
Who made me the princess's playmate in lovely princess?

Hey guys this is a new fan-fic on who made me a princess, where the main character travels into the world of lovely princess and becomes the Princess's playmate and Athanacius's adopted daughter, in order to stop the fate of the lovely princess novel from uncovering...

Kindapassingby · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Ch 66

Ah! Finally the day of my debutante is arrived. But I'm a bit tensed...

Last night:-

"Miss, this new Marquis Peterson could be a big threat to you! He's done so many murders since he came into the social circle and now he's aiming for a much higher position. By killing people, he has gotten his current position to that of a marquis, but now, if his power greed doesn't satisfy, then he might even kill the Grand Duke. Your life could be in threat too. It would be better to make this matter public. " Lutz said.

"No, you stumbled upon this information a few days ago in the alley way at night when this man's underlings were discussing amongst themselves, you barely managed to save your life, and conveyed it to me. But you didn't get any proof, neither did you find them again, in a noble society, if you state anything without proof, then the consequences would be 20 no 30 folds more. So I want you to keep this thing a secret, it would be better that way as no one except me and you knows about it. So better shut your mouth. I would find a way out of this on my own."

"Oh yeah! Rumours amongst the townspeople is that Countess Rosalia and Marquis Peterson are going to get married soon and that they have conducted their engagement in secret!"

"You mean that?"

"Yes miss"

Present day:-

What the hell is she planning now?

Countess Rosalia, the only person who led princess Athanasia to her doom way. She planned the poisoning incident. Later it was all revealed and she was executed, but still, Athanasia never got justice. In thr original novel, this marquis was never born, neither was countess Rosalia married to anyone. Then why? Is it because I came into picture? Or some other reason...

'Tick tock' 'tick tock' 'tick tock'

I thought these people didn't have clocks, I thought they were never invented. Then what is this ticking sound that's ringing in my head since yesterday?

'A calamity would befall!'


"Miss today is your debutante, so let's get started with bathing you first."

"Oh! Its you Lynn, sure, c'mon! But first let me eat breakfast."

"Miss today's breakfast will be water."

"Wait, what?"

"You see miss, priests can live on water for their whole life, so you should be able to manage for a day as we're are cutting short of time."

"Well I am a human. I need food and water to live. I would die other wise..."

"You won't miss, this is a proven technique, so I would ask you to come and bathe first as there's only a little time left."

"Wait then what about snacks and lunch."

"Water only. Its too late now."

"Pa-pa?" My own father is so cruel.

*Snap* Wait what? "Oh my!"

These people are picking me up and are also working on removing my night dress and bathing me and what not. Papa went outside to have ' break fast '. Ughh! This is really...

In the makeup room, everyone was like this would suit her more and this would not.

Woah! This seems like a real gala now.

6 hours later ---------------------------------------


I came out of the room. I was wearing a black skirt today with a white blouse. Heavy jwellery and plain dress combo made me stand out.

"So what do you think?"

"You look gorgeous."

I hug him. I remember a time when I just reached up to his waist, but now I I'm just a head smaller than him. "Thankyou papa, I love you!" Thankyou for everything. You adopted me, though on a whim, but gave me a real better life. I'm glad that you are my parent. Thankyou, thankyou very much.

"I love you too, my child."

And now, it has finally occurred, the time that would judge everything, wheather it will be doom or rise. It will now be the final verdict of fate and God.