
Who said that a God can't have a harem?

!! WARNING R-18 CONTENT !! After I became a God I watched countless heroes forming a harem and have their way with the girls. And I can't say that I wasn't jealous of that as I couldn't even enjoy that in my previous life. I died being a virgin. But now that I'm a God no one can stop me. I'll make the biggest harem in the universe and I'll do lot's of nasty things with my girls. I'm unstoppable and whoever dares to touch my girls will suffer the consequences. And that includes the Gods too. **Art work is not mine. If you want me to take it down please contact me**

Auzyko · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Memories of the past

When I closed my eyes suddenly I found myself on the moon next to my house.

"What? What is happening?" I exclaimed.

The crops had grown and the house was as peaceful as ever.

Suddenly I was a star shining brighter than the others. But with every second that was passed it moved closer towards me.

When it was close enough I understood that it wasn't a star, it was a person, a woman to be exact.

I caught her in my arms and landed safely next to my house.

When I looked at her I immediately froze.

That face, those clothes, she was Lounimus. But how? She died thousands of years ago.

And I'm sure about that because I was the one who killed her.

What is happening here? I was on the verge of dying just a moment ago due to my fight with Poseidon.

Was everything a dream? Or is this a dream?

No, this has to be a dream, there is no way Lounimus is alive.

"W-who are you?" I heard her whispering.

"You're alive?"

"Where am I?"

No, this can't be true. This isn't reality.

Maybe this is what they say? That when you are ready to die you see your whole life pass before your eyes?

Not gonna lie, it's different from what I had imagined.

Well, I guess I'm really dying so there is no harm in living again this moment.

I followed again everything I had done the first time I had met her. I introduced myself to her, gave her a place to stay.

But with the knowledge I already had I made sure to not make any mistakes like the first time.

Now that I know what will happen there is no need for me to kill her again, and I also want to ask her things that I couldn't at that time.

After she told me again her story, that she was a goddess who got attacked by some other gods because they wanted to capture her as she was pregnant with a child that could literally shake the heavens with its power, I made sure to make her rest in my room as she was extremely weak and tired.

The next day when she woke up I made her breakfast, her favourite as I had find out after countless tries in the past. And now it was the time to ask the questions I couldn't in the past.

"Lounimus, how did you became pregnant? I'm sure that goddesses can't uave children."

"Well, I guess I can tell you. The truth is that we can't with normal means. But some gods, that I don't know who they were, captured me without any reason and ran experiments on me. One of the many was to make a goddess have a child with an artificial method. From what I heard they had done it one time before but the child that was born had some dangerous abilities so they threw it in a distance planet called Earth I think?"

"Damn, that's harsh."

Maybe that boy is one of the gods that rule the earth?

"What happened to the mother of that child?"

"I think she lost her powers and stayed along with her child to cake care of it."

"I see, so you will also lose your powers? Isn't there any other way?"

"Only if I were to kill the child, but there is no way I would do something like that. And to tell the truth I don't mind at all losing my powers if that means to have someone to take care of someone dear to me."

"I see, but how did you escape from there?"

"There was someone who was willing to help me escape so I didn't waste that offer."

"Ah, okay."

After that I left her finish her breakfast and went out of the house to order my thoughts in a way.

If I remember correctly she will give birth in two days, and that's when Hades will come here. As long as I will be fighting with Hades there will be someone who will assassinate Lounimus but thankfully she managed to send her daughter on my planet.

But this time nothing like that will happen, I will never allow Lounimus to get hurt, nor her child.

Indeed in two days time the time for her to give birth came. I helped her as I did the first time and gave her her daughter to hold her in her arms. After that I went outside the house and started preparing for the upcoming battle.

Shortly after Hades came and required me to hand over Lounimus and her daughter if I wanted to live.

Of course I refused and thus our fight begun.

But this time I already knew his attack pattern so I managed to defeat him easily unlike the last time.

But I didn't killed him because I knew that there was already someone else instructed to kill Lounimus.

I rushed back to the house and found a man really to kill her as she was sleeping peacefully with her daughter in her arms.

I quickly caught him by his neck and threw him outside the house by smashing the wall behind me.

As he was on the ground I stepped on him and by placing my hand on his head with a quick move I pulled his head and his spine along with it outside from the rest of his body.

With the edge of my eye I saw Hades being ready to assassinate Lounimus so I quickly summoned a spear and threw it at him, making a hole in his stomach.

But when I got closer Hades appearance changed.

This wasn't Hades. I had seen this person before. He was Loki.

But he wasn't the real one, it was only a doppelganger. That explains why I was able to kill him with a normal spear.

I guess that means that I finally managed to save Lounimus? Did I fullfil my promise?

As I was happy I didn't paid any attention to my surroundings and focused only on hugged Lounimus who were running towards me as she had woken.

But I guess it's not my destiny to save her.

As she was coming closer to me suddenly she stopped and coughed blood.

As I moved my eyes lower I was the three tips of a trident having penetrated her stomach.

As she collapsed to the ground I saw Poseidon behind her smiling.

I quickly rushed towards her and placed her head on my hands.

And again the same words she said at that time were heard again from her lips.

"Please, take care of my daughter. I entrust her to you."

Upon seeing this scene for a second time I couldn't hold myself together and burst into tears.

That was the only time I felt like that. Sadness, but anger and hatred at the same time.

Sadness why I lost again Lounimus, and although this time I tried to change the flow of things and the time we spent together weren't as much as in the first time that we spent years together, I still had the memories. And to loose her for a second time was the worse thing that jad happened in my life.

Anger and hatred towards me why I couldn't protect her, not once, but twice. I'm a complete failure. I don't deserve to live.

Poseidon pulled the same move again with the water-made trident and got ready to kill me.

"Ah, I guess this is where everything ends. With the same move again. It seems that it's my fate to look so miserable while dying. Well, that's a fitting way for me to die." I murmured and closed my eyes again.

"Live, you need to live. You are the person who's most fitting to live. You were always with me and protected me. I'm forever indebted to you." I heard a voice wishpering to me.

I opened my eyes and turned my head on my left side.

That was when I saw Lounimus soul standing besides me smiling to me.

"I-I'm not qualified to live. I couldn't protect you till the very end."

"Either way I was a mortal from the moment I lost my powers. It was inevitable for me to die on day. You gave me more happiness and love I could ever receive from anyone. So don't be sad, you still have a long way to go till your death arrives."

Suddenly I noticed that the time had slowed down. Poseidon's move seemetso slow that I could see every droplet of water that formed the giant trident.

"But, I'm already dead, Poseidon already killed me."

"Don't be stupid, if you were dead you wouldn't be possibly able to talk to me. Now, get back on your feet and fight. You have people who cares about you, you have people who have long entrusted their hopes on you, and people that need you."


"I'll pass my remaining powers to you. This is my gift for everything you have done for me and my daughter."

"But if you do this your soul will completely disappear,you won't be able to reincarnate."

"Well, if that's the price I have to pay to save you, then I'm willing to do it."

"No, wait…"

"I guess this is a farewell. Those were truly the best years of my life. Thank you for everything."

With those words she slowly disappeared from my sight as she passed her life force to me.

While I was still holding the lifeless body of hers in my arms I raised my head in the air and said, "I will definitely save your daughter, your sacrifice won't be meaningless. I will hold on your dreams and hopes, and that's a promise."