
It's you

Bella woke up in her bed and smiled, glad that she was home. She hugged her pillow as she looked at her desk, noticing something different. Zeke was asleep in her chair and Drake was passed out on the wall. Bella froze in place before sitting up, screaming. Zeke and Drake woke up quickly, covering their ears as her mom ran upstairs, opening the door quickly. "Why are you screaming?" Her mom exclaimed as she stared at her daughter.

"It's you! Why are you in my room?" Bella covered herself with her blanket, despite the fact that she had clothes on.

"We wanted to make sure you were okay." Zeke said as he stood, his ears still ringing from her scream. Drake stared at het, his eyes slightly narrowed.

Bella's mom began talking, sitting next to Bella. "Honey, these are the new neighbors." She stated as she rubbed Bella's back.

"What?! They're brothers? They look nothing alike." Bella looked at the two but they just looked at eachother, confused.

Drake laughed and shook his head. "No, we're not related. I live in the house over there." He pointed to the window on the right of the room.

Zeke nodded and pointed to the left window. "And I live over there." He explained, looking at Zeke, then at Bella.

Bella froze, her mouth hanging open. "This can't be happening!" She gasped and blacked out again.