
Why am I a side character

Of all the wild things that Asura had ever expected to be true ,he certainly didn't expect for the world he was living in to be a novel, neither did he expect to find a person from another world who had read the said novel trying invade his mind one day, however the thing he expected the least was: " Why the hell am I , the prince of the greatest empire in the world, who is hailed as the greatest genius since the strongest king in the history of said empire, just a side character that didn't even make it into the original story?" Follow Asura as he uses his talents and his knowledge of the future to navigate his way to become the strongest the world has ever seen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N ; This is the first story I have ever written and as such, might contain some small errors. Regardless, I promise I will try my best to minimize these errors. Please Enjoy. Btw, the harem won't be more than 6, so sorry if that's too much or too little.)

_da_evil_god · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Not a genius in the way of the sword

The next morning.....

(By morning, I mean 10:30)

Asura was walking down the stairs and went straight to the kitchen to eat something. He saw some pancakes and eggs on the table and decided to eat it.

As he was eating, he saw Tanwen coming into the kitchen. Though, for some reason, Tanwen, as soon as he saw Asura, began to get extremely angry.

Asura saw this and well....,"Oi, I knew you were gay, little bitch. But I didn't know gay people have periods."

Tanwen got even more angry,"What the fuck are you talking about, you bastard ?"

"Well, I couldn't come up with any other reason as to why you would get so angry without any reason as soon as you see me except for mood swings."

Tanwen was rendered speechless. What the hell went through this brat's head ? He got angry again. "The reason I'm angry is because some bastard decided to eat the breakfast I prepared for myself when I went to wash my hands."

Asura fake gasped."Oh my, I wonder who would commit such a grave sin. They surely deserve to be thrown in the burning fires of purgatory."

Veins popped out of Tanwen's head but he sighed after some time."Might as well cook it again."

Asura felt bad now. He would've felt better if Tanwen yelled at him a bit more. "Sorry about that. It is delicious though."

Tanwen looked at him in surprise,"You.... apologized. I never thought you were capable of such a thing."

Asura frowned. What's that supposed to mean ?

Then a voice rang out."Don't worry. I've cooked breakfast for both of us."

"Oh, thanks ma--. Wait, who the hell was that ?"

Then, Zereth came out holding two plates, took a seat and started eating.

"What the---. Why are you here, Zereth."

Asura had a different question."How did you cook it so fast ?"

He sensed Zereth appearing in the kitchen when Tanwen had shown himself and just chose not to comment on it.

Zereth merely raised his finger and a small fire appeared above it.

Asura nodded.

Tanwen watched their interaction as he sat down and started eating, dumbfounded. "Why are you guys acting like you know each other ?"

Asura and Zereth looked at each other and shrugged."We met."

Tanwen frowned. What the fuck was that supposed to mean ? "And why are you here, Zereth ? Did you feel sorry that you couldn't help me when I got banished from the underworld and come here to apologize ?"

Zereth looked at him as if he was an idiot, "No, I don't really care about that. I just had some business in the human realm. Speaking of which, Edward, Can I talk to you in private later ?"

Asura raised his eyebrow but nodded anyway."Sure."


Asura entered Zereth's room,where Zereth was waiting for him.He closed the door and as he turned around, he felt a sword touching his neck.

To be honest, in a corner of his mind, Asura did expect him to pull this shit on him.Still, He was sure that Zereth wouldn't kill him as long as he got the answers he was looking for. As for the questions, Asura had some guesses.

Asura just smiled,"Oh, getting hostile, are you ?"

Zereth's face was ice cold as he asked."First off, let's address your sudden increase in power from last night. I'm not a mana user, but I do know that it takes 2 days for someone who just jumped a level to stabilize their mana. You were level 5 yesterday and level 6 today, but your mana is completely stable. How ?"

That was simply because he used liquid mana last night to jump a level. He could tell him that, but....

"I'm sure that's not the question you want the answer to."

Zereth nodded."Who really are you ? And don't think about it. My bloodline is called Bael's eye. One of it's ability is to detect lies. You got away with Liz cause you only awaken it as an adult, which is 16."

Asura nodded. He figured as much. He could see last night that Zereth caught all of his lies.He lightly covers his fingers with aura and pushed the sword away from his throat.

"I'll tell you but let's sit down and talk like well behaved people, shall we ? I won't run away. You should be able to tell that I'm not lying." Asura said with a smile.

Zereth nodded and they sat down.

Asura started speaking."So, do you know what Atsolaes is ?"

Zereth nodded.

Asura nodded."Good, that makes it easier. My real name is Asura Bloodfallen.

Would you believe me if I said that I was a runaway prince from Atsolaes ?"

Zereth nodded."It shows that you're not lying, but that's only the half truth."

Asura sighed."See, I'm only half the prince of Atsolaes."

Zereth raised his eyebrow,"What's that mean ?"

"Well. Long story short. Daddy2 is king and mommy is queen.Mommy stopped liking daddy2 because he was getting to power hungry, fucked her brother, who, best swordsman in the world, but super weak pull out game. 9 more months = Asura fucking Bloodfallen. Daddy2 initially doesn't find out. Fast forward 15 years, Daddy2 finds out. Locks us up. I escape to a small world. Tada."

Zereth nodded. "Does Tanwen know ?"

"Most of it. I'll tell him the full story today."

"And why did you so easily spill the beans today, and to someone you barely know, on top of that."

Asura sighed."That's cause I need your help."

Zereth looked at him in surprise."And why would I help you ?"

"It's related to the attacks you mentioned yesterday."

Zereth nodded."As expected. They're after you, aren't they ? And you came to this house because you thought this was your best bet for protection against them ?"

Asura nodded.

"Again, why would I help you instead of throwing you to those bastards ?"

Asura didn't lose his smile."Well, you wouldn't want to live knowing that there are bastards who can come and kill you any time they want, do you ? I have a way to close the gate through which you can come to your world from Atsolaes."

Zereth scoffed."And you'll stay here forever. Do you really expect me to believe that ?"

"I won't. There are two other gates. The difference is, they are one way gates. From one,you can only come here and from one, you can only go to Atsolaes. The current king only knows about the gate through which you can come here. But, he won't risk it, cause he is a coward. He will not come or send men in fear that there won't be a way to return."

Zereth nodded, but then put a sword to Asura's throat."What you said makes sense, but what will you do if something happens to my sister and her roommates cause of your shenanigans."

Asura looked at him with a serious look, "Rest assured. Your sister is someone I owe a favor to. A Bloodfallen never forgets their favors. I swear on my name as the grandson of King Arthur Bloodfallen and the son of queen Diana Bloodfallen that I won't let any man or woman that is after my life touch a single hair on your sister's body and will also repay the favor I owe her."

Zereth looked at him in silence,"Why the hell did you get so serious. But, what about the others ?"

"I would tell you that I would protect them too. But truth is, I don't owe them anything. I owe Tanwen and Liz, but the others losing their life, although it would cause me guilt that they died because of me, I wouldn't go out of my way to save them."

Asura was half-expecting Zereth to try to cut off his head, but Zereth just laughed harder. "Well said, I don't give a fuck about the others either. Who cares if they die and some stupid treaty doesn't happen ? I sure don't. But....."

Zereth held the sword tighter."Can you back up your words ? Can you really protect my sister ? Prove it."

Asura smirked. "Fine. Let's take it outside."

Zereth matched his smirk.


In the backyard.....

"Oi, why the fuck are you 2 suddenly talking about fighting each other ?"

Tanwen was getting a headache with this bullshit. These 2 idiots go inside to talk about something and come out wanting to fight each other.


Tanwen's annoyance: +1

Tanwen sighed."Alright, you know what, do whatever the fuck you want."

Not like Asura or Zereth needed his permission. They were going to be fighting no matter what this idiot said.

Asura, just now remembering something turned to Tanwen, said sheepishly,"Hey, you got a sword."

Tannwen looked at him in disbelief and shook his head no.

Asura turned towards Zereth.

Zereth raised his eyebrow,"Aren't you a swordsman. And you don't even carry your sword ?"

Asura shrugged. "I usually go with the flow."

Zereth was shocked but threw a sword that he pulled out of what looked like a rune on his belt towards Asura.

Asura caught the sword and took it out of the scabbard.

"You ready ?" Zereth's voice rang out.

Asura nodded.

Zereth smirked."Then come at me."

Now what he didn't expect was for a scabbard to come flying towards him. What kind of psycho threw a scabbard at their enemy. Nevertheless, he cut through the scabbard like it was butter, only to find Asura swinging a sword at him diagnolly.

He didn't have enough time to block it, so he backed up to dodge it. Asura didn't stop and kept swinging at him, all of which Zereth dodged effortlessly. Asura sensed Zereth swinging at him vertically and backed away to create distance between them.

A bead of sweat rolled down Asura's face. He knew that Zereth had an advantage in this fight, so he planned to use the element of surprise to defeat him swiftly. If he couldn't do that, he expected to leave at least some damage on him. But this guy dodged every single one of his effortlessly.

Zereth didn't seem too serious, even talking in the middle of the fight."That wasn't a bad idea, but my eyes make it seem like you're as slow as a snail. Don't expect to catch me by surpri---"

Before he could finish talking, he had to block a swing at his neck by Asura who was behind him."Straight for the neck ? You trying to kill me ? Damn brat."

Asura smirked and covered his leg with aura and threw a kick at his left waist, while still holding his sword in the same position.

Zereth couldn't dodge that without getting his neck chopped off from the right and attempted to block the kick with his arm. It didn't work as he was sent flying. Asura knew this was the oppurtunity to win. He appeared above Zereth and threw a kick, wanting to kick him to the ground.

Zereth smirked and caught his leg with ease.

He was about to throw Asura to the ground but as he was about to do so, his head hit a tree. Asura immediately backed away.

Before he could do anything, Zereth's voice rang out from the sky. That bastard had already recovered and was in the sky. So quick."Well, that was quite the trick. You're quite the genius in the way of the sword. I'll give you that. But, what about this ?"

Zereth held his hand in front of him and a large flamethrower moved towards Asura.

Asura just held his hand out."You too, huh ? I won't correct you in saying that I'm a genius. But in the way of the sword, that's bullshit. That, I would like to give credit to my hard work and my psycho instructor. But..."

As the flamethrower reached him, Asura merely said a single word after which the flamethrower completely disappeared. "Negation."

"I'm quite the freak when it come to magic." Asura finished with a smile.

Tanwen and Zereth were looking at Asura in shock. Negation was a level 1 magic, but it was also one of the most complex magic of all time. It could cancel any magic that wasn't used by mana. It was level 1 magic because even level 1 mages could theoretically use it. However,not even most high class magicians could use it.

Before Zereth could get out of his shock he felt lightning cackling above him. But, wasn't it sunny a few moments ago.

Asura smirked."Thundering Tribulation."

Zereth didn't have time to react as thunder came crashing down upon him.