
waiting day

The long-awaited morning has finally arrived. Mika's words last night succeeded in making it difficult for Miura to close her eyes. She couldn't stop thinking, where would Mika take her today?

The cold air that blew in from the opened windows of the room pierced Miura's skin which was unusually cold with cold air. And it seems Herra's body is even adjusting to its habit. Because if you see all the waiters look normal with cold air that greets them.

After they finished bathing and dressed in Victorian style, the maids escorted Miura to the dining table to have breakfast with the Silvester family, even though now the only family is her sister, Mika Silvester.

Along the corridor leading to the dining table, Miura couldn't stop admiring the view of the palace's magnificent interior. Marble floors, large towering pillars, and antique furniture adorn the corners of the room. Everything feels like a fairy tale.

Not paying attention to her steps, Miura almost bumped into a large flower vase in front of her.

"Good grief!"

Miura's face immediately turned red, she panicked when the flower vase slowly swayed and almost fell to the floor. But luckily someone supported him by hand.

The maids walking behind him were also surprised but finally breathed a sigh of relief because Aaron caught the flower vase and made him fail to fall.

Who else is this handsome man? Why do there have to be so many handsome men in the comic world? Inner Mira. She was still staring at the man in front of him without blinking.

"Herra... Since when did you become this careless? Usually, you are a very perfectionist person." Said the man in front of her with a smile.

Is it true? Was the real Herra like that? Miura remained silent awkwardly and did not answer. Everything he experienced seemed to make it difficult to get the words out.

"It doesn't matter, right? Wish I made one mistake? Would that be weird?" Miura said trying to defend herself. She may not be as smart and tough as the real Herra. But she likes herself. Just acting a little recklessly, what's the harm? Again he defended herself in her heart while remembering who the figure in front of him at this time was.

"Master Aaron!"

Luckily a male servant called the man's name from behind him. So Miura remembered a bit now.

This man is Aaron Silvester, Mika and Herra's cousin of course. He rarely appears in comics, only occasionally.

"Mr. Mika has been waiting for you at the dinner table." The male servant said again while bowing respectfully.

"Yeah... I know. I'll be there soon with Herra." Aaron answered by throwing a seductive look at Miura.

Miura immediately lowered her gaze. What Aaron did make her uncomfortable.

"And you, being very shy and not as fierce as usual." Aaron lowered his head close to Miura's face. "Or perhaps you're not Herra?"

Miura's eyes rolled in reflex, how could this man's feeling be so strong? Because I don't want to make everyone suspicious. Miura dared to lift her head and try to look like Herra. "What do you mean? Of course, I'm Herra." Miura said even though her lips were trembling slightly. This man had almost gotten his way, but fortunately, Miura had always kept himself under control.

Aaron was still looking at her with that annoying smile. "That's not what I meant. I thought you had already turned into an angel."

Good grief...

Miura thought that Aaron did have strong feelings. Turns out he just wanted to tease her. You can! Is a vampire also good at seducing?

"I don't think your joke is funny at all," Miura spoke a little curtly. And that made him look like Herra instead. Yes... There is a slight similarity in character between Miura and Herra. They both do not like to smile and like to put on a sour face.

"Hey... This is the new Herra I know." Aaron suddenly chuckled to himself, as if he had just heard a very funny joke. "Because I barely recognized you."

Besides the mysterious Azura. Turns out there's an annoying Aaron. This guy is also difficult to predict. It seemed Miura had to be careful with this man. Don't let his true identity be exposed. This man is also a little suspicious.

If only Miura had read the entire chapter in the comic. It would be easy to guess the storyline. Unfortunately, he only read halfway through. So he didn't know which people were truly kind and sincere to Herra, and vice versa. But maybe that's why he's here. If she already knew the whole story, what was she here for? Wouldn't it be more fun if fate couldn't be guessed? If you already know the plot, surely it's not exciting at all.

Just like the story in this life. Even though sometimes what you want doesn't match your expectations, destiny has its surprises, and that's what makes it special. Like there is something you want to achieve, whether you fail or you are lucky, it all depends on the human effort itself.

"Hmm... It's natural. I was almost in a coma for a month. If my attitude and actions change a little... It's natural, right?" Miura glanced at her maids as if asking for support. He didn't want Aaron to continue to suspect him.

"Yeah... I think that's very natural. But-" Aaron hung his sentence in the air and returned his face closer to Herra's. He studied Herra's pair of green eyes deeply as if he was looking for something there.

"What are you doing?" Miura worked up the courage to push Aaron's body away from him. "I hope you can keep your bearings!"

"Ah... This is what I like about you." Aaron chuckled again. "I think you are the real Herra."

What did he mean by that? Had he suspected me from the start? Inner Miura.

"Stop your nonsense. And stop making cheap gossip. I am Herra, is there something wrong with me?" That man had aroused Miura's wrath. Because the man reminded him of Alexa who always bothered him in the real world.

"Okay, Herra... You don't need to be that angry, after all, you know, right? I like to joke. So there's no need to take everything I say to heart."

Right... The man was right, Miura shouldn't be affected. But the man triggers his memory of annoying Alexa. The girl had also caused him to be trapped in this comic world.

"Actually, what did you come here for?" Miura tried to change the subject.

Miura remembered, if Aaron didn't live here, he would have his own family in the middle of the woods. He also rarely visits.

"I heard from Mika that you recovered, so I came to visit you."

Hmm... That sounds reasonable.

"Okay, Mika is waiting, we better hurry up to her at the dining table." Take Aaron.

Miura nodded. He didn't want to continue arguing with the man in front of him. Aaron motioned for him to go first. Miura had to look like Herra as much as possible, at least in front of this annoying man.

Arriving at the dining table. Miura was again shocked by the unusual sight. She saw a young woman sitting with Mika. She also looks close to Mika. I don't know why he feels so disturbed. There was a feeling of pain that suddenly penetrated the recesses of his heart. Even though it was faint, it felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Are you jealous?" Aaron whispered close to Miura's ear.


So is this an uncomfortable feeling of jealousy? Miura wasn't sure.

"Why should I be jealous of my brother?" Miura said still looking at Mika and the girl next to her who were looking engrossed in a conversation so they didn't notice her presence.

"Gosh... Do you not know?" Aaron made a surprised face like he was heating up.

Miura had to turn to the annoying Aaron. "Know what you mean?"

Aaron didn't have time to answer Miura's question. Mika called out to both of them.

"Herra... Aaron? Since when were you guys standing there?"

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