
Whut is da DAKKA and how much is too much.

WH 40k and Fantasy(small part) Fanfiction Football hooligan died during the fight with the police and other team hooligans and reincarnated in WH40k as an Ork. Dumb humor, racism(puny xeno, stupid ummies etc), and bad grammar. You have been warned. Enjoy The cover is not mine, I only added text in Paint

saszeta · Video Games
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Krumping and chill

The fall of the Squat fortress went with great echoes in the world. Different factions had different feelings. Squats went mad and opened their books of grudges and wrote a grudge about Orks. Also, they swore that they will retake that fortress from Greenskin's filthy hands.

Pointy-eared bastrads on the other hand cheered and partied, as there could be no better news than that of Squat's beloved Fortress/City/Mine of rare metals defense failing. As such they were partying for 2 weeks straight without a pause even for basics of needs.

Humans had mixed feelings. The ones that send the Orks were happy and satisfied that they got rid of the dangerous enemy right beside the border, and they did not even think about Orkz as a serious threat. Other countries were more worried butt due to cultural differences they decide to not help squats and wait for the situation to progress to make a more informed decision.

Skavens on the other hand were going mad with experiments to create weapons that could deal with Orkz. Sometimes it would go well, sometimes it would go bad but they managed to create Gatling guns that were shooting poisoned bullets, better bombs, and breaded hybrids of skavens and ogres that had the size and strength of an ogre but with a head of a rat.

Meanwhile, Orkz were going nuts again in their new home which they called Hole Mointain, because there were a lot of holes in it, also they build two heaps of scrap with rather finely built heads on them. These were places of prayer to their gods Gork and Mork, or maybe Mork and Gork. They did not know whose heap is whose and which god is better so they decided to fight it out in a ring. It was a good idea until 2 champions of Gork or maybe Mork were put in the ring to fight it out. The opposing side called the Gork side cheaters, so the Mork side took offense to that and decided to krump anyone who wasn`t with them then. The problem was nobody knew which side he was on until he got clobbered.

When boyz were playing with themselves Boss and his entourage were in the throne room. Boss was sitting on the throne while the rest just stood or sat anywhere they wanted and were giving reports on what recently happened.

Mauork reported on his findings and about big rats that were sometimes bigger than the Boss. Mr. Nuthead reported that he started production of Dakka albeit in a lesser version than the current one that Boss was using, and he made something that would spit flames and burn things, it was unwieldy and would be pulled on a cart but one salvo from that burna was enough to clean whole tunnel; from boyz, rats and any other thing that wasn`t fireproof. Runtheards reported that holes and tunnels were very fertile grounds for squig spawning locations and those farms were constantly spreading and more and more food was available to the general mob. Yodark was babbling something about Gork and Mork clobbing a rat, which only served to reinforce Orkz plan to clean the world from rats.

The plan was simple, gather the boyz, go into tunnels, and krump anything that wasn`t Orky. The plan was simple yet effective without holes that could be exploited by enemies. Furthermore, everyone liked it so it had to be a good plan. As such boyz were sent to the tunnels on a daily basis with the sole purpose of krumping things. If they returned it was good, if no one came back other boyz were sent with a rescue mission.

Lotz of days has passed again. Lotz of krumping has been done. The Boss even krumped that big rat that was bigger thank him albeit barely. He was greatly wounded and poisoned but Doc Kidler managed to save him. Furthermore, Doc after careful analysis of the poison managed to find some sort of cure for it. But the wasn`t a lot of it since it needed the feces of Yodark who at the time had to be shooting green lights from his eyes. This was all very suspicious and caused a great disturbance in the WAAGHH. The enemy had gits that could give Boss a gud foight, so what was further inside the tunnels, was the question everyone asked.