
Who Killed Chester?

Ruby has been living day to day,struggling to live after some sick psycho killed her boyfriend until she met Sophie. Sophie and Ruby set out to find her boyfriend’s killer. Can Ruby trust Sophie?

Moni_Mony · LGBT+
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4 Chs


Ruby's POV

It's been three weeks since I had any human contact.I also haven't been to class but I couldn't be bothered.Maybe I was hoping someone would call me or come check up on me but that would be in my dreams.

How would they even get close to me or get to know me when they only see me once in a while?

As for the classes,I could catch up-if the topics are not too hard to understand.

I had barely managed to pass my classes the previous semester.I could still hear my father's admonishing voice "Ruby,you need to put your heart into your studies".

The thought of that made me laugh out loud all of a sudden.My heart? I'm not sure I have one anymore.

I used to feel all sorts of emotions when I was around people who care about me-my family mostly.

I can still remember how brightly I use to smile at almost everything and everyone.

I don't know when or where it all went wrong.

A knock on my door brought me back to reality from all the thoughts in my head.I had been staring at the white ceiling for so long,while laying on my bed.My bed was one of the few things that gives warmth in my ice-cold life;every other thing seemed gloomy.

I manage to drag myself from my warm bed and gave my hair a brush with my hand while moving towards the door.

"Hello" came the sing-song voice.It belonged to a very happy looking lady.Her happiness was the first thing I noticed about her.She seemed like she had enough happiness to go round in the world.

It would be nice to have that.

"Hello?" the voice repeated. I had been staring at her for so long that she was beginning to get uncomfortable.

"Hello" I managed to reply,surprised by how weak my voice sounded.Well,I haven't talked in weeks so it was actually a miracle that any sound came out of my mouth.

"So what do you say?" She asked.

To what exactly? Did she say something I didn't catch?

"What?" I returned.

"Well,I would understand if you said no.I suppose I'm asking a lot of you".

What was she asking?

It seemed like she had been talking about something I wasn't paying attention to.

"It's ok,but if you change your mind,you can call me" she said, scribbling on a note I didn't notice she was carrying and tore the part she had written on.

She took my left hand and stuffed the torn piece of note in it. Her hands felt like warmth and happiness.I wished that I could hold them forever.

"Ok,bye" And with that she left.

For the next minute or two,I was at my doorstep,staring until she was not visible anymore.

I wish I had asked her name or something.

I suddenly remembered the paper she had stuffed into my hand and I straightened it out.

Her phone number was written on it and she signed it with:Sophie.

So her name is Sophie?

For the first time in forever,I smiled.

The time difference between the first chapter and this chapter is so long because I’ve been busy with lots of personal stuffs but I’m going to start being consistent with the story now.

Thank you so much for reading.

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