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At dawn, I would wake up all alone and start thinking about why I am where I am. This could last for a few hours but I end up getting no answers for myself. Maybe I am on the wrong path but when would I get a turnaround?

In the morning the thoughts I had at dawn start to hunt me down. At the stone quarry I receive the least pay since I'm the youngest. They sometimes wonder what a little boy like me is doing in such a horrible place. But just as me, they get no answers.

Well, I never told you who I am. Sorry I started that way. I am Wolfe, a fourteen years boy living in this miserable part of the world. My mum is Bridget and she has stroke.I am proudly the father and the son in my family since I don't know who my father was. This is the reason why you saw me at a stone quarry. I am there to work. It's never easy for me since I am not strong enough. After work I would board a gas to the playground to meet my two foolish friends. Well, who cares whether they are foolish or not? Apart from my mum, they are the only people who were my family. We would play till I would remember I have a baby at home. I would run to the bus station with Lynx and