
The End!

Quinn got the notice of divorce from her lawyer on the third day after she was caught red handed by Nate. She was still thinking it won't come to this that her father, Mr Raymond would be able to talk to Nate's parent and they would be able to make him reconsider and delete any thought of getting an annulment from her.

But even before her dad could get in touch with Mr Davidson, she had already receive the divorce papers, she was frustrated and annoyed at how fast Nate was handling everything,

Like he was just waiting for her to cheat, now she was even suspecting this was a trap left for her by Nate, because she had not heard from Dylan since that day.

Betsy also spare her no effort as she made sure to pass snide remarks at Quinn. She was in joy because the one she deem her greatest competition for Nate had just be disqualified.

Paige was shocked when she heard that Quinn cheated on Nate again, she was disappointed to have had a friend like Quinn but she didn't show it.