
Why Can't You Give Love A Chance

Ummi harbored profound affection for Omar Ahmed from the moment she first encountered him. However, Omar directed his attention towards the school's esteemed 'It girl', Leila Faroq. Ummi, recognizing her inability to rival Leila, who possessed an unparalleled allure among the male student body, concealed her emotions for Omar and contented herself with admiring him from a distance.

AbdulfatahFatima · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 6

At school, Ummi, the alleged thief, becomes the subject of stares and gossip only a month into her enrollment, despite being on sponsorship. One student expresses curiosity about the person who would waste their resources on an ungrateful and stealing child like Ummi while others are eagerly seeking such opportunities. Another student chimes in, questioning the financial acumen of this unknown person. Despite the rumors swirling around her, Ummi remains unperturbed and proceeds to her classroom. However, at the entrance, she encounters a group of people who are engrossed in laughter and pointing fingers at her. The urge to confront them physically wells up within her, but she manages to maintain control. Upon entering the classroom, she notices a multitude of students fixated on her, causing her legs to tremble involuntarily. Nasir approaches her, offering a smile and engaging her in conversation as a means of diverting her attention. However, his efforts are in vain. He then veers the conversation towards a beauty contest, playfully complimenting Ummi's appearance, ultimately leading them to leave the classroom together. Ummi and Nasir then take their seats "Let me enlighten you further about this educational institution," Nasir conveyed.

"Very well, I am eager to learn," Ummi responded.

This school is owned by Alhaji Usman, who coincidentally is Aliyah's father. Additionally, his wife, Hajia Hafsat, holds the esteemed position of a bank manager in the central bank of Nigeria. Numerous students have successfully graduated from this establishment, with some even receiving scholarships due to the exorbitant fees. Moreover, there are also students from neighboring countries, and this school has extended its reach to an international branch. It is worth noting that the school consistently participates in competitions, with the majority of representatives being from the ss2 class, as they believe the ss3 students are preoccupied with their upcoming examinations. Omar and Sule have consistently represented the school, but this year, the inclusion of another talented young lady in our midst leaves uncertainty as to who will be stepping down between Omar and Sule. This turn of events promises to be rather intriguing. Ummi attentively listened without any interruptions.

'So, you are implying that Aliyah's father is the proprietor of the school and the girl possesses a lack of intelligence similar to this,' Ummi remarked, displaying surprise.

'Yes, she has never participated in any competition aside from Sahina,' he replied.

Following this conversation, everyone returned to their respective classes. The first teacher to arrive was Mrs. Mahira, who was to instruct them in English Language. Subsequently, other teachers arrived and departed until it was time for the break. Once the break concluded, the closing hour commenced.

As usual, Ummi walked back home, but this time, Nasir accompanied her, adamantly ensuring that no one approached Ummi and offering his support in everything she undertook.

As they engaged in conversation on their way home, they discovered more about each other and discovered shared interests. However, the distance between their homes remained evident.

Upon reaching Ummi's house, Nasir bid her farewell and hastily departed to catch the school bus.

Ummi knocked on the gate and Musa promptly opened it for her. They exchanged greetings, and Ummi proceeded to freshen up while Musa prepares for life, especially for a Muslim. It is a way to communicate with Allah, seek guidance, and find inner peace. It is essential to establish a strong connection with your religion, not just in name but also in practice. I suggest that you start learning how to pray and recite the Quran regularly. This will not only deepen your faith but also bring you closer to Allah. It will provide you with the guidance and strength you need to navigate through life's challenges. Take this opportunity to learn about your religion and incorporate its teachings into your daily life. It will undoubtedly benefit you in the long run.

"If one does not engage in prayer, their adversaries will possess enough power to launch an assault, rendering their life miserable. If one does not adhere to religious practices in the manner prescribed, they will find themselves surrounded by a multitude of enemies. I urge you to wholeheartedly embrace your religion, offering daily prayers and reciting the Quran whenever the opportunity presents itself. If you are unfamiliar with prayer techniques, I am at your disposal to provide guidance," Musa expressed.

"What steps should I take now?" Ummi inquired with a sense of sadness.

"To begin, you will observe the spiritual bath, which is necessary after menstruation, intimacy with your spouse, or before attending mosque on Fridays for prayers. When you are prepared, I will instruct you on the proper way to perform the bathing," Musa advised.

"I am ready, Father," she affirmed.

"Now, it is time for you to prepare a meal. Inform me once you have finished cooking," he stated.

Ummi shamefully hurried back, feeling the need to expand her knowledge of herself and her religion. She hastened to cook while simultaneously tidying up and organizing everything accordingly.

After two hours both of them were done, Ummi makes sure that her surrounding are clean and intact because her mom doesn't like her environment dirty.

Musa brought out a kettle full of water and prayer mat for her learn both the bath and ablution.

First of all you can't start ritual bath without knowing how to perform ablution because you will perform ablution in your bath.

Now when you know how to perform this ablution you can do it and pray at the appropriate time.

But this bath and ablution have time to been done, you can't pray when you are menstruating because at that time you are impure and the Almighty Allah has forgiven your pray for the number of day you are menstruating. But at time you can makes supplications and some other Duas.

Do you have any questions before we proceed.

Musa and Ummi heard a knock on the gate, and was wondering who could be knocking by this time of the day when they are not expecting any visitors.