
Who made me the princess's playmate in lovely princess?

Hey guys this is a new fan-fic on who made me a princess, where the main character travels into the world of lovely princess and becomes the Princess's playmate and Athanacius's adopted daughter, in order to stop the fate of the lovely princess novel from uncovering...

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99 Chs

Chap-27 My 5th birthday is approaching

It was already half a month since the rumours about Princess Athanasia being on par with my intellect started to spread through the Empire, like me she also attracted a lot of attention and thus, she was not the unfavored princess anymore, rather than that, she was being favoured, and in just a few months, she would become the most favoured princess. That's great.

I can finally relax. I lied on the bed. And when I was about to fall asleep, someone knocked on the door.

"Judith" ah its father, what does this guy have against me resting? Oldman.

"Yes father? Come in."

He opened the door and came in just to find me lying on the bed. "Why is it that whenever I enter your room, I always find you sleeping" and he's at it again "I told you so many times to go take a walk in the gardens, why do you always keep sleeping? GET UP NOW."

Curse him. I get up lazily. This man, since the past some days, he's become a nagging father, always keeps reprimanding me. Geez... This old man's irritating. "What is it? Why did you start so early in the morning?"

"*Sigh* Now you get irritated when I nag at you. Why don't you fix your habits and daily routine, such that I won't nag at you all the time?"

"Get to the point oldman."

"*Tch* nowadays you don't listen to me also. Well whatever, its up to you to follow afterall. Who am I just your father" and now acts pitiful.

"Oldman, if you are going to just nagging at me, then I don't want to here. I want to sleep " I'm not getting much of it since many days because I was busy listening to the rumours related to the palace. It took most of my energy as I would sneak out of the room to listen to the servants at night. Athanacius makes sure that the I don't get a bad influence, so these people are made to shut their mouths, even Liranda...


"Yes father!" And then he yells at me. And I get scared, I don't know why, but I get scared.

"This girl... Well, fine, now listen... Your birthday is approaching in a week, so what do you want as a present?"

Oh yeah I remember something like this two months ago. Time sure goes fast. Two months ago:-

'If you increase your height in two months then I would give you anything, but if you don't, then you would have to listen to me. Deal?'

'Yes deal old man!'

Who wants to be a filial Daughter?

"Father, you said that I would get anything if I can increase my height right."

"I have bad feelings about this."

"So, let's go to the eastern side of our territory."

"Huh? Why all of a sudden?"

"Father, it's cold here. So..."

I pout a bit. And then Athancius looked relieved, I guessed as much, but still...

Now, you would ask the main reason for why I want to go to the east, well, that's because I want to meet a target character, Ijekiel Alpheus...