
Why am I here?(Rewrite)

itachirocks · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Today is the first day of the ninja academy and lucky enough the previous Shin passed the entrance exam with flying colours.

Currently i am on my way to the academy, to spend my next 3 years lazing around *cough**cough* studying ,how to become a Bonafide ninja.

But why am i being followed by the future fourth hokage.

" Hey, why are you with me again?"(Shin)

"Come on Shin don't joke around, we are roommates, and finally today we are going to the academy. Ohh, i can't but feel excited to meet the third hokage and...."(Minato)

Yaa , you heard it right folks , this over enthusiastic blonde is my roommate. Apparently the previous Shin and Minato were good friends and passed the entrance exam together.

When i first saw him , i just freaked out. Because i know if i mingle with him then i have to say goodbye to my lazy life full of marshmallows. So that's why i made a mental note to get rid of this blonde bomb as soon as possible.

But man no one has ever informed me that the fourth hokage is so clingy and talkative. You see , since yesterday i have been trying to avoid him ,but for sloth's sake he just buzz around me.


"Hey will you please shutup, we already reached the academy"(i said , getting annoyed by his constant blabbering)

Yaa, me and this ticking bomb finally reached the academy. The academy was flooded with children, who are being escorted by their respective parents.

They are happy and chatting with each other with zeal , not knowing they are gonna become killing machines in future. But alas that is the bitter truth of this godforsaken world.

A shinobi wearing the trademark leaf headband is calling everyone to gather near the the stage , where the hokage will give his iconic speech.

I also went near the stage along with blonde , who is looking everyone with a fighting spirit. I recieved the looks by many due to my cute appearance and peculiar eyes.

And i ofcourse ignored them and went near the academy wall to take a nap.( Yaa ,one should save energy , whenever it's possible).

I don't know how long is it but i woke up when the chattering died down indicating that the hokage has arrived.

Opening my eyes i saw an old man , wearing the iconic white cloak and straw hat. He was old but still , no one in the village has the power to compete against him.

Because he is the professor, the teacher of future legendary sanins and god of shinobi.

You could see the looks of admiration and respect in everyone's eyes especially the blonde next to me , who seems to be petrified.

I bet everyone in the village would die to get noticed by him, but not me. I just want to stay as far as possible from him. Because i know underneath that grandfatherly face there is a vicious politician who managed to stay as hokage for years.

The third hokage gave his iconic will of fire speech , brainwashing the innocent kids and making them his loyal dogs.

Everyone was chanting " konoha , konoha" by the time he finished his speech.

' Man he can be an excellent politician back on earth ' ( thought Shin)

' but that doesn't have anything to do with me, haaaa....man when will the class start ,

I want to sleep.'( Shin)

Even though Shin wants to stay low key ,he doesn't know that unknowingly he attracted the attention of many people due to reasons known to them.

' so he is kiroto's son, hmm, he has her eyes . I wonder how bright will his future be ' . ( Hokage ).

Meanwhile with Shin

"Shin, wake up, wake up the speech is over"(Minato)

"Marshmallow.., marshmallows...., marshmallows"( shin mumbling while sleeping).