
Whut is da DAKKA and how much is too much.

WH 40k and Fantasy(small part) Fanfiction Football hooligan died during the fight with the police and other team hooligans and reincarnated in WH40k as an Ork. Dumb humor, racism(puny xeno, stupid ummies etc), and bad grammar. You have been warned. Enjoy The cover is not mine, I only added text in Paint

saszeta · Video Games
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44 Chs

Underlords 2

After probably what was a whole month boyz found the Skaven city, but it was at the end of a very narrow corridor. But worry not, Orks immediately found a solution to that issue. They started to dig their own corridor that was bigger and wider. To speed up the process they breed new squigoth that evolved front paws and mouth to dig tunnels. How they did it, nobody knows but it was a sudden flow of creativity and genius from runtheards. Skavens on the other hand wanted to stop the construction but Ork's determination to dig to get faster into a fight was no joke, and the more they attacked the higher the morale boost Orks got. So Skaven started to call for reinforcements of all types and sizes. Almost every clan was present with their filthy mutated creations and crooked and rusty contraptions. Hundreds of thousands of Skaven were gathered at the base of the fortress awaiting the arrival of their enemies.

When the time came Skavens saw how a giant wall of a cave where their city was collapsed and the enormous armored head of a squigoth appeared in the hole. It`s maw so big that it could swallow the whole rat ogre in one bite. A few weak-willed ones started to escape but were stopped by their more brave compatriots. Then Skavens fired all their guns at the beast turning it into minced meat.

This took Orks by surprise as they did not anticipate such firepower and scattered. Guts and flesh flying everywhere. This halted their attack and make them flee.

The first round belonged to skavens and they knew about it, so they charged into the tunnel killing anyone they could. They did not stop until they reached Ork mountain where this time the orks fired their guns making Skaven flee in terror.

This game of cat and mouse lasted for several days until Boss bored with this useless game stoped his boyz right at the end of the range of Skaven canons and ordered them to make trenches. Boyz used to dig and dug out several trenches in the ground, walls, and even roof. To complement their creations they brought their biggest gunz to the front and started firing in the hallway. Boyz liked it because the boom made in the corridor was much louder than normally. This tactic was supposed to help them move slowly forward under the cover of artillery but there was one issue. Ork artillery range was too small.

Skaven of course saw thru this tactic and decided to use other smaller tunnel to sneak up on the main trench and plant explosives under it, but Mauork anticipated their anticipation and greeted them in the tunnels with his commandoes.

Boss on the other hand when he saw the flaw in his immediately found a solution. He ordered his Mekboyz to make a bigger canon that would be shooting forward and which range would allow him to hit the rat fortress. So they went to work in all this chaos while Skaven god another great idea. Orks were just outside the range of their canons, so they moved their canons slightly closer to the entrance and started firing.

Boss when he saw that became enraged and shouted that they cent do it is his tactic and they cant steal it, while simultaneously ordering mekboyz to work faster. Which they did?

Nuthead and Graxmek took the biggest pipe they had which was approximately 2m long and 0,5m wide. Filled it with gunpowder and weird shiny green stones and then they inserted cannon balls, squigs, grots, and other things. Then their assistants aimed in the general direction of the exit and fired. Usually, this should result in a giant spread of corruption and mutations, but not this time. Since the stones were green they were Orkish and since they were Orkish they made WAAGH energy channel in higher quantities and made bigger explosions which was what the Orks at the moment wanted. Probably.

The cannon exploded in a cloud of green smoke. The explosion killed everyone that wasn`t in the trench in a radius of ten meters, but the load was delivered in reached the fortress doing some damage but not enough to scare off skavens.

You have no idea how hard it was to write something logical here.

WAAAAGHH is waagh but keeping it somehow constant is awfully hard.

Also sorry for the delays.

saszetacreators' thoughts