

Madeline Hamilton was richest girl at the school She was always updated to the latest fashion and she was the Queen Bee. You would always see Madeline with two girls; Elizabeth Brookes and Margaret Friday. They were the most popular girls in the school. Madeline also had a older brother. Reginald Hamilton and his best friend had been her boyfriend, Freddie O'Connell, the two of them had been the talk of the school. The boy all the girls wanted to date and the boys all wanted to befriend and the girl the boys wanted to date and the girls that loved to hate.

But Madeline's world was about to shatter. Secrets and lies will be told and not only Madeline will be effected.

Freddie, a party and a little vodka would ruin his life.

Elizabeth, a misunderstanding and a fight would ruin her's.

Margaret, pregnancy and love would ruining her's.

Reginald, his short temper and heart will ruin his.

Madeline, loosing everyone she secretly cares about one by one. And only finding out the truth after death...