
The untold truth

I was the first to wake up so I dressed and prepared breakfast for Newt who woke up some minutes after me.

I made the breakfast with my own hands because if I use my abilities every time to get rid of my problems I'll lose the meaning of life. And I don't want to become someone who will be bored to death.

After that we both left the house and started heading towards the Jinxang Forest.

Although I could just teleport us there immediately, Newt wanted to go there the old fashioned way, by foot, as she wanted to explore the outside world because she spent her whole life inside that mansion.

I thought that she would like to go there as fast as possible to search for her sister but it was like she had accepted the fact that she died.

That's really strange. I hope there is nothing wrong with her.

Well, the Jinxang Forest wasn't far away from where we were. At least for me.

In reality it was fifteen kilometres away but as Newt for some reason didn't want to use her flying sword or let me teleport us there it would take us more time.

In the beginning Newt was full of energy but after a while she started panting.

"Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" I said touching her forehead.

"Ah, no, no, it's just that I'm feeling a little weird."

Upon hearing those words I immediately scanned her body to see if there were any abnormalities.

And in the end it wasn't something bad. Instead, it was something good. She was about to have a breakthrough.

"Alright, let's stop here for a while."

We both sat under a big tree in order to get some cover from the sun.

"Alright, show me your back."

"Eh? You want us to do it here? It's a public place." She exclaimed.

"What are you thinking?" I said, flicking her softly on the head.

"You're going to have a breakthrough so I'll help you." I continued.

"Ah, okay." She said and unzipped her dress from the back side.

"Okay, are you ready?" I said, placing my hands on her bare back.

"Yes." She replied.

I used a tiny amount of my Qi to give her a push to initiate her breakthrough.

But as soon as I did it a huge pillar of light appeared around her that extended all the way to the sky.

Um, did I overdid it?

Then from the top of the pillar a phoenix appeared. But its colour wasn't red, instead it was blue.

The phoenix started descending at a high speed and got sucked up from Newt's body.

Damn, this girl has the divine phoenix will? She is extremely lucky, but also unlucky at the same time. A lot of people would like to exploit her for their own selfish reasons.

One more reason to keep her with me.

But for some reason after she fused with the phoenix she fell unconscious. I guess she must be feeling exhausted after a breakthrough like this one.

I took her in my arms and teleported in the middle of the Jinxang Forest.

Well, if she has any complaints I'll just tell her that I walked till here.

I made another wooden house there to let Newt rest as I wanted to check the area here.

I slowly placed her on the bed and got out of the house, placing five defensive arrays around it.

Then I used my divine search ability to see if I could find Newt's sister.

But as I couldn't find her, that means that she's already dead because my ability doesn't work when someone isn't alive. And for sure she wasn't just outside my field of reach because I scanned half of the planet.

As I wasn't in need of sleep I decided to take a walk around the forest.

Although this forest seemed normal from the outside, on the inside I could feel an aura of death coming from it.

And I wasn't surprised by it because a lot of heroes died in that forest.

Every time Yorstar was the starting town for them and I was just their guide. Thus I knew exactly where they were or what they were doing.

Although every time I was trying to stop them from crossing this particular forest the majority didn't listen to me and this resulted in their deaths.

And the worst thing was that I had to find new ones to replace them. Such a bother.

But now that I'm here, let's find out what killed all those heroes.

I started heading towards the area where the death aura was even more noticeable.

Under normal circumstances this aura isn't sensible to those under the Primordial Immortal realm which means that something really bad is hiding here.

"Hey, what are you doing alone here?"

I turned and saw Newt standing behind me.

"You surely can recover fast."

"Yeah, hehe." She said, scratching her head.

"So, it's time to search for my sister?"

"Yep, let's start."

We went deeper into the forest and started looking for something to help us find her.

After a while we arrived at an open area without trees. In the centre there were some ruins which had the same death aura I had noticed before.

"Newt, let's get away from here." I said and turned to the opposite direction.

"You're not going anywhere." I heard Newt saying from behind me.

I turned and saw her levitating in the air. Her appearance had changed completely. Her hair had grown longer and their colour changed into red, her clothes got replaced by a scarlet dress and some red tattoo stripes were visible on her body.

"So, what's that?" I asked calmly.

"I'm sorry little guy but here your journey ends."

"What are you talking about, don't say weird things like that."

"Ah, I guess you're really stupid, huh? Let me tell you something, everything was an illusion, the town, the people, Newt. I created all of these to lure you here so I can use your life power to break free from my seals."

I lowered my head without uttering a word.

"Don't worry, seeing how good you treated me I will give you a quick death." She said and launched a sword towards me.

I pressed my right foot into the ground which made the ground shatter and a boulder to rise up which blocked the sword.

"Heh, hahaha." I started laughing maniacally.

"Did you lose it from the fear?"

"Did you really think that you had tricked me? What a joke. Not even for a second I believed you."

"What are you talking about?"

"You see, from the first time I met you I did an appraisal on you. And an indicator saying: controlled by a ghost, appeared. Also, just how stupid do you think I am? Just how many coincidences? You meet me, later the night you get hit by an aphrodisiac arrow, you lose your sister, who I scanned half of the planet and didn't find and you lure me into a dangerous forest known for a lot of disappearances."


"You thought that you had trapped me into your illusion and that I had started to have feelings for you huh? Well I'm obligated to inform you that you were under the influence of my illusion all this time. We never did anything together. And I'm still a virgin bitch." I said, raising my middle finger.

I don't think I should be happy saying that though.

"That's impossible, no human can rival my power."

"Then let me reintroduce myself. I'm Homare, the God of this world."

"There is no God in this world."

"Did you ever think why there are so many heroes here? I'm talking for all those that you lured here."

"No, there is no way." She yelled and tried to attack me by shooting a laser beam towards me.

I raised my right hand and the laser beam immediately disappeared.

"If you are a God then why didn't you kill me all this time?"

"What can I say? I guess I was bored. No gonna lie, you did a very good job entertaining me."

"You bastard." She said and charged at me with an extremely high speed.

I simply caught her arm and smashed her on the ground.

"So, what's the girl's, who you have taken control of, real name?"

"Her name is Ayumi, so what?"

"Nothing, I just want to know how to call her when she wakes up."

"You fool, her soul has already gone to the underworld. She's already dead."

"Ah, I guess it can't be helped, I'll have to descend to the underworld then."

"You will do what?..." She couldn't finish her phrase and I appeared behind her.

I touched her in the back and the ghost immediately got out of her body.

I caught her in my arms and left her slowly to the ground.

The ghost tried to escape but it had run out of luck the moment it crossed paths with me.

I closed my palm and I crushed it.

"Now then, let's get her soul back. Aaah, I'll have to fight against Hades now. Eh, anyway, it's for a good purpose."

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