
Why am I here?(Rewrite)

itachirocks · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Hello dear readers *Huff* * Huff* .

If you are wondering why i am panting. Well i have been training for an hour. And no ,it's not the end of world.

It's just that after the events of yesterday i decided to get my powers under control and become a cheat character.

So here am i, in the abandoned training ground inside the forest of death burning my hard earned fat.

I started off by testing how long i can keep the six eyes active. And to my surprise i can keep them active longer than yesterday.

It seems that the more i use them the longer i can keep them active. So , i have been hoping from tree to tree like tarzan with six yes active . My enhanced perception and physical abilities made it very easy for me to run like a Parkour without getting hurt.

After that i tried using red and blue ( for those who don't know what they are , just google Gojo satorou powers and you will get a detailed explanation ).

I closed my eyes, stretched my right hand forward and willed the space around me to multiply rapidly, creating a powerful repelling force.

As i willed the space a blue sphere appeared on my outstretched hand .

I then threw the sphere at a nearby tree and bam the whole tree along nearby trees got uprooted and fell a good 50 metres away.

* Huff** Huff* "Damn, that is so cool and tiring at the same time." ( Shin ).

I then pulled out a marshmallow from my pocket and stuffed into my mouth.

" Haa~ , i never thought marshmallows taste much better after hardwork " .

After feasting on a dozen marshmallows i continued my training , and by the end of day i can keep the six eyes open for an hour , which is pretty good, considering i was only able to keep it active for 5 min in the beginning.

Along with technique blue i also managed to pull technique red . But unlike Gojo i can't obliterate an entire landscape. Atmost i can cause damage in 30 m range.

I am pretty sure that with these two techniques and my enhanced senses i can easily defeat any chunin and even a low level jonin. But i might be wrong, as i don't have any battle experience.

On top of this, i managed to learn another beautiful technique , which is just tailor made for me.


yes folks i learnt teleportation. One of my favourite power. Now i can just pop anywhere i want without moving my lazy ass. I can save so much time and use it for sleeping and eating marshmallows.

Man it's so good.

But unfortunately, right now i can only teleport in an area of 1000 sqm. Still, it's ok, beggars can't be choosers right?. And it's just the first day , i am pretty sure i can improve it with bit more training.

As i laid down on the ground , full of sweat and ragged breathing, beautiful white moon with some blue hue came out from its veil of clouds. The picture of full moon peaking from the clouds surrounded by tiny stars on the canvas of pitch back sky just seems like those pictures from scrapbooks and fairy tales.

" Man, it looks like this new life is not so bad ".