
Why Am I A Cat In A World Of Gods?

Not knowing that he and his former owner Hana was killed when they were hit by a car in his own world of earth, Kaede the cat was reborn in a fantasy world called Kalhalla. A world where gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures and beings reside. Wanting to know why he’s there and how to leave, he must survive the fantasy world first. Meeting new people, gaining powerful red and black flame magic, fighting new villains, dealing with new plots, he realizes something isn’t right. “How the hell do I get home? Away from these annoying bastards who wanna pet me every five seconds?”

jxsh116 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

The Hot Chase

(Seoul Korea)

In the electrifying glow of Seoul's vibrant cityscape, Hana was a captivating sight. With her dark hair flowing in soft waves, she reflected the city's energy, its glimmers caught in the strands. Her eyes were a deep, mesmerizing noir, with a spark that hinted at her lively spirit. Her skin, as delicate as porcelain, glowed softly, giving her high cheekbones a radiant charm. She wore a contemporary styled hanbok, a bold nod to her Korean heritage, overlaid with a sleek leather jacket that spoke volumes about her audacious personality. The bright patterns of her hanbok stood out against the leather's stark black, a stunning juxtaposition of tradition and modernity.

Securely nestled in her arm was a black cat, his coat as dark as a moonless night and as shiny as polished obsidian. His eyes were a striking shade of yellow, glowing like two miniature suns that reflected the neon signs and the frenetic tempo of Seoul's nightlife. His fur was groomed to perfection, a testament to Hana's meticulous care. With a tail proudly coiled around Hana's arm, he seemed as regal as any royal, a king of his own urban jungle.

As Hana made her way through the throng of people, the city noises - the chatter, the traffic, the buzz - formed a rhythmic symphony. Suddenly, she paused, smiling down at the cat.

"Joon-woo," she said, her voice melodic, "you're quite the star tonight, aren't you?"

Joon-woo purred in response, blinking his luminous eyes at her. A nearby passerby couldn't help but comment, "Wow, that's a beautiful cat. What's his name?"

Hana chuckled, her eyes crinkling in delight. "His name is Joon-woo. He loves the city as much as I do."

Awed whispers and appreciative murmurs trailed in their wake as they continued their journey, the queen and her feline king, through the neon-lit labyrinth of Seoul.

As they meandered through the labyrinthine streets, Hana's laughter echoed like a cheerful melody, blending harmoniously with the city's nocturnal hum. Joon-woo's yellow eyes flicked from face to face, a silent observer of the urban theatre around him. His sleek form was a dark silhouette against the vivid kaleidoscope of Seoul's nightlife, a stark contrast that drew more and more admiring glances.

They passed food stalls wafting with the tantalizing aroma of tteokbokki and mandu, the spicy and savory scents hanging heavy in the cool night air. Hana paused to buy a stick of odeng, sharing a piece with Joon-woo, who sniffed it curiously before accepting the treat. "You've got a good taste, Joon-woo," she mused, her lips curving into an affectionate smile.

A group of teenagers stopped in their tracks, their chatter hushed as they watched Hana and Joon-woo. "Your cat is so cool," one of them exclaimed, her eyes wide with admiration. "I've never seen a cat so comfortable in a crowd!"

Hana laughed, her eyes twinkling under the neon lights. "Joon-woo is a city cat. He loves the lights, the sounds, the people. Don't you, Joon-woo?" The black cat responded with a contented purr, his radiant eyes scanning the crowd, relishing the attention.

As the night deepened, Hana and Joon-woo continued their journey. They strolled past karaoke bars disgorging cheerful melodies, past bustling night markets alive with vendors calling out their wares, past ancient palaces standing tall and serene amidst the urban chaos. Through it all, Hana and Joon-woo remained the center of attention, a woman and her cat, painting an unforgettable portrait on the canvas of Seoul's vibrant nightlife.

Their journey took them next to the beautiful Cheonggyecheon Stream, a serene oasis amidst the metropolitan flurry. The stream, illuminated by soft lights, created a shimmering pathway that seemed to lead to an ethereal world. Hana and Joon-woo settled down on the stone steps, letting the calming sound of the bubbling stream wash over them.

Looking down at Joon-woo, Hana softly murmured, "This is our favorite spot, isn't it?" Joon-woo purred in response, his yellow eyes reflecting the dancing lights on the water.

A couple walked by, their hands intertwined, their conversation hushed to whispers as they passed Hana and Joon-woo. "Such a beautiful cat," the woman breathed, her eyes drawn to Joon-woo's glossy coat. "And so peaceful, just like its owner," she added, her gaze shifting to Hana, who smiled warmly in response.

After a while, Hana rose, Joon-woo securely in her arms, and they resumed their nocturnal exploration. They strolled through Seoul's ancient alleyways, where the modern cityscape gave way to traditional houses, their tiled roofs and wooden doors whispering tales of yore. The scent of age-old timber and earth mingled with the modern city's perfume, creating a nostalgic aroma that wrapped around them like a comforting shroud.

They passed an old man playing a gayageum, the notes of the traditional Korean instrument floating through the air like a lullaby. "Ah, Hana and Joon-woo," he called out, his wrinkled face breaking into a warm smile. "Your presence makes this music even sweeter."

Hana bowed slightly, "Your music, Ajusshi, makes our walk more enjoyable."

Their journey continued, the duo becoming a part of the city's heartbeat, their presence as mesmerizing as the city itself. And as day slowly began to break, painting the sky with shades of pink and purple, Hana and Joon-woo ended their journey at Namsan Tower, watching the city they called home come alive with the new dawn. Their silhouettes, a woman and her cat, stood out against the rising sun, a picture-perfect ending to their nocturnal adventure through the sprawling, vibrant canvas of Seoul.

The cat thought, 'Ah, this is the life. No worries, no anything. Just life. I have an owner who loves me, and everyone likes me. What else could a cat ask for-?'




The cat went flying across the road, sliding as blood was coming out of his hip.

'Agh..what the hell..?'

"Someone call the ambulance!"

"Oh shit!"

"The cat's down too!"

'What? What are they saying?'

The cat turned, and looked at Hana, his owner, lying dead in the middle of the street, and saw Hana dead in the road, bleeding out all over the asphalt.

The cat struggled to move, thinking, 'What's wrong with her? She's not moving? She needs to get up. What happened? All I heard was a loud crash…'

The cat's vision was getting blurry as sirens wailed in the distance, and he closed his eyes.

The cat opened his eyes, and he was red and black now with a half red tail, his eyes were red, and he had a small red "S" shaped symbol on his forehead.

The cat sat up, seeing that he was on top of a large canyon.


He looked down, and saw his name tag was still there, but it was named Kaede.

"Kaede? Who is that? That's not me. I'm Joon-Woo, the name Hana gave me. This shit is annoying. Where is Hana?"

Kaede, the agile feline, stood at the mouth of the canyon, his eyes narrowing at the sight of rampaging horses cloaked in shadows, their wings flapping menacingly. "Great, a stampede. Just what I needed," he quipped, the smirk never leaving his face. "WHAT ARE THOSE HORSES?! WHERE AM I?!"

With a swift leap, Kaede bounded onto a protruding rock, narrowly avoiding a horse that had charged towards him. "Watch where you're going!" he shot back, his tail flicking in annoyance. Kaede continued his ascent, leaping from rock to rock, his claws scraping against the stone. Behind him, the horses trampled the ground, their hooves cracking the canyon floor. Just as a horse nearly collided with him, Kaede performed a flip, using the horse's back as a springboard to reach a higher ledge. His smirk widened. "Thanks for the lift!"

Kaede was forced to take a daring leap across a raving as the horses barrelled behind him, their shadowy wings flapping violently, sending rocks tumbling down. "Getting a bit too close! Don't bite me! Don't bite me!" he called out, feigning concern.

The horses' rampant charge caused an avalanche of rocks. Kaede skillfully dodged the falling debris, his nimble body twisting and turning mid-air. "A little less destruction would be nice!" he yelled, clearly enjoying the chaos. Kaede reached the end of the canyon, a thick forest ahead. Not missing a beat, he launched himself towards the treeline, his claws ready to grip the bark. In the forest, Kaede leapt from tree to tree, his fur brushing against the leaves. The horses, unable to navigate through the dense trees, charged through, snapping trunks and uprooting bushes. "Talk about a trail of destruction.." A horse managed to follow Kaede onto a tree branch. Kaede, not missing a beat, swung himself under the branch, the horse toppling over. "Didn't anyone teach you that cats always land on their feet, dumbasses!?" he jeered.

Kaede's route led him over a fast-flowing stream. With an agile leap, he crossed it, while the horses stumbled, their shadows flickering in the water. "Can't swim? What a shame!"

A large boulder blocked Kaede's path. With a running start, he scaled the rock and backflipped onto the other side. The horses shattered it into pieces. "You could've just gone around, you know!" Kaede reached a steep incline, the ground slippery with leaves. He sprinted up, the horses sliding and trampling in his wake. "Ever heard of a gentle trot?" he chimed, his tone dripping with mockery. As Kiade neared the forest's edge, the ground rumbled beneath him. Looking back, he saw a wave of horses approaching. "Stop chasing me!!" he declared, darting towards the looming volcano. The volcano's base was littered with sharp rocks. Kaede nimbly dodged them, while the horses, in their blind rage, charged through, their hooves shattering the rocks. "Watch your step!"

Kaede started his climb up the volcano, the horses struggling to keep up. Boulders tumbled down, but he deftly avoided them. The ground beneath Kaede gave way, but he quickly jumped onto a stable ledge. The horses stumbled, their shadows wavering. "That's what you get for following a cat up a volcano!"

Kaede leapt over a crack spewing lava, landing safely on the other side, while the horses jumped over, their wings leaving trails of shadow. "Getting hot.." A horse managed to reach Kaede, but he swiftly dodged, causing the horse to stumble into a lava stream. "Maybe stick to flat ground next time," he suggested, feigning sympathy. As he neared the volcano's peak, Kaede slipped, but quickly regained his footing. The horses, however, weren't as lucky, slipping and sliding in their pursuit. "Ever heard of a stable footing?" he taunted.

Kaede finally reached the peak, looking back at the struggling horses. "End of the fucking line.." he called out, jumping onto a descending ledge on the other side.

As Kaede descended, the horses attempted to follow, causing a rain of rocks and dust. "You guys really know how to make a mess!" he yelled back, dodging falling debris. Nearing the volcano's base again, Kaede spotted a narrow path. He darted into it, the horses smashing into the rocky wall. "Tight squeeze, eh?" he taunted. The path led to a field of geysers. Kaede timed his jumps, avoiding the spouts of hot water, while the horses charged blindly, getting hit by the geysers.

A chasm blocked Kaede's path. With a running start, he made a daring leap, landing safely on the other side. The horses, however, faltered at the edge. "Afraid of heights?" Now on a downhill slope, Kaede picked up speed, the wind ruffling his fur. The horses, unsteady on the declining terrain, stumbled in their chase. "Can't keep up?" Kaede reached a lava river, jumping from one floating rock to another. The horses, unable to follow, watched as their quarry escaped. "Okay okay i'm done! I'll do whatever you want!"

A sudden eruption sent a shower of volcanic rocks towards Kaede. With cat-like reflexes, he dodged the falling debris, while the horses were forced to retreat. "This is a dream! This is a dream! This is a dream!"

Kaede spotted a lava tube and darted into it, his body a flash of color against the glowing red. The horses, too large to follow, could only watch. Kaede emerged from the tube onto a rocky ledge, the volcano behind him. The horses, unable to pursue any further, halted at the entrance of the tube, getting devoured immediately.. "Catch you later, dumbasses!"

Kaede was sitting on the ledge, saying, "What..was that? Some stupid group of horses chased me..those ARE NOT regular horses."

"A cat?"

Kaede turned, and saw an old woman with long gray hair, pale skin, and dark purple eyes.

Kaede replied, "Can you understand me or what?"

"I can..I can! My name's Elara! Do you need help?"

"I'm hungry as hell. Got grub?"


"Food. FOOOOD."

"Oh, haha yes. Follow me."

"Haha, okay!" As Kaede happily followed her, Elara was smiling creepily.

Kaede stopped, "W-Wait! I'm rushing into things! I gotta find my owner, Hana!"

"..Hana? I know her."

"You do?"

"Yes, that's an easy one." Elara lied. "Follow."