
Why Can't You Give Love A Chance

Ummi harbored profound affection for Omar Ahmed from the moment she first encountered him. However, Omar directed his attention towards the school's esteemed 'It girl', Leila Faroq. Ummi, recognizing her inability to rival Leila, who possessed an unparalleled allure among the male student body, concealed her emotions for Omar and contented herself with admiring him from a distance.

AbdulfatahFatima · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 1

Ummi and her mother, Mrs. Maryam, were observed loading their luggage into the trunk of the car. Ummi appeared visibly despondent as they departed from their current residence to a new location with a different environment. As Mrs. Maryam drove the car, Ummi continued to cry softly, as memories of her friends, neighbors, and close relatives flashed through her mind. 

Maryam: Is this how you plan to continue crying?

Ummi: Silent.

Maryam: It is alright, my dear. You will grow to like the new environment.

Ummi: I am exhausted from constantly changing environments, schools, friends, and everything. (her voice raised)

Mrs. Maryam: Please stop, my dear. Didn't I instruct you to refrain from shouting at elders, even if it is me? I apologize, but I have been transferred.

Ummi: I apologize, mother. I am tired.

Mrs. Maryam: It is alright. In due time, everything will be fine.

Ummi: How long, mom?

Mrs. Maryam: For the time being, things will remain as they are. Please be patient, my dear.

Ummi: Very well, mother. 

Mrs. Maryam: We still have a few hours left before we arrive. You can relax your mind and body during this time.

I will be fine. 

My name is Ummi Isah and I reside with my mother, Mrs. Maryam Idris. She holds a position as a banker in one of the financial institutions. Currently, I am a student in the second year of high school. Due to my mother's frequent transfers, I have been compelled to change schools numerous times. Besides my mother, I have no other companions, and she holds immense importance in my life. I prioritize both her and my academic pursuits. One might inquire about my father; however, I possess no knowledge of his identity or physical appearance except through my mother. Since comprehending the world around me, life has presented its fair share of challenges for both my mother and me. Nevertheless, by the grace of God, we have managed to persevere. Interestingly, the most amusing aspect of my life is that I have consistently received scholarships from an unknown benefactor since my early schooling years. All glory be to God.

 Mrs. Maryam observed her companion lost in contemplation and made the conscious decision not to interrupt her. As for myself, I am Maryam Isa, the first and sole female offspring of Mr. & Mrs. Isah. I have three brothers who go by the names of Habib, Hashim, and Basit.

My parents cared for me deeply until the unfortunate incident occurred, where I became pregnant by an unknown individual shortly after graduating from high school. It proved to be the greatest mistake of my life, one that I deeply regret.

In response, my father exhibited great anger and ejected me from his home, deeming it a disgraceful and shameful act. However, after much entreaty from both my mother and certain relatives, my father relented and provided me with a rental house from his own properties.

After a laborious nine months, I successfully gave birth and vowed to myself to never allow my daughter to suffer the same fate. Being a single mother for an extended period has been quite challenging. Nevertheless, I persisted by returning to school, diligently studying, and eventually graduating with first-class honors in Accounting. It didn't take long for me to secure a job at a reputable bank." (author description). 

"After enduring the entirety of the unsettling ordeal and the arduous journey, they finally arrived at their destination, their house. Coming to a halt,

As they arrived at the gate, the driver honked the car horn, causing the gatekeeper to promptly open the gate for them to enter. Ahead of them stood a tall building, distinct from the one they had left.

As they unloaded their belongings from the car, Ummi found herself fixated on the house and not particularly eager to go inside.

Mrs. Maryam asked, 'Do you like the house?'

Ummi replied, 'I believe I do.'

Mrs. Maryam reassured her, 'Don't worry, you'll like it even more once you see your beautiful room.'

Ummi expressed her concerns, 'Mom, I hope we won't have to move again in a year or two.

Miss Maryam replied, 'Don't worry, I'm working on ensuring stability.'

The gatekeeper assisted them in bringing their luggage inside the house, and due to the limited amount of belongings, they were able to finish quickly.

Ummi took in her surroundings, starting from the compound, then the living room, her mother's room, and finally her own room.

Ummi exclaimed, 'I'm hungry.'

Miss Maryam suggested, 'Alright, we should order something as we need to rest.'

Ummi agreed, 'Alright, I'll go take a bath before the food arrives.'

Miss Maryam praised her, 'That's my girl.'

They both proceeded to make their way to their respective tasks.

They both proceeded to their respective bathrooms, leaving the gate man to continue his duties. The gate man, whose name is Musa, is a man with a wife and two children. Despite his responsibilities, he appreciates every aspect of his life and is a very content individual. He admires the new tenants and hopes that they will have a positive impression of him as well. Musa continued diligently with his work.

After some time, there was a knock on the gate, prompting the gate man to quickly respond. He collected the order and proceeded to the dining table to place it. He then went to inform his new employer about the order. Meanwhile, Ummi had finished freshening up and heard the gate man's voice. Without hesitation, she came out to see what was happening, only to realize that her mother was still inside. She called out to her mother while making her way towards the gate man.

Ummi: Thank you, sir.

Gate man: Why are you thanking me? It is my duty.

Ummi: But it is worth acknowledging and appreciating.

Gate man: If you say so, then you are welcome.

Ummi: It is my pleasure. May I know your name, sir?

Gate man: I am Musa. And you?

Ummi: My name is Ummi.

 As they engrossed in their discuss they didn't  notice that Miss Maryam was standing in their presence, enjoying the conversation and admiring how they smile at each other.

Miss Maryam :  clearing her throat 

They both turned to her direction.

Gate man : the order is here.

Ummi : yes ma I was about to call you.

Gate man : yes ma she is right.

Miss Maryam : it's  okay, I made the order for the three of us, let's go enjoy it together.