Walking in park is good, right? It feel refresh. Kids are playing, mothers are watching them. Birds are chirping, there are vendors selling fruits, Of course outside of the park. A guy, dressed in funny costume, selling some ballons. Rs. 5 per balloon. I bought 5 balloons from him, and brought them home.

I live in an apartment, on 4th floor. My floor consists of 8 room. Total 5 kids are there in total. That's why 5 balloons. Whenever I find something like this, I always buy for them. They, always look happy whenever I give them. Like I am giving them the balloon. But, a new family came yesterday and I just forgot about them when I bought balloons. Still, that girl is smiling at me.

"Why are u smiling dear?"

"Hehe, nothing bhaiya"

"Umm.. Ok"

Still smiling. Hmm, I think she too wants the balloon. Let's buy for her too. That balloon man is still there, near the park. Now, he is laughing at me, it's like something is on my face. All the people are laughing. Dumb people. I with the balloon reached to that girl. She is still smiling on me, it's strange. Next morning, all the kids are going to school. But, that new family, they are still sleeping. Its 1 PM, they didn't open their door still. Something is wrong. Whatever, I don't have to think that much.

knock knock.

"Who's there? "


"Who? "


"Ok, the new girl, right?"


That little girl, again with that smile. And she is just smiling.

"Don't you have to go to school?"



Again she is smiling.

"Why are you smiling?"


And she just start running. Its strange. I closed my door, only to hear a knock again. It's her father.

"Sir, can you please take her with you for a day?"

"Ok sure"

"Thanku, actually we are going out of the town, but she doesn't want to be with us, she is just repeating that she wants to with you"

"Oh yah sure I'll keep her. "

Let me describe her. She is tiny, around 2.5 feet. She is wearing a red dress.And always having a a cute but strange smile on her face.

" Why do you smile every time?"

" just"

" And just what?"

" I like to smile when I see you."

" Do I look like a clown?"

" haha of course not"

" then why so?"

Suddenly I heard a Knocking on my door. When i opened there was no one ,no kid can do this cause all the kids are in their school. Any adullt won't do this. It's the time for lunch and I have to make a lunch for two. That girl her name is Kriti and she is playing with her doll. As I finished my cooking and ask her to eat I found that she was sleeping. She is sleeping in daytime means she will be awake in night for longer. Should I ask her to wake up? No, she just ok I shouldn't. Her parents will be home tomorrow morning I think so.

Let's take a nap. I need it I need rest. As I opened my eyes she was sitting in front of me smiling.

" Why are you smiling right now?"

" nothing I just I like to smile I am smiling"

" ok ok"

She is just a kid. And therefore sometimes her tongue. Trick her and she thinks that have said something but its not present in her speech. Still smiling at me. I am working on my phone. And still sitting there smiling at me.

" Can you please tell me what are you smiling at?"

" haha nothing uncle"

" What just happened to you tone?"

" Nothing its usual."

" ok"

She is still smiling. God, please help me. I think there's something disturbing in her. I don't know why she just smiling at me, looking me.

What the sound outside? Why are the parents are cryin,shouting what happen? Damn, What happened to their eyes? Their one eye is bleeding.

"Kids, what happened?"

"Don't know bhaiya, just a man, dressed as a clown came to us, and put a sharp object in our eyes."

"Wt, ok, let's go to police" As I said that Kriti start crying.

"Hey,kiddo what happened?"

"Please don't go I want to be with you every time."

" I have never heard this in my life"

It's like she wasn't looking at me. She was looking just behind. And there was no one behind me. What's looking? And why?

" Hey, what are you looking at?"

" Of course, I'm looking at you."

" really? "

After hearing this she is again began to give me a big smile. This time I can't control myself. I look behind there was no one. I look at the middle. I was. .... My face was painted like a clown. And all the kids who were talking to me can't see this. According to them my face was normal but me and Kriti can see my face painted. That's strange. I thought it's just an Illusion and that kriti is making fun of me. Maybe my face is not painted but I don't kno what was that.

My floor was empty. Every parent where in the police station and I was with Kriti. My story was in present tense and this line was passed and you know why? Because What ever was happening with me? It was like I have lived earlier all this nonsense. Kriti was on the floor laughing at me and I was on the bed just looking her in terror. She was not just laughing. Her face was painted as a cloud. Yep a cloud not a joker. That's a bit strange thing. Cause we have seen many paranormal activities in which someone face paint like a clown or anything like that, but never seen anything like this. Now, you are thinking that why I am in Teror right?

Actually she is holding a knife. And just watching me and laughing.

" first you were smiling and now you are laughing why so?"

" nothing uncle"

" Yeah. Yeah nothing nothing."

" hi hi hi hi"

" Don't do this."

"I am not doing anything"

Now she is tapping her nails on the floor, like she is making a communication, but my question is, with whom?

"Why are you smiling?as well as laughing?"

"I like your eyes"

"Ok, so what?"

"I wanna scoop them out"

"What the hell are you saying? Are you mad?"

"No, really, I wanna scoop them"

"Is that what your parents taught you?"

"Yes, before I died"

"Died?? What do you mean?"

"I am dead"

"Ok ok, and why are you here, with me?"

"You remember? The balloon man?"


"He sent me here"


"Yes, he didn't only sold you the balloons, he sent me to you too"

"So thats why he was laughing at me, but.. But, as I remember your family was here before I bought the balloons"

"They were not my family, their daughter is there see"

As I turned, I was shocked. A girl was lying dead. Her one eye was scooped out. So, was she that child whose parents came to me? Then who is she? I can't ask her again.

"Wanna know, where's my family is?"


"They are on just behind you"

Chill ran down my spines, there was no one, still she was pointing towards the end of the house.

"Hahaha, I am jokin uncle"

"Please, let me go"

"Ok sure, but I need your one eye"

"No Please No"

"Don't refuse this offer, I'll only keep your one eyes, I won't kill you. But if you refuse, he will kill you"

"Who? Who's now?"

"The cloud guy"

"Who's that?"

"You don't have time, let me scoop one eye, and listen, if you want that, that cloud guy won't come to you, just do anything and serve him."

She scooped my eye. Now I am only with one eye. As the balloon guy served that cloud guy, I too am serving him by writing this story. He passed this curse to me by selling balloons to me and I am passing this curse to you.

Still it's 5 years, I can hear her laughing.

"Why are you laughin? "

"Nothing uncle"

The end.
