
Why DC!?

I die young in my last life because some jerk thought he was fine to drive buzzed only to end up ramming his car right into me and then driving away thinking I was a f*cking deer. But that was in the past and thanks to the gods I was able to be transmigrated into a new world with a new body along with my choice of 3 wish and 2 divinities. After choosing my wishes and divinities I was reborn in a new world. F*ck!!! I was transmigrated into the DCU and it's not the movies or comics but some unknown alternate reality. It's not that I don't like DC but man all the random stuff that happens and the dark undertones aren't good for my mental health at all. I want a peaceful long life, not this sh*t. This is a fanfic and all characters are owned by their original creators.

WizPThief · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Meeting the Flash

At a hotel restaurant in Central City, we see CatCo. news team gathered and eating at a table, we can also see a hangover Cat rubbing her head and Kronos next to her perfectly fine after a whole night of drinking.

With a fed-up voice, Cat started to talk to Kronos.

"How the hell are you okay, I'm sure you drank more than me and I can out drink any Irish man under the table." Cat

"Haha, it's because my body doesn't allow me to get drunk by any normal alcohol. But I have to say you almost got me buzzed." Kronos

"Uuu, I'm never going to take you drinking again also where is Linda with my coffee?" Cat

"I think she's still looking for a coffee shop that can make your special coffee, after all, you did give her a complex order. Heck, I don't even know half the terms you used I would be surprised if she found a place that can make it here." Kronos

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell her where to get it, my bad. Also, when are you going to ask her out?" Cat

"I don't know maybe after we come back to National City." Kronos

They kept on talking to each other until Linda came up to them and brought Cat her coffee. After getting her coffee Cat got up and left to her room while everyone also left.

Once everyone was gone Kronos left the hotel and started to walk around town.

While he was on his walk he could see a bank nearby and a person wearing a snow jacket walking into the bank.

"Ha, I guess I will be able to meet the Flash after all." Kronos

Kronos after seeing the person walk into the bank flashed step onto a nearby rooftop. Once on the roof, the scene down below change as ice crystals started to cover the entrance to the bank. When the entrance was blocked it didn't take long for the police to arrive and barricade the area. Fifteen minutes later the ice crystals explode outwards and the ice shards flew out everywhere. As the ice shards flew two streaks of lightning appeared and moved people out of the way.

While the people were being saved the person who caused this mayhem came out of the bank wearing blue snow wear combat clothing, a gun in hand, and a bag strapped to his back.

Seeing Captain Cold walk out of the bank the two streaks of lightning stopped moving to show they are Flash and Kid Flash. Once they stopped Flash started to give the usual superhero speech to stop Captain Cold but he ignored it completely and started to shoot his Cold Gun.

As Kronos was watching the battle between speed and cold his phone started to ring, not looking at the caller ID Kronos pick up the phone without looking away at the battle.

"Hello, who this?" Kronos

"Hey it's me, Linda, where are you?" Linda

"Hey, Linda I'm watching Flash and Kid Flash fighting Captain Cold. It's quite entertaining, I wish I had some candy right now thou. Why do you ask?" Kronos

"Oh, it's just that I heard supervillains are attacking the city and I'm calling everyone to see that they are safe." Linda

"Villains as more than one." Kronos

"Yes, the news station is reporting multiple attacks on the city. They say it's a planned attack but no one is sure why." Linda

"Okay, I'll stay out of trouble. Is there anything else?" Kronos

After asking that question the phone went quiet for a moment before Linda started to talk once more."

"Yes, can you help anyone in need." Linda

"Sure." Kronos

After agreeing Kronos hanged up the phone and continued to watch the fight without moving.

As the battle between Flash, Kid Flash, and Captain Cold continued there are ice shards flying all over the place, most just damaging the surroundings without badly hurting anyone but unlucky one had gone unnoticed and was about to hit a child. The child was distracted by the fight and didn't notice the shard reaching him and lucky before it could reach him a magical shield showed up and protected him.

Back at the rooftop, we see Kronos looking at the child he just saved while grumbling to himself in a low tone.

"That was a close one lucky I could see everything from here. Hopefully, that won't happen again." Kronos

Even though Kronos tried to do his actions secretly he was still found out as the two speedsters saw his action and are now speeding up their capture of Captain Cold before another accident happens.

It didn't take them long to subdue Captain Cold as the battle was already going on for a while and he was running out of steam. After subduing Captain Cold Flash ran up the building where Kronos was on to face him face to face. After reaching the rooftop he looked at Kronos for a while before he took out his hand and started to speak to Kronos in a genuine town.

"Thanks for saving that kid back there." Flash

Seeing his outreached hand Kronos also took out his hand and started to shake hands with the Flash.

"You're welcome and goodbye." Kronos

Letting go of his hand Kronos disappeared in front of his eyes leaving a confused Flash.

"Huh, did he just teleport." Flash

Not knowing what to do Flash laughed a little to himself than started to ran again to deal with the other villain attacks.

Back at the hotel where Kronos was staying in his room Kronos suddenly appear. Once he was completely in his room Kronos went to his bed and laid on it with a confused expression.

"Weird why can I sense unstable time around him? Kid Flash also had it maybe it has something to do with the speed force after they are using it to time travel." Kronos