
Why be a hero when I can be a mercenary

This is the story of how an entire class of normal student was transported in to another fantasy word were they will be trained to save said word from the great evil... with maeby the expecion for one

DeimosArt15 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs





It was a few days after the [TOWER OF DESTINY DAY]. After my brother departure, we all went with the squad we chose, we arrived at the headquarters pretty quickly thanks to an item called [TELEPORTATION STONE]. When we arrived we saw a big building with two smaller ones on each side, all of them seemed a mix of a castle and a church. "Welcome to the Knight squad headquarters" said Captain Jasmine, she gave a quick tour of the place while also explaining it. The centre building is the main one where there are the rooms for the members, a canteen, reception, meeting room, bathroom with shower divided by gender and different storage rooms. The one on the left is a library for all the mana users of the squad. (it would be a good idea to check it out later). On the right side instead, there is a building full of training rooms for all the members, but is mostly used by aura users. After showing us everything she escorted us to our room, For the first few days she made us train with the other members and explained how the work is done, but today she gathered all of us in the meeting room for important news.

"OK guys, I Have great news for all of you. Starting tomorrow you'll be beginning to do some patrol around the area" We are so excited finally some action, nothing wrong with training but sometimes action is a better experience. "For the formation, I thought of doing a little squad of 4, 3 newby and 1 superior that will be the leader of the squad" This is so exciting, we get to work in a squad I wonder who I will team up with. "For now I will announce the team. First team: Yuna Yamazaki, Takehiko Nori, Minori Fuda. Your team leader will be, Talion Graywar." Then from the door appeared a guy in a blueish black armor that covered his all body but it wasn't heavy then on his back there was a sword, when I looked at his face he seemed young maybe near our age. "Nice to meet you guys, my name is Talion, let's get along" I was getting so excited our team leader seemed so cool, and I could feel it he was really strong, after all the other team where announced Talion said, "Okay team follow me now." And we did he was guiding has somewhere.


"OK, so I make you all come here so propery meet each other all you have to do is say your name, level, class, something you like and your dream" I got it since he doesn't know us and we don't know him. "I will go first" I said proposing myself, "Sure go ahead" "I'm Yuna Yamazaki, I'm still level 1 my class is 5 ⭐ magic-swordsman, and I like my big brother Hyakki. My dream is to become strong enough to stay by his side." Talion seemed pleased by my presentation "Why do you still like that idiot?" I quickly glared to the right to see Takehiko looking at me with a scowl, "He's not an idiot!" I shouted at him. "Then tell me what kind of sane person would choose a dark class voluntarily, for then going away without entering a squad." He was angering me, and before I could say anything I felt an oppressing power, it's really strong I see even Takehiko and Minori are feeling this, and we look toward Talion to see him with serious expressions and dark energy around his body (so it's coming from him) then the energy stop we start to gasp for air "Now, there's no need to fight with each other like this, besides there's no rule that say which class one should choose. Now why don't you present yourself newby." Takehiko then looked at us and a smirk appeared on his face "I'm the great Takehiko Nori level 1 with a class of a 4 ⭐ fire mage, and I will become the strongest mage in this world. And everyone will praise me"


"Next presentation" "DON'T IGNORE ME!!!" "My name is Minori Fuda I'm level 1, my class is 3 ⭐ knight, I like Love stories and my dream is one day to be a writer" Ehhh I knew Minori for a while now but I didn't know about her dream. "Mhm good presentation, now it's my turn. I'm Talion Graywar level 78 and my class is a 5 ⭐ Dark-knight with the sub-class Shadow-mage 4⭐, I like the Knight squad and my dream is to be able to be strong enough to protect my city from any arm, let's get along ok" Dark-knight? then it must be a dark aura class, seems so cool. But most importantly the sub-class. You can get the opportunity to get a sub-class when you reach level 50, but there's no guarantee that you will get one. It's the same as getting a double-core or a unique class. But wait he has two different classes could it be..."Why do we have a dark class as our leader? Better question Why did you choose a dark class?" Said Takehiko with disdain but we ignored him making him angry, "OK guys for today is enough. Tomorrow we will meet here at 7:00 am, go and take some rest, tomorrow is going to be a long day."

After the meeting, I went to the library to see if there were some quick spells I could learn. When I entered I was shocked there were a lot of books, they were divided into sections like fire spells, ice spells and going on. My class makes it possible for me to learn different kinds of spells, but for now, I will start with fire and wind. I rented a lot of books maybe too many, and when I exited the library I met Minori "I knew that you would come here like I knew you would rent so many books" "Ahah, you know well Minori" I said with a chuckle "Here let me help you" She said taking some books "Thank you Minori." We then brought the books to our room, inside the room, there were other members of the Knight Squad a small part was from my old class whereas the rest were from this world some were chatting among themselves others were preparing for some mission. We put the book on my bed, and I start reading one "Hey Yuna don't mind what Nori said, he's just an idiot. I may not know your brother as well as you but I can tell he is not bad." "Thank you Minori, I know my brother may seem cold, but he has his reason for doing so, and I trust him" "He could at least have said something more to explain himself" We started to laugh a little.



When me and Minori arrived at the meeting point we could see Talion already there so we approached him. He saw us arriving and greeted us "Hello girls, How do you feel today?" "Hi boss, I feel excited, I can't wait to start patrolling!"I answered him and I was really excited about today "Good to know but please don't call me boss. You Minori how do you feel?" He asked her, I turned toward my friend and I could see she was getting nervous "I'm ok just a bit nervous" "That's normal, don't worry you both can rely on me for anything" he said with a sweet smile that made me feel like nothing can go wrong he's so handsome...(WAIT WHAT I'M THINKING) I can feel my face starting to get hot, what's happening to me I look at Minori and I see her looking at me with a smirk. I can already tell she's going to tease a lot. "By the way where is Nori?" Now that Talion said it I don't see him anywhere, but well I don't really care for him, he's just a jerk. "We can't start without him we have to wait" Great we have to wait for him now.


After making us wait for him he finally arrived "Ohi Nori why are you so late? We have waited for you for so long" "Shut up, you should be pleased that I'm here." He's really pissing me off now I want to punch him in the face. "Now it's enough, we already are late for the patrol, so we better start now." "Yes sir" "Tch" "Girls you can drop the sir I'm not that old, while you Nori next time you come late you will receive a penalty" he looked away not even bothering to respond Talion released a sigh "OK let's go" Now it's finally time to start our first patrol.