

It was you who said goodbye

Are you going to erase memories of yesterday like this,


Again and again


That's enough. Just show me your smile


I walk about carrying a bouquet with no meaning

I looked down at the town.

I leave my lost feelings behind on the edge of an idea, unacknowledged and in denial

Is this enough?

I'll allow my heart to be unfilled

But how it would be if I would fill my heart with deep green someday?

Could I fill my heart with deep green someday?



Then can I think and feel like this?  


You talk and talk about love but it's above the clouds

I can't see it with my mind

No, no, no, the faraway days that we've been imagining about

and how we talk and talk about those days in our memories

About how we would have endless quarrels, to ignore what was truly happening

No, no, no, we show embarrassed smiles and say goodbye never what's truly in our hearts






But eventually, we will say what's on our minds.

Hewo! I'm Alisa! #illustrator

Anxiety ball from singapore who likes to draw

high school, telly, horror games (games in general) and fanart galore. I also write as a hobby and post my work here! This is my first publication so please feel free to leave a comment! You can follow my insta @http.alisali OwO

Arilisalicreators' thoughts