
Whoever Marries The Princess Will Become Immortal

When Princess Athana of the Kindal Kingdom was born, she was visited by the Three Monks, who noticed a unique birthmark in the shape of a serpent on the back of her neck. According to their mythical books, this birthmark signaled that Athana had been cursed. The curse stated that whoever married her would attain immortality, but Athana herself would live a mortal life. As Athana approaches the age of marriage, Kings and Princes from all five kingdoms are fighting for her hand and the prize of immortality.

DaoistsModiL · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Touched by God

The sun was just beginning to rise over the Kindal Kingdom as the sound of a baby's cries filled the royal chambers. Queen Elara, wife of King Parathys, lay on her bed, sweat covering her brow as she struggled to bring her first child into the world.

Despite the efforts of the midwife and the healers, it was clear that the birth was not going smoothly. The queen's cries of pain echoed off the walls, and the king paced nervously outside the door, praying to God for his wife and child.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the baby was born. But as the midwife held up the tiny, red-faced infant for all to see, a hush fell over the room.

For on the back of the baby's neck, clear as day, was a serpent-shaped birthmark.

The Three Monks, who were known throughout the five kingdoms for their understanding of the supernatural and mythical aspects of the world, were summoned to the royal chambers. As they examined the newborn princess, they whispered gravely to each other.

"This child is cursed," said the eldest of the Monks. "The birthmark on her neck is a sign that she has been touched by God. Upon reaching marriageable age, whoever marries her will attain immortality. But the princess herself will remain mortal."

King Parathys went pale at this news. He knew that if word of the cursed princess were to spread, it could lead to war between the kingdoms, each vying for the chance to attain eternal life.

He swore the Monks and everyone present in the royal court to secrecy, promising to keep the princess sheltered from the truth. But despite his best efforts, rumors of the "Fountain of Youth" began to circulate throughout the kingdoms.

Despite the curse hanging over her head, Princess Athana was a healthy and happy child, blissfully unaware of the fate that awaited her. But as she grew older and the day of her marriage drew closer, the weight of the curse began to bear down on her and those around her, threatening to shatter the peace of the five kingdoms.


As the years passed, Princess Athana grew into a beautiful and intelligent young woman. Despite her father's efforts to keep her sheltered from the outside world, she was well aware of the curse that hung over her head.

She devoted herself to her studies, becoming one of the most well-educated women in the kingdom. She excelled in sword fighting and horseback riding, and was known for her quick wit and sharp tongue.

As she approached her eighteenth birthday, suitors from across the five kingdoms began to seek her hand in marriage. But the princess had no interest in becoming a pawn in the political games of the royal courts; she had other plans for herself, much grander and ambitious plans.

But as the day of her birthday approached, the tensions between the kingdoms began to boil over. Each ruler coveted the prospect of eternal life for themselves and was willing to go to great lengths to secure it.

"Are you sure about this princess?" asked the old librarian Clarence. His back was arched, and he slugged around with a wooden stick. He was the princess' teacher from a young age and the former chief military advisor of the king.

"If I sit around and let the world move around me, I'll have no say in shaping it," she replied, holding a book in her hand.

The princess had planned to attend the annual royal ball, where all the royal families and aristocracy of the five kingdoms would come together to meet. This would be the first time she would attend the ball. She had already formed a plan to take control of the life that she had felt she never had any ownership over; like a cattle to be sold.