
Why Am I A Cat In A World Of Gods?

Not knowing that he and his former owner Hana was killed when they were hit by a car in his own world of earth, Kaede the cat was reborn in a fantasy world called Kalhalla. A world where gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures and beings reside. Wanting to know why he’s there and how to leave, he must survive the fantasy world first. Meeting new people, gaining powerful red and black flame magic, fighting new villains, dealing with new plots, he realizes something isn’t right. “How the hell do I get home? Away from these annoying bastards who wanna pet me every five seconds?”

jxsh116 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Nine Lives

Yalla sighed, "But what about the catttt?"

Thalion replied, "You're worried about a cat. Lives are at stake. The elves of the Emerald Glades are under our protection of the High Circle. And Eolande…she's still at large, commanding these demons. We have a responsibility. Less talking, more battle."

"Fine. Such a buzzkill."

Alaric added, "Let's kill them already!"

Yalla: Yalla wields the Emerald Staff, a weapon that can manifest a solid light energy barrier for defense and project a blinding flash of emerald light that can disorient enemies. The staff's energy barrier can absorb and deflect attacks, while the blinding flash can render foes temporarily sightless.

Thalion: Thalion commands the Emerald Gauntlets, weapons that can create shockwaves of condensed emerald light energy and form energy constructs for attack. The emerald shockwaves can disrupt enemy formations and break through defenses, while the energy constructs can be shaped into any weapon Thalion imagines.

Caelan: Caelan carries the Emerald Bow, a weapon capable of firing arrows made of pure emerald light energy that explode upon impact and creating a time-dilated zone where everything moves slower. The emerald arrows can cause devastating explosions, while the time-dilated zone can give Caelan and his team the upper hand in battle.

Lirael: Lirael controls the Emerald Scythe, a weapon that can tear through the fabric of space to create portals and unleash a vortex of emerald light energy. The scythe can create portals for quick transportation or surprise attacks, while the vortex can pull in and disorient enemies.

Alaric: Alaric wields the Emerald Greatsword, a weapon that can absorb energy from attacks and release it in a powerful blast, and create a field of intensified gravity. The energy absorption and release can turn enemies' attacks against them, while the gravity field can immobilize foes and make them vulnerable.

Kaede was slowly crawling away, thinking, 'Wowww. So these pointy ear freaks are just going to leave a dying cat on the ground? My vision is getting blurrier…my hearing…it's ringing. My body hurts…is this death?'

Yalla swings her Emerald Staff, manifesting a solid barrier of emerald light energy that deflects a shadow horse's charge. The shadow horse crashes into a nearby building, causing a cloud of dust and debris. Thalion, with his Emerald Gauntlets, sends a shockwave of condensed emerald light energy towards a group of shadow horses. They scatter, but one is caught in the blast and dissipates into shadows. Caelan draws back his Emerald Bow, releasing an arrow of pure emerald light energy. It explodes upon contact, taking out a shadow horse and causing collateral damage to nearby structures.

Lirael swings her Emerald Scythe, tearing through space to create a portal. A shadow horse charges at her, only to emerge from the portal behind her and crash into another shadow horse. Alaric wields his Emerald Greatsword, absorbing the energy from a shadow horse's attack. He releases it in a powerful blast, obliterating several shadow horses but also causing a nearby building to crumble.

Yalla, using her staff, sends out a blinding flash of emerald light. Several shadow horses are temporarily sightless, rearing and causing chaos in their ranks. Thalion forms a massive hammer with his gauntlets, smashing it into the ground. The resulting shockwave sends several shadow horses flying, but also cracks the street beneath them. Caelan creates a time-dilated zone, slowing down the shadow horses. However, they manage to land a few blows, one crashing into a nearby shop and causing an explosion. Lirael unleashes a vortex of emerald light energy from her scythe. It pulls in several shadow horses, but they manage to break free, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

Alaric creates a field of intensified gravity with his greatsword. Several shadow horses are immobilized, but one breaks free, launching a counterattack that sends Alaric crashing into a nearby wall. Yalla's barrier deflects another attack, but a shadow horse manages to break through, sending her sprawling into the street. Thalion's shockwave disrupts another group of shadow horses, but they regroup and charge, trampling him underfoot. Caelan's arrow explodes, taking out another shadow horse. But the explosion also sends him flying back, crashing into a pile of debris. Lirael's portal confuses another shadow horse, but one manages to land a hit, sending her slamming into a nearby building.

Alaric's blast obliterates another group of shadow horses, but the explosion also causes a building to collapse onto him. Yalla's flash blinds several shadow horses, but they blindly charge, causing more destruction in the town. Thalion's hammer smashes another shadow horse, but the shockwave also sends him flying into a nearby shop. Caelan's time-dilated zone slows down several shadow horses, but one manages to break free, charging into a crowd of bystanders. Lirael's vortex pulls in several shadow horses, but they manage to break free, causing more chaos in their ranks.

Alaric's gravity field immobilizes several shadow horses, but they manage to break free, charging at him and sending him flying into a nearby building. Yalla's barrier deflects another attack, but a shadow horse breaks through, causing her to crash into a nearby building. Thalion's shockwave disrupts another group of shadow horses, but they regroup and charge, causing more destruction in the town. Caelan's arrow explodes, taking out another shadow horse. But the explosion sends him crashing into a pile of debris. Lirael's portal confuses another shadow horse, but one manages to land a hit, sending her sprawling into the street.

Alaric's blast obliterates another group of shadow horses, but the explosion also causes a building to collapse onto him. Yalla's flash blinds several more shadow horses, but they blindly charge, causing more chaos in their ranks. Thalion's hammer smashes another shadow horse, but the shockwave also sends him flying back. Caelan's time-dilated zone slows down several shadow horses, but one manages to break free, charging into a crowd of bystanders and causing havoc. Lirael's vortex pulls in several shadow horses, but they manage to break free, causing more chaos in their ranks and leading to more damage in the town.

Alaric's gravity field immobilizes several shadow horses, but they manage to break free, charging at him and sending him flying into a nearby house, causing it to partially collapse.

Kaede watched, thinking, 'They have magic..it's so strong. And here I am, I can't even use my special powers-.'

Kaede fell over, dead.

Yalla stopped in the middle of battle, saying, "Oh shit, the cat is dead."

Alaric responded, "Damn that cat! That's what he gets!"

Thalion, while killing more shadow horses, thought, 'I sense no magic power from that talking cat, but it talks. Most animals and beasts that talk in this world of Kalhalla, any talking animal carries a significant amount of aura, signifying their a mythical creature. The higher ranked ones, one would feel the strongest aura coming from them. But this cat…it talks, and it has no magical aura coming from it. What power does it really have?'

A certain dark elf appeared, casually walking around the battlefield in front of everyone.

His name was Gale.

Gale, the Dark Elf, cut a terrifying figure. Standing at a towering 6 feet 5 inches, he was a sight to behold. His skin was a deep, midnight blue, a hue so dark it almost appeared black in certain lights. It was a stark contrast to the usual pale complexion of his elven kin, a reminder of his dark heritage.

His eyes were startlingly bright, a pair of luminous, glowing emerald orbs that seemed to hold a madness that was both frightening and intriguing. They gleamed with an unhinged glee, a spark of insanity that made him unpredictable and intimidating.

Gale's hair was a striking shade of silver, a stark contrast to his dark skin. It was wild and unkempt, falling past his shoulders in a tangle of waves that seemed to have a life of their own. His ears, like all elves, were pointed, but they bore numerous silver piercings, glinting ominously under the light.

His body was lean and muscular, covered in an array of intricate, swirling tattoos. The tattoos were a dark, charcoal gray, almost blending with his skin, but glowing faintly with an eerie, otherworldly light. They seemed alive, moving and shifting with every flex of his muscles, adding an extra layer of intimidation to his already terrifying presence.

Gale's attire was as dark as his skin, a combination of shadowy black and deep, blood red. He wore a long, flowing coat adorned with silver chains, over a shirt of dark chainmail. His pants were tight, made from some dark, flexible material, and his boots were heavy, steel-toed and intimidating.

To complete his terrifying appearance, Gale's shadow swirled around him like a living entity, a dark, menacing specter that seemed to echo his every move, adding an extra layer of threat to his already intimidating presence. Anyone who dared to cross Gale, the Dark Elf, would surely think twice. His physical appearance was a perfect reflection of his personality - dark, intimidating, and absolutely terrifying.

In the midst of the cleared battlefield, amongst the fallen bodies of horses, Gale emerged. He stood tall, his silhouette almost blending with the shadows around him. His eyes gleamed with a mixture of madness and triumph, his lips curling into a crazed smile.

"You know," Gale began with a chuckle, his voice echoing through the silence of the battlefield. "Do you ever wonder, dear elves, why these horses were cloaked in shadows? Why they burned with shadow flames?"

He paused, his laughter growing louder, more manic as he swept a gaze over the stunned elves. "These were not mere beasts you've slaughtered. No, no, no. They were more. They were the resonating echoes of revenge, the embodiment of restoration!"

As he spoke, his voice grew louder, his tone more manic. His eyes shone with a terrible, gleeful madness. He started pacing back and forth, his movements erratic, his shadow trailing behind him like a dark specter.

"These horses, burning with shadow flames, they were the ultimate symbol of power. A power that was stolen, suppressed, denied! They were the manifestation of a legacy that was ripped away, a birthright that was trampled under the feet of those who claimed superiority!"

His laughter echoed through the battlefield again, a terrible, chilling sound. "And do you know, dear elves, whose power they represented? Whose revenge they sought?"

He stopped pacing, his gaze landing on the stunned elves. His smile widened, revealing a row of sharp teeth. "They resonated with the power rightfully belonging to her. The one you all fear. The one you all denied her rightful legacy. The one you all wronged!"

Gale's laughter reached a new high, his entire being consumed by his madness. "That power, dear elves, belongs to her! To our rightful queen! And with each horse you've slaughtered, with each shadow flame you've extinguished, her power has only grown!"

His laughter died down to a low chuckle, his eyes gleaming with a crazed kind of glee. "You thought you were winning, didn't you? But all you've done is feed her power. The power of the one you all wronged. The power that will bring about your downfall!"

Gale raised his arms, his shadow swirling around him like a dark storm. "So, dear elves, rejoice! For you've played your part in the great drama of revenge and restoration. You've fueled the fire that will consume you all!"

His laughter filled the battlefield once more, a terrible, chilling sound that left the elves frozen in their tracks. Gale had delivered his message. The shadow horses, the shadow flames, they were all part of a greater scheme, a scheme of revenge, of power restoration, a scheme that was about just starting to blossom.

Thalion stated, "Eolande wishes for revenge, but not knowing her practice in the dark arts was forbidden by the Elder elves. You being her pawn is a desperate attempt to undo her mistakes."

"Pawn? No, partners. Me and many others."

Yalla smiled as she raised her hand, "Um, you're a pawn!"

Alaric scoffed, "Damn right, dumbass! Fight us!"

Caelan said, "Hmph. He must inform us of Eolande's whereabouts. Based on my strategies, they've been delving deeper in dark arts. In the forbidden knowledge book, dark elves come from those who aren't satisfied with their Emerald light magic, and get corrupted by the new dark magic they find."

Gale responded, "Hehe..thanks for the history lesson."

Lirael said, "…."

Thalion pointed his gauntlets at Gale, and said, "Tell us where Eolande is, or prepare to be-."

Suddenly, giant roots of tree branches blasted from underground, covered in shadow flames, stabbed right through all of their chests. They coughed out blood, and the branches reached higher into the sky, waving them around.

Gale laughed, "HAHAHA! You were saying what now?!"

Alaric scoffed, "Bastard! Let us go!"

Yalla said, "Ummmm, these branches are keeping us from using our Emerald Light magic!"

Caelan responded, "According to my hypothesis, it Seems that skill only works when pierced through its target."

Thalion responded, "Dammit! Gotta break free somehow!"

Kaede laid there, he was seeing nothing but pitch black.

'Where am I now? Why does everything keep taking me one place to the next? This is definitely a dream..'

Out of nowhere, appearing in front of Kaede, was a giant red and black flaming lion.

Kaede screamed, "Whoaaa whoaaa who are you? The final boss or something?"

The lion said with a loud voice, "Nine lives. You now have eight. The more you die, the stronger you get. But once you run out of lives, you are gone forever."

"Who are you?! Why is this dream getting so vivid?!"

"This is no dream. Welcome to Kalhalla."


Back to the battle, the elves were still struggling, and Gale was laughing, "How about this: how about I take all of you to Queen Eolande, and she can turn you into shadow animals?! Haha! It's a grueling process. She kills the subject first before she manipulates its body, drenching its soul in dark magic."

Gale's heart pounded, and he said, "That rise of magic pressure…what the hell?"

The elves felt it too:

"What is that??"

"The cat??"

There were black and red flames surrounding Kaede, spiraling around him. Kaede opened his eyes slowly, and it was glowing yellow and red, and he had red glowing horns on its head. He slowly lifted his head from the flames, covered in blood, staring at Gale.

Kaede said, "I feel…super duper strong.."

Gale exclaimed, "I watched my shadow horses kill you! You should be dead!"

"Shaddup. Nine lives. Now I'm down to eight..."

Kaede the cat, small on the ground on all fours, was thinking rapidly:

"My skills…"

"1. **Crimson and Obsidian Inferno Transformation**: This is the ability to cover himself in red and black flames and transform into a giant lion once. Upon transformation, his strength, speed, and resilience significantly increase, and he can unleash powerful fiery attacks.

2. **Shadow Pounce**: The mythical cat can temporarily blend with shadows, becoming intangible and invisible. This allows it to bypass physical barriers and launch surprise attacks. The longer it stays in the shadows, the more energy it drains.

3. **Ruby Gaze**: With a direct look, the cat can paralyze its target in place, frozen by fear. The effect lasts for a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on the strength of the target's will.

4. **Feline Agility**: The cat has superior agility and reflexes. It can dodge attacks with ease, climb almost any surface, and has a perfect balance. This ability is passive and always active.

5. **Black Whisker Divination**: The cat's whiskers can sense imminent danger and predict future events to some extent. This ability is vague and cannot provide detailed information.

6. **Scarlet Claw Marks**: With each scratch from its claws, the cat can leave a cursed wound that continuously bleeds. The bleeding can only be stopped by a specific antidote or by the cat's will.

7. **Obsidian Fur Shield**: The cat can harden its fur to create an impenetrable shield, protecting it from physical and magical attacks. However, the cat cannot move while the shield is active.

8. **Crimson Fang Drain**: The cat can drain the life force of its victims with a bite, healing itself or storing the energy for later use.

9. **Nine Lives**: The cat has the ability to resurrect itself from death, but only nine times. Each resurrection significantly drains its power.

10. **Roar of the Abyss**: The cat can let out a mighty roar that creates a shock wave of red and black flames. The roar can disorient enemies, and the shock wave can cause significant damage. However, this ability requires a lot of energy and can only be used sparingly.

1. **Purr of Persuasion**: The cat emits a unique purring sound that influences the thoughts and actions of those who hear it. This skill can be used to subtly manipulate others, but its effectiveness varies depending on the individual's willpower.

2. **Tail of the Tempest**: The cat can whip its tail to generate a storm of red and black fire. This tempestuous blaze can be controlled by the cat, allowing it to direct the flames towards its enemies or use them as a defensive barrier.

3. **Eyes of the Eclipse**: The cat's eyes can emit a blinding light that plunges the surrounding area into temporary darkness. This gives it an advantage in combat, allowing it to attack without being seen. However, this skill can only be used once per day.

4. **Scarlet and Obsidian Resonance**: By synchronizing its heartbeat with the natural rhythm of the universe, the cat can enhance its physical and magical abilities for a short time. This resonance causes its body to glow with red and black energy, intimidating its opponents and boosting its power.

5. **Leap of Lunacy**: The cat can leap into the air and disappear, only to reappear somewhere else within its line of sight. This ability can disorient enemies, allowing the cat to escape dangerous situations or position itself better in battle. However, using this skill too often can disorient the cat as well.

Kaede shook his head, "Howwww the fuck did I do that?"

'It's the same as last time!'

Yalla exclaimed, "See! I knew he was special!"

Alaric responded, "Tch!"

Caelan commented, "We are in fire trouble. According to my predictions, the cat might help us."

Lirael said, "…"

Thalion thought, 'Something isn't right with that cat…now I feel a power surging from it, it's a mythical creature now, higher ranked than most creatures..'

Kaede was walking towards Gale, saying, "I'm gonna kick your ass for making me run from those horses twice today.."

Gale laughed, "That's it! That's it! Queen Eolande has been searching for rare components for her ritual! I might kill you and take your soul to her! She's gonna love me! She's gonna love Gale!"

"Gross. Let's get this over with….Gale?"

Kaede, with an arrogant grin, faced Gale. "You think your shadow trees scare me?" He taunted. Gale's eyes flashed, a manic grin spreading across his face. "You'll see, cat!" He spread his arms, shadows pooling around him as tree roots erupted from his body. Kaede's form melted into the shadows, reappearing behind Gale, "Shadow Pounce". Gale, however, was quick and a branch whipped from his back, slashing Kaede's side.

Laughing at the sight of Kaede's injury, Gale said, "You're not as quick as you think!" Kaede locked eyes with him, "Ruby Gaze". Gale froze, paralyzed with fear. Kaede, using his Feline Agility, darted forward, leaving a trail of Scarlet Claw Marks on Gale. Gale broke free from the paralysis, wincing as he retaliated with a sharp branch, cutting through Kaede's side. As Gale prepared another wave of shadow branches, Kaede's whiskers twitched. "Black Whisker Divination, never fails." He leapt into the air just as Gale unleashed his attack, and whipped his Tail of the Tempest around. Gale managed to shield himself with more shadow branches, but not before his arm was scorched. Kaede landed, his fur hardening into an Obsidian Fur Shield as Gale retaliated. Kaede was pinned as Gale advanced, "You're stuck, cat!" Gale taunted. With a smirk, Kaede deactivated his shield, "Not for long." Using his Feline Agility, he dodged Gale's attack, leaving a small cut on Gale's cheek with his claws.

Gale's shadow roots shot out again, but Kaede faded into the shadows, "Shadow Pounce". He reappeared behind Gale, his Scarlet Claw Marks leaving deep scratches on Gale's back. Gale cried out, quickly retaliating with shadow branches that left deep cuts on Kaede's flank. Kaede, panting, locked eyes with Gale again. "Ruby Gaze," he hissed. Gale froze, and Kaede used this opportunity to unleash his Roar of the Abyss. Gale was flung back by the shockwave, his maniacal laugh echoing as he sent a flurry of shadow branches towards Kaede, piercing his side.

Kaede's Black Whisker Divination warned him of an incoming attack, and he leapt into the air, using his Tail of the Tempest to intercept the shadow branches. Gale suffered some burns, but retaliated with a root that sprouted from the ground, throwing Kaede off balance and causing him to land awkwardly. Gale launched another flurry of shadow branches, but Kaede used his Obsidian Fur Shield to protect himself. He then used his Purr of Persuasion, subtly influencing Gale to lower his guard. Kaede darted forward, his Scarlet Claw Marks leaving more wounds on Gale. Gale retaliated, a shadow branch leaving a deep gash on Kaede's shoulder. Kaede, wincing in pain, used his Crimson Fang Drain on Gale, sinking his fangs into Gale's arm. Gale cried out, but managed to throw Kaede off with a powerful shadow root. Kaede, now healed somewhat, dodged Gale's subsequent attacks with his Feline Agility.

Kaede used Shadow Pounce again to avoid Gale's shadow roots. He reappeared behind Gale, his claws leaving more Scarlet Claw Marks on Gale's back. Gale retaliated with a barrage of shadow branches, Kaede barely able to dodge them all, receiving several cuts in the process. Gale, grinning crazily, sent a wave of shadow roots tearing through the ground towards Kaede. Kaede, managing a cocky grin despite his wounds, used his Feline Agility to dodge. He darted onto Gale's back and dug his claws in, "Scarlet Claw Marks." Gale roared in pain, spiraling around violently and knocking Kaede off.

"Enjoying yourself, Gale?" Kaede taunted, wincing at his injuries. Gale's maniacal laughter echoed, "You'll pay for that, cat!" Gale's shadow branches lashed out, but Kaede used his Obsidian Fur Shield just in time. A root erupted from Gale's feet, throwing Kaede into the air.

'I'm not used to all of this power and skills at once, I'm rusty..'

Kaede twisted mid-air, using his Tail of the Tempest to send a storm of fire towards Gale. Gale shielded himself with shadow branches, but the fire burned through, scorching his arms. Gale retaliated, sending a flurry of shadow branches towards the falling Kaede, managing to leave deep cuts on Kaede's side. Kaede landed hard, barely managing to roll and avoid another shadow root. "Ruby Gaze," he hissed, locking eyes with Gale. Gale froze, and Kaede, despite his injuries, charged, leaving more Scarlet Claw Marks on Gale. Gale broke free from the paralysis, screaming in rage. He retaliated with a massive shadow branch, slamming Kaede into a building. The building crumbled from the impact, dust and debris filling the air. Kaede, coughing, emerged from the rubble. "Is that the best you can do?" He taunted as he used Crimson Fang Drain, sinking his fangs into Gale's arm. Gale screamed, but with a powerful shadow root, managed to throw Kaede off. Gale, panting heavily, sent another wave of shadow roots towards Kaede. Kaede used his Shadow Pounce, fading into the shadows just in time. He reappeared behind Gale, leaving more Scarlet Claw Marks on Gale's back.

Laughing despite the pain, Gale spun around, a shadow branch lashing out and hitting Kaede. "You're not the only one who can surprise," Gale taunted as Kaede was sent flying into a nearby house, destroying it heavily. Kaede slowly got up, his Obsidian Fur Shield activating just in time to protect him from Gale's next attack. He then used his Purr of Persuasion, subtly influencing Gale to lower his guard. Kaede darted forward, his Scarlet Claw Marks leaving more wounds on Gale.

Gale, sensing the danger too late, retaliated with a shadow branch. It left a deep gash on Kaede's shoulder. Gale, laughing maniacally, prepared for another wave of attacks, the area around them already devastated by their fierce battle. Gale, now more manic than ever, sent a massive shadow root tearing through the ground towards Kaede. Kaede, smirking despite his injuries, used his Black Whisker Divination to predict the attack. He dodged and returned fire with his Tail of the Tempest, scorching Gale's side. Gale, laughing maniacally, sent a barrage of shadow branches towards Kaede. Kaede used his Feline Agility to dodge, leaving a trail of Scarlet Claw Marks on Gale's face. Gale retaliated with a sharp branch, cutting through Kaede's side.

Kaede, wincing in pain, quickly used his Crimson Fang Drain, sinking his fangs into Gale's arm. Gale cried out, but managed to throw Kaede off with a powerful shadow root. Kaede, now healed somewhat, dodged Gale's subsequent attacks with his Feline Agility. Kaede locked eyes with Gale, "Ruby Gaze". Gale froze, paralyzed with fear. Kaede, using his Feline Agility, darted forward, leaving a trail of Scarlet Claw Marks on Gale. Gale broke free from the paralysis, his shadows slashing Kaede's side. Kaede used his Shadow Pounce again to avoid Gale's shadow roots. He reappeared behind Gale, his claws leaving more Scarlet Claw Marks on Gale's back. Gale retaliated with a barrage of shadow branches, Kaede barely able to dodge them all, receiving several cuts in the process.

Gale launched another attack, but Kaede used his Obsidian Fur Shield to protect himself. He then used his Purr of Persuasion, subtly influencing Gale to lower his guard. Kaede darted forward, his Scarlet Claw Marks leaving more wounds on Gale. Gale retaliated, a shadow branch leaving a deep gash on Kaede's shoulder. Kaede, panting heavily, used Crimson Fang Drain on Gale, sinking his fangs into Gale's arm. Gale screamed, but with a powerful shadow root, managed to throw Kaede off. Kaede, now healed somewhat, dodged Gale's subsequent attacks with his Feline Agility.

Gale prepared another wave of shadow branches, but Kaede faded into the shadows, "Shadow Pounce". He reappeared behind Gale, his Scarlet Claw Marks leaving deep scratches on Gale's back. Gale cried out, quickly retaliating with shadow branches that left deep cuts on Kaede's flank.

Kaede laughed, "Haha! You're done."

Gale thought, 'Huh?!'

Gale was continuously bleeding, due to Kaede's Scarlet Claw marks skill.

Gale thought, 'It's that skill he has! He was causing deep but light strikes to me to get me to leak blood from every spot on my body, to weaken me?!! What the hell is this cat?!'

Kaede started slashing Gale all over, dismembering his entire body, with body parts flying everywhere in a puddle of blood.

Kaede went back to his normal attitude, and Gale was laying dead, with his body parts and pools of blood laying around him.

Kaede sighed, "That man deserved it. Is that what they called Death?"