
Why am I a side character

Of all the wild things that Asura had ever expected to be true ,he certainly didn't expect for the world he was living in to be a novel, neither did he expect to find a person from another world who had read the said novel trying invade his mind one day, however the thing he expected the least was: " Why the hell am I , the prince of the greatest empire in the world, who is hailed as the greatest genius since the strongest king in the history of said empire, just a side character that didn't even make it into the original story?" Follow Asura as he uses his talents and his knowledge of the future to navigate his way to become the strongest the world has ever seen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N ; This is the first story I have ever written and as such, might contain some small errors. Regardless, I promise I will try my best to minimize these errors. Please Enjoy. Btw, the harem won't be more than 6, so sorry if that's too much or too little.)

_da_evil_god · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Sieg's sword____2

"Can I see your invitation,please ?"

Tanwen was ready to attack as soon as he heard that but stopped that train of thought when Asura pulled out a piece of paper and showed it to the guards. The guards inspected the paper and then opened the door.

"This way, sirs."

Tanwen watched the scene unfold in shock and whispered to Asura,

"Where did you get an invitation ?"

"What invitation ?"

"The one you showed the guards."

Asura looked at him as if he was an idiot,"Are you an idiot ? That was just an empty piece of paper. I cast an illusion on it so that they see what they were expecting to see.

As soon as they wen through the door, they were greeted by a woman,"Good evening, esteemed guests. The auction is about to begin. This way, please."

She guided them to two empty seats and gave them a number. Everybody around them were wearing a mask covering their face.

A few moments later, a man with a mask covering his upper face enter the stage and started speaking.

"Good evening, ladies and gentleman. I am honored to welcome you to tonight's auction that some of you may have traveled from very far to attend. Today's items are all rare antiques that you won't find anywhere else in the world. So, without any further delay, let's bring in our first item of the night."

As he said this, the curtains opened to reveal a gray car with with black windows with red outline.

"Most of you have heard that there have been only 6 of this car to ever be produced. However, your information is wrong as this is the 7th piece of the Koenigsegg One:1. Starting price at 5 million dollars."

As he stopped speaking, many people started bidding.

"6 million"

"8 million"

"12 million"

The car was sold for 20 million dollars. Naturally, Asura didn't care about some stupid car (although that car did look awesome), he only came here for Sieg's sword.

He didn't have to wait long as after the car was sold for 15 million dollars, the announcer announced that the next item would be a sword.

"Now, for the next item,it may not seem like much at first sight, but it is speculated that this sword belonged the the great warriors of over thousands of years ago. Now for our next item, an ancient sword that has survived for millennia, starting price at only 10 thousand dollars."

It seemed the announcer had no hopes for the sword to sell. I mean, the starting price for the car was 5 million and well, the sword...

He was right as nobody bidded for the first 30 seconds.

Asura frowned at the blatant disrespect for Sieg's sword. He was the first one to bid,

"20 thousand"

Nobody put forward any other bid as they didn't see any value in the sword.

"...and going thrice. Sold to number 720."

Asura originally didn't think anything other than Sieg's sword would spike his interest. He was proven right for most of the event until the announcer announced the main item for the night.

"And for the main item of tonight, we've got an elixir that can cure any disease in the world, and yes that includes diseases like cancer, HIV and any other disease you can think of. I bring you a top-grade elixir that was designed by our scientists and likely won't be released to the world for next few decades.A top-grade healing medicine, starting at 20 million dollars."

Asura looked at the red potion in shock. That wasn't a damn top-grade healing medicine. That was liquid mana. The reason those people cured cancer with it was probably because the mana that was produced in the body detected anomaly and killed it.

Asura was shaking in anger. Where did they get it from? No, scratch that. The fact was, liquid mana was one of the rarest items in the world, and they probably found it and wasted most,or at least some of it on some buffoon who couldn't even use mana.

In that case, the mana produced in the body would be temporary. If it was used on someone that could use mana, they would in most cases advance one level in terms of mana capacity, unless they were level 10 or above and even then,it would be useful.

As everybody recovered from shock as to what the liquid can do, the biddings started.

"25 million"

"28 million"

"32 million"

Among the chaos, Asura asked Tanwen, "Oi how much do you have exactly ?"

"You want to buy that ?"

"Answer the question."

Tanwen thought about it and said, "Around 800 million."

"How much can you manage ? Ask a friend, relative, whatever, just manage as much as you can."

Tanwen was dumbfounded. Why did this brat need some stupid medicine ? He nodded nonetheless.

Asura raised a board and mad his bid,

"100 million."

Nobody said anything for some seconds before a white haired woman at the back of the room made another bid,"150 million."

Asura was about to raise the bid before a man next to him said,"What are you doing ? Don't you know that anybody who has ever bid against that lady has never made it alive ? Is a potion more important than your life ?"

Asura ignored him and raised the bid anyway, "200 million."

"300 million."

"400 million."

"600 million."

"700 million."

"800 million."

Asura gritted his teeth. He would bid much more than that for liquid mana, but he just didn't have the money.Then, he heard Tanwen say, "Hey, a friend of mine agreed to lend me 200 million."

Asura smirked "1 billion"

The lady was about to bid again, but a man said something in her ear which stopped her from bidding more.

"...and going thrice. Sold to number 720 for 1 billion dollars"

Asura was satisfied.


As Asura and Tanwen were walking through the passage they came in through once again, Tanwen asked Asura in frustration.

"Oi, Delvin. You still haven't told me what that thing is and why you spent a fucking billion dollars on it."

"Shut up. I'll tell you later."

Tanwen was seething. This brat spent 1 billion, that was his money on something, and wasn't even telling him what it was.

"Oi, you bast-"

He was about to say something when he noticed that Asura had taken a wrong turn.

"Hey, you took a wrong turn."

"Hmm. I'm pretty sure it's the right turn."

After 10 minutes of walking, Asura suddenly stopped.

"You can come out now. You guys aren't exactly masters at hiding."

Nothing happened for some seconds, before the white-haired lady they had bid against earlier came out, seemingly out of nowhere.

"Impressive that you were able to sense us."

"Not really. You're just not as good as you think you are."

The woman's face remained indifferent as Asura's attempt to rile her up failed."Please hand over the potion you bought earlier. If you do that, you might live to see another day."

"You're a terrible liar, miss."

The woman said nothing. Asura was right, she had no intention of letting them live.

"I'll be taking that as a no."

She snapped her fingers as out of nowhere, a man whose face was covered by a mask rushed towards Tanwen with a sword, intending to kill him first.

Tanwen was scared. He was a goddamn researcher, not a fighter. Just as he was saying goodbye to his life, he realized that the sword strike never came.

Asura appeared behind the man and kicked him to the ground, before taking his sword and swiftly be a heading.

He looked at the girl to find that he had triggered no reaction from her.

The girl snapped her fingers and Asura and Tanwen were immediately surrounded by masked men and women.

Tanwen had, at this point, given up hope at life and comical tears were running down his face,'I should have never followed this damn brat. What now ? Satan, save me, I'm too young to die.'

Asura saw this and said,"Oi, stop crying, you ain't a baby anymore. I'm going to get us out of this alive."

"And how the hell are you going to do that ?"

"Listen, even when you're backed into a corner and you don't see any way to escape, at least you yourself have to believe that you will win. That will give you the best shot at winning. Self-delusion is a weakness unless you're in an unfavorable situation."

Tanwen was getting motivated before he realized,"Wait. That just means you don't have any way to get us out of this situation."

"What the hell are you talking about ? I was just giving you a life lesson, not talking about our situation."

Tanwen had veins popping out of his head. This brat--.

Meanwhile, Asura was having an internal monologue.

'What the fuck ? I sensed only 10 of them. There are around 40 of them. What the hell ?'

He looked around and realized that one-fourth of the masked people were women. Asura had an idea.'I do remember the spell that mom taught me. I really hope my charm is enough for it. Or else, my ass is dead like the side character I'm supposed to be.'

He opened his mask to reveal his face and then thought,'Charmspeak' before he started speaking with a charming smile on his face.

"Ladies, won't you kill your useless comrades for me, please ?"