda school so I can have an understanding of the school when I'm editing her work."

"Hmm, good choice but why don't you look it up at home."

"I could but all the computers are being used by my roommates."

"Okay, and here's the company phone you ask for. It has some preset numbers in it don't use it irresponsibly."

"Got it and thanks."

"You're welcome now go on and do your work I'm busy right now."

"Sure thing bye."

After saying goodbye Kronos and Tier left and went to one of the empty desks. Once at the desk Kronos start to carve out symbols on the back of the phone and when he was done he started to use the phone to see if everything was working. Seeing that everything was fine he login to the computer using his company ID and started to look up things about the city and printed out some papers.

"Okay, we're all done Tier want to get something to eat or just go back home."

"Either works, I don't really care."

"Okay, let's go to this restaurant it says a metahuman is a chef there and with his power, he makes some of the best food in the city."


As they were about to leave another blonde girl came up to them and stop them.

"Hey Kronos do you have a moment."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Well, you see my friend and her aunt came to visit me. They want to celebrate me getting my first assignment so we have dinner plans with some other people and you being my editor I wanted to invite you."

"Sure but can I bring some friends as well."

"Oh, okay but don't bring too many."

After some more talking Linda left them.

"Tier let's go home and get ready. We will have a long night infont of us."