

Suddenly one day I remembered "I am a villain in a fantasy novel??!!" Me who lived my life as a mob character in my previous life is a villain now? well, what can I do? I will just live as I want or so I thought. Can my life be that simple as I wish?... A real life mob character. Maybe that's one of the way to describe my past life. But I never hated that kind of life, neither loved it. Cause it saved me from a lot of troubles. Peace was the only thing I needed. It was enough. No main events, no plot change, no trouble. Continued to live as a mob character and then finally die as a mob character. This shouldn’t be a teenager wishing. Maybe because I am an orphan and wanted to know what its mean to have a family. It always made me sad and sometimes this kind of thought made me realize, that I was living a meaningless life. To get out from that boredom, that's why I tried to step in to the world of books. That's where I met “Magic kingdom.” And in this novel what I really hated was the life of Londo Alexandria. He was once a man who only knew how to love. Losing his only childhood love to the protagonist was made him mad. From that day forward he saw everyone differently. Even his attitude towards his family changed. That was his greatest regret. After losing his family to the Monster invasion he lost his mind. The hidden power in him awakened and he was on a rampage. Unable to control his emotions, unable to control the power he destroyed everything on his way until the protagonist slain him. In short he was just a stepping stone for the protagonist to move on. Everything that made the protagonist stronger ,was what led him to his demise. Now I regain my memories?, before everything started?. By the way, how the hell did I die in my sleep??!! ........ Series [SACRED HEART] [FIRST BOOK] ..... cover photo not mine... .....

rinazaz_04 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 6

First two periods were over and now it was time for the third period. First two periods were about history of the kingdom. I tried my hard not to fall sleep. It was way too boring. The next class was about magic formulas. For some reason, I have all the formulas from the novel in my head. So basically I already know more about it than the teacher. I don't have to pay much attention.

The instructor was a young lady in her twenties. With her aura she is definitely a fifth class magician. She is clearly pretty strong. While she continued with her lectures, My eyes started to fell in to deep sleep. I rested my head on the table.

"So that's why you insisted on getting that seat, huh?"

Alice narrowed her eyes and looked at me. I was pretty much already sleeping. So I didn't had any control on what I said.

"It doesn't matter. I pretty much knows everything"

"Is that so? The prove it to me"

"I don't want to. You're so annoying. I wanna sleep"

"Annoying, huh?... Miss he said he can prove the formula"

"Oh!! really? Then Londo Alexandria, please come forward and solve this for us"

What just happened? I just wanted to sleep and now the instructor is calling for me? I looked towards Alice.

"Go on, I'll keep you're seat safe"


She waved her hand and smiled, just exactly like I did to Meena and Sam. I'm having deja-vu?

With my half sleep state, I walked towards the black board. For some reason everyone seemed to be laughing. What is the big deal? It's just a magic formula.

I took the chalk from teacher's hand and began to scribble everything that came to my mind in that uncomplete formula. And after a few minutes I was done. I returned the chalk to the instructor.

"I'm done"

Then I walked towards my seat and sit down and proceeded with my precious sleep. I can still hear people talking about me.

"What is that idiot saying that he is done? Must be some nonsence"

"Yeah. That is right. There is no way he can complete that"


The instructor shouted and made the whole class shut up.

"Then let's find out if he is lying or not"

She then memorized the formula I wrote and started activating the magic. Suddenly four fire tornadoes formed infront of her. The hall was very big and had barriers in it to protect everyone. So everyone was safe. She kept pouring her magic in to it and it kept getting bigger and bigger. She then suddenly stopped her magic and looked at me. The fire tornadoes disappeared. Her expression was like she saw a ghost.

"Londo, come with me to the headmaster's office"

Why? Is solving a formula a sin? Or is it because I slept in the class? It was only then I noticed, everyone had the same expression as the instructor, even Alice.

"What ?"

"What do you mean? You just solved a magic formula which instructor used to show us as an example of uncomplete formula. Even experts couldn't complete it and you asking me what?"


I slammed my head on the table. So much for being staying as a low-key. The hell!! now I understands why they said not to sleep on class. I suddenly stood up and said.

"Miss, it was just a fluke, Let's just continue the class and go home"

"You know, you're terrible at lying"

Alicia sighed seeing my futile struggle. Why the hell did she looks like disappointed?

"Fluke or not, just come with me"

The instructor grabbed my hand and dragged me with her to the office. My peaceful days, good bye.

She dragged me through the hall way straight to the head master's room. It doesn't mattered how much I pleaded or what I said, she still kept dragging me to that room. I even tried to bribe her. What was I thinking it never even reached the ears of this middle aged lady. Though she was still beautiful.

"Hey, I forget it. What are you going to say? That some mediocre son of duke solved the magic formula that no one can? Who will believe that?. Just take it as a fluke"

"Why are you keep saying that? Even if it was a fluke don't you want some contributions while you are here?" The professor has no idea of letting me go.

I just shrugged my shoulders and said.

"It's too troublesome"


After walking through the hell-a-long hall way, I could finally see it. The head masters office. I'll got to say the academy is really big. If it was in my previous life, I would be drenched in full of sweat now. When we reached the magnificent door infront, I asked one last time.

"Really, am I that awesome that you actually have to bring me here?"


Silence is all I got.