
Who made me the princess's playmate in lovely princess?

Hey guys this is a new fan-fic on who made me a princess, where the main character travels into the world of lovely princess and becomes the Princess's playmate and Athanacius's adopted daughter, in order to stop the fate of the lovely princess novel from uncovering...

Kindapassingby · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Ch 61

After the play, I got to know one thing, this brat is not as cold and irritating as he looks. He's actually good...

We were walking along the pathway, when I saw a poster reading fresh pudding available... Geez, its been a while since I had it...

"Hey, let's go get some pudding, I like it."

"Why does it feel like I'm with an 8 year old trouble maker than a girl of my age?"

"Shut up and hurry up "


"Um excuse me, 2 puddings please."

"Sorry missy, only one is left."

"Oh my..." I looked so deflated that it looked like I was on the verge of tears.

"Get us one more, we would pay extra." Said Carlos suddenly stepping up in the front. I never expected him to react in such a situation. I thought he would make fun of me, but man... He's looking threatening. He might kill them, even the shop owner is scared...

"A-ah! Carlos, let's just..."

"Hey you mad dog of the Robane household, leave my parents you bully." Said the owner's son [probably] he might be 5/6 years.

"Pfft... Kegh cough cough" I just can't seem to calm down now. Mad dog? Of all the things? She could get arrested for bellitling a noble like that, though she might be a commoner and a child, but still... Nobles are cruel when it comes to commoners. I should stop this...

"What did you just..." Started Carlos

*Whoosh and Pow* I finally understand why this music was given during the background scene. Its exactly the same sound of Carlos getting beaten by me...

"Now now, I would take that one pudding packet. Here, the money."

"Hey you..."

"Shut up the trap Carlos."

"You could right?"

"I misspoke"

"Hm. Give us the last pudding, her the money."

"But young missy this is too much for a pudding."

"I'm not giving this only for a pudding, I also want this boy to run small errands for me on a daily basis, so to say employ him, ofcourse, if it's alright with you..." I need some information from the town and it's people, these might be rumours, any secretive hearsay, which might be true, or anything like that, this is to keep a track of the things that are happening behind my back as Athancius is pulling strings from the dark. Did he really think I won't keep my gaurd up? Hah! He would be mistaken if he thought so... For all these years, I have known him, he might be good with the people he knows, but never with the people he is not on good terms with. He might take his revenge in Claude sooner of later, and I would defend him, because he would be capable of protecting the princess, but till that time, I have to take a note of the pace of the incidents that are happening, weather the developments in Athanacius's secret unknown plans is going smoothly or not, who are his other allies? What is his plan? Where does he hide so as to carry out his secret ambush? Just what is going to happen in future? Are everyone's fates going to change? Or would everything would go back to square one? These rumours would help me determine these future events...

I can't trust the people in my house, under the name of fatherly affection, he is monitering every move of mine, if I tell the servants to run these errands for me, he would surely know of what I'm planning, after that I don't even know wheather I would be alive or not. I need someone from the outer for es to help me, as I can't sneak out every day. I knew that even today papa knew that I had snuck out, I'm gonna get scolded badly by him later on, but still that's bearable. The knights who are currently following us, wouldn't be as relaxed as they were, because now, Carlos, the mad dog is with me, if I hadn't taken him, all the things that I did today won't even be possible...

I got to know quite a lot of things as I was with brat beside me. If not, the information given to me would be monitored by these threatening knights behind me. Hah! Well, its good I convinced Carlos to come, and now this child...

He looks like the type to know everything beside work, it would be good to make him work under me... He would be able to get the information that I needed out of the townspeople, and also would give me the latest rumours in the town...

"Did he even have his baptism. I think you are too rash. How could you just..."

"Don't worry. Its all fate..."


"He has had his baptisms right?"

"Ah yes! But what work would you..."

"Hmm... I have loved the sweets in this bakery, so I would like to order sweets from your shop every week, but I would also like testers, due to my work it's impossible for me to come here every day, so the testers, as I would request would be brought to me by this boy. Every week, if I liked anything, I would order it in advance but I think, this would be for the best. You could earn an extra income just by asking this boy to bring testers to me. What do you think? Mr owner?"