
Why am I a side character

Of all the wild things that Asura had ever expected to be true ,he certainly didn't expect for the world he was living in to be a novel, neither did he expect to find a person from another world who had read the said novel trying invade his mind one day, however the thing he expected the least was: " Why the hell am I , the prince of the greatest empire in the world, who is hailed as the greatest genius since the strongest king in the history of said empire, just a side character that didn't even make it into the original story?" Follow Asura as he uses his talents and his knowledge of the future to navigate his way to become the strongest the world has ever seen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N ; This is the first story I have ever written and as such, might contain some small errors. Regardless, I promise I will try my best to minimize these errors. Please Enjoy. Btw, the harem won't be more than 6, so sorry if that's too much or too little.)

_da_evil_god · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Sieg's sword ___1

Isaiah held his sword with his two hands as a blue aura began emitting from his body.

Now, Asura was a bit impressed.'Sword Aura, huh? And he is a soldier level too. Quite impressive. With this kind of talent in aura training, he would be considered a genius even back at Atsolaes.'

"You're not gonna use Aura ?" He heard Isaiah's voice.

Asura shook his head.

Isaiah frowned. Was Asura not good at using aura or was he .... mocking him ?

He got angry and rushed at Asura. Asura blocked the swing, but now he didn't feel like he had an advantage in strength. They exchanged a few blows before Asura moved back. He saw Isaiah rushing at him and dodged his swing.

Asura attempted to counterattack, but Isaiah used his speed that was enhanced by aura to block it.What he didn't expect was for Asura to suddenly to suddenly move back when he was the one pushing Isaiah back, giving him no time to react.

Isaiah was using a fair amount of strength to try and push back Asura, so Asura's sudden and unexpected move caused him to get surprised and lose a bit of balance.

By the time he regained balance, Asura was already holding a sword to his neck.

"You should really lower the anger, man. Isn't wrath a deadly sin or whatever ?"

This time even Tanwen was surprised. He could understand Asura beating Isaiah easily, but beating him fairly easily while Isaiah was using aura and he wasn't. What was up with that ?

"Oi Tanwen, where the hell did you find him?" He heard Liz's voice beside him.

Tanwen hid the surprised look on his face and replaced it with a face that looked like it expected that result. "Well, in a forest."

Not a lie.

Meanwhile, Isaiah was looking at Asura with a puzzled look on his face,"How ?"

"How what ?"

"How are you so strong ? We are around the same age. How are you so much more stronger than me ?"


"Training ?" Isaiah got angry. "What the hell do you mean 'Training'? Do you think I've been sleeping my whole life ?"

Asura looked at him in indifference, "Then what do you want me to say ? That I'm stronger than you cause I've been blessed by the universe ? Sure, talent might play a role in why I'm strong, but the main reason is cause I worked my ass off."

Isaiah gritted his teeth,"8 years. That's how long I've dedicated to getting stronger. I've been training everyday whenever I can until I collapsed from exhaustion everyday.Are you saying that someone with more talent will always be stronger than me?"

Asura looked at him for some time before he spoke, "Life is a bitch,man. Whoever said that everyone is born equal was definitely on a whole time high when they said it. I won't lie, the quote 'hard work beats talent' is incomplete. It's 'hard work beats talent when the talent does not work hard'. But you know what, so what ? Just cause life is a bitch doesn't mean that you should give up. Shouldn't we at least try to be the best we can be so that we can shove it up life's ass so that we can show it that we ain't no pussy ?"

Isaiah looked at him for a while before he burst out laughing, "I would've been motivated if it was someone else who said it, but you bastard, you are one of those freaks of nature who even hard work can't beat. What the fuck are you talking about ? And, what's with that accent. Are you trying to act black ?"

Asura frowned. The damn accent slipped out again."Oi, stop laughing, you fucker. I'm here trying to make sure that you don't drown in self hatred and you're laughing."

After a while, Isaiah stopped laughing. His face went still when he heard Asura's next question.

"Well, I didn't catch who you were trying to kill."

Asura looked at Isaiah for a few seconds before walking away while saying something.

"Well, whoever it is, seems like you the bastard very much. Don't go easy on 'em cause the lord doesn't allow you to."

Isaiah grinned. "Bet on it."

Everybody looked at the scene dumbfounded. What the fuck even happened?


"What the hell are you doing here ?"

Tanwen said as the first thing he saw when he entered his room was Asura using his computer for god knows what.

"Got bored. And you have a computer and I don't."

"I heard from Maya that you won quite some money yesterday. Buy one yourself."

"I need that money for something else. You devils are rich as fuck. So, you might as well buy me one."

Tanwen frowned,"I'm not buying your ass a computer. Not to mention, my family forbid me from using their money so I only have a few millions in my bank account.What the hell do you need that money for anyway ?"

"To buy this." Asura showed him a picture of a rusted sword on the computer screen.

"I didn't think you liked to collect ancient things."

Asura frowned,"Who said I do?"

Tanwen raised his eyebrow, "Why else would you buy an old rusted sword that is being auctioned in Mexico with it's starting price at 10,000$ ?"

"Watch your words, broccoli head. That's the sword of one of the greatest swordmasters ever. One of the few people who reached the stage of Transcendent and someone who Blank had to deal with himself during the great war."

Tanwen raised his eyebrow,"And who is that great warrior ? And how are you so sure that it belongs to him anyway ?"

"Sieg Dragonhart. And as to how I know, well the design is the exact same and also..." He zoomed in on the picture to show the sword's handle.

Tanwen frowned,"All I see is a very old sword handle. Oh, Is that a dick with square balls?"

Asura looked at him weird, "That's a hammer, you braindead buffoon. Some idiot drew the handle to be a bit.....round? What the hell is wrong with your world's people ? That's a universal treasure people would kill for."

Tanwen shrugged and then frowned "Don't call me a buffoon. And, what does that hammer even mean ? And even if it is, it's rusted now. What's the use now ?"

"That's the Dragonhart family stigma, and I'm pretty sure it is always rusted untill claimed by a suitable user."

"So, the auction is tonight at 10 pm, right ?"


Suddenly, Tanwen noticed that there was another tab open in the background of the computer.

"Oi, who the hell are you talking to with my computer ?"

He pushed Asura out of the way and saw that Asura had sent some 'private' pictures of Tanwen present in his computer to almost every person he had a conversation with.

He angrily turned his head towards Asura, just to find him long gone and his door wide open.

Tanwen wanted to scream, he really did, but he was too busy unsending the messages. Unfortunately, some people had already seen those damn pictures.


Around 9 pm

Tanwen stood outside the gate of the house in a formal clothing. He wore black pants and a black suit with a white shirt underneath with a red tie.

He saw Asura walking towards him in pretty much the same attire as him and immediately glared at him.

"You motherfucker. Do you even know how hard it was to clean up the mess you created. I think my aunt saw that. She will send that shit to my mom."

"Calm down,man. No use stressing over something you can't change."

Tanwen looked at Asura's straight face as a feeling of wanting to kill someone emerged from within his heart.This bastard.'The problem could have been avoided if it wasn't for you.' He internally screamed.

Tanwen looked at Asura for a few seconds before sighing. He was too old to be fighting with teenagers.

"I'm too old for this shit." He muttered under his breath.

Asura pulled out a suitcase and two masks seemingly out of nowhere and threw one of the masks at Tanwen.

"A cat mask ? And where did you pull that out of ?"

"Of course, we're going to an illegal auction. You don't want to reveal your identity,do you? As for where I pulled it out of,well, mana-specific spell."

"What do you mean, mana-specific spell. I know plenty people that use mana, but I've never heard anything about what you did."

"Really? It's a hard spell to perform, but for space magic, 'Crack' is the most basic spell. It's only useful for storing things though, since it's pretty small."

Tanwen just nodded. Then, he exclaimed in surprise, "Wait, it's illegal ?"

"Obviously, didn't you notice that I got the information from the dark web, idiot?"

Blood red wings sprouted from Asura's back.

"Hurry up, what if the sword is already sold cause of your lazy ass." Saying that,he shot up to the sky.

"Oi, wait for me." Black wings sprouted from Tanwen's back as he followed Asura.


Asura and Tanwen were walking in an underground tunnel, both wearing a cat mask completely covering their faces except for the eyes.

"You sure this is the way ?"

Asura said nothing and stopped, seemingly randomly.He faced the wall of the tunnel and lightly tapped a brick on the wall. The ceiling at the top of them opened and a ladder dropped down.

"Ya, I'm pretty sure." Asura said as he began climbing the ladder.

Tanwen shrugged and followed him.

After they finished climbing, they saw another passage and a door with two bodyguards infront of it.

"Can I see your invitation, please?"