
Who is the self-harming snake?

I am a poor boy in a northeastern mountain village in China, the early twentieth century, in order to make a name for myself, I joined a northern faction of tomb raiding gang. From the south to the north, the jianghu hundred states, three religions and nine streams, so many years from the teenager mixed to middle-aged, the amount of alcohol to see the growth of the years wasted, I have been in contact with many many strange people and strange things, you are interested, may wish to move a small bench, listen to a tomb raider\'s Jianghu insights and his fight with the horrible snake who are called self-harming snakes.

ZhugeMeng · History
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20 Chs

Repressing corpses

In the darkness, the sound of chains being pulled around the bend ahead grew louder and louder, and everyone's nerves instantly tightened.

Suddenly, the man grabbed the barrel of his gun as he looked at Yao Yumen and laughed maniacally, "Ha ha! It's too late! In a few minutes it will be time for dinner, the little thing has not been fed for two days, you all have to die! All of you will die!"

"Leave him alone for now!"

He said in a stern voice as he rummaged through his cloth bag, "The Yin Zhi corpse is very strong, and its skin is hard and painless, so it's not afraid of ordinary knives and guns, so let's strike first." As he said that, he rummaged for the Ying Sense Tong Bao that had been handed down in his family. This was the mouth-containing money that Master Zhao's ancestors had used, and according to him, it had the effect of suppressing Yin corpses and separating people.

"Bang!" Yao Yumen had a cold face and shot the man through the calf without mercy.

The man's pain tolerance is extraordinary, although the pain is full of cold sweat, he not only did not shout or scream, but also grinned in pain: "Die, die, die together, haha."

With Master Zhao, who was holding the money with his mouth, at the head of the group, he and I walked in front.

As we drew closer, the sound of chains clanking in front of us grew louder and louder, and the more things we didn't see the more scared and unsure we became. The way we had just come was blocked, this must be the little skeleton's plan!

Things were not as expected, and Beggar Liu didn't say a word with a cold face. Instead of confronting us head-on, the little skeleton head had pulled off such a sinister stunt, he wanted to make us all feed on the corpses!

A few beams of torches were all turned on to the strongest gear, and once we turned the corner, we shone forward.

Although we had taken precautions and prepared ourselves mentally, we were still shocked when we saw what was chained to us ...

The iron chains were chained to a small, swollen body, less than one and a half meters tall, and I don't know if it was because it was previously soaked in a large white frame, but the body was very badly corroded, head, chest, stomach, and lower legs, with pits and holes remaining in the large, rotten flesh, and the fishy smell and the strong stimulating smell of chemicals mixed together, straight into one's nose! Also, the face of this Yinzhi corpse .... The greenish-white rotten flesh on this thing's face, with its large and small sunken pits, was disgusting and horrifying!

It was like it sensed the living and began to frantically break free, the walls were sparsely falling down with dirt, and the iron chains were going to break free at any moment!

The old man from Hunan had a pill in his mouth, he picked up the mouth containing money and shouted, "Beggar! Open your mouth!"

The soft sword left his body, and with a shake of his sword, Beggar Liu took two big steps forward and stabbed his sword towards the thing's mouth! The speed of the sword was so fast that I could hear the whirring sound of breaking air!

"Crunch ...." As soon as the sword entered its mouth, Beggar Liu shouted, "No! This thing's teeth are biting!"

There was a strange sound and the iron chains holding the wall in place broke at the sound.

Beggar Liu was alarmed, he kicked flying and used this reaction force to pull out the soft sword.

"Back off! Quickly!" Seeing that the only binding iron chain had broken, Master Xiangxi Zhao turned and retreated.

Sister Yu was the first to run to the iron door, she shook it desperately, but the big lock locked it so tightly that it wouldn't open!

The crowd panted and ran to this part of the iron gate when they heard a man's scream from the back. The man who had been shot through the calf by Yao Yumen and couldn't move, something had happened.

"Master Zhao, there's no way out! Do something!" The handle head shouted in his desperation.

The old man thought about it, he looked at us with a serious expression and said, "The corpse binding rope can't be used, it's much more difficult to use the money containing the mouth, right now the way back is broken, to deal with this thousand year old Yin nourishment of the rising corpse, there is only this one way."

"This is made of yellow Penny mixed with mugwort," he looked at me, Beggar Liu and Liu Yushan and said, "Now there are only three left, you hold it in your mouth, it will prevent the Yin nourishing corpse Qi." Having said that, the old man gave each of us a small black pill. This pill was exactly the same as the one I had taken earlier, and both worked to protect against corpse Qi.

The sound of chains dragging on the ground sounded again as the old man looked ahead and said, "Three please remember, there are only three pills, there is only one chance to get up close and personal, if we fail to press this thing this time, all of us are afraid ..."

In the darkness, the head turned on the torch. A small dark figure appeared in front of him, and on closer inspection, the small dark figure seemed to be carrying a blood-dripping human arm in his hand.

The light from Turning Head's torch irritated the thing.

"Here it comes!"

I was busy holding the pills the old man had given me in my mouth.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Yao Yumen aimed at the thing and fired three shots in a row, but the thing's body just swayed.

"Go!" The old man rushed forward clutching the gold and copper coins in one hand.

Gritting our teeth, the three of us also rushed forward with a stiff upper lip. Right now, if we didn't fight, we would die! If we did, we would still have a chance of survival!

The corpse reached out and grabbed it, and Beggar Liu used his wrist to swing it away with his soft sword, and he leapt up high with his right foot on the wall. The thing fell to the ground with inertia, and Liu Yushan and I immediately pounced on it with one left and one right, holding it down.

The old man from Xiangxi made a swift move, pinching the gold and copper coins between his two fingers and shoving them into the thing's mouth! The first time the thing struggled, it missed.

The close contact and the stench of the foul odour filled the air, and I was still affected by the pills in my mouth. The thing was getting stronger and stronger and I was using all my strength! It felt like it was about to be overpowered!

"Hurry! I can't hold it down any longer!"

In the crisis, I only saw the old man get ruthless, and he didn't aim anymore, he directly took the initiative to extend his right hand over.

"Master Zhao!"

The Yin Zi corpse directly bit down on the old man's wrist with a deadly bite, and blood suddenly spurted out.

The old man's face turned white as he lost too much blood, and when he saw where he was, he pressed and released his right hand, and the golden Ying Sensitive Tong Bao coin, hidden in his palm, was stuffed into the Yin Zi corpse's mouth in its entirety!

The effect was almost immediate, with a burnt smell coming from the mouth of the Yinzhi corpse. The smell was mixed with a fishy odour that made people want to vomit.

The corpse moved less and less, and after a few dozen seconds, it lay motionless on the ground.

The old man's face was pale as he drew back his right hand, I saw that his wrist wound was bleeding, two rows of teeth marks almost bit through the wrist!

The old man looked at the beggar Liu, gasping for breath and said, "Quick ..... Quick ..."

Beggar Liu nodded, he waved his soft sword, his hand rose and fell!

Sister Hong was busy running over, she got bandages from the handle head package, and quickly helped the old man bandage to stop the bleeding. If the bandage had been loosened a little, the bleeding would not have been stopped!

Looking at the corpse on the ground, it was completely motionless, just like an ordinary half-rotted corpse.

The old man's right hand is gone .....

However, I didn't see anything like a loss in the old man's eyes; instead, I felt a sense of relief and accomplishment in his eyes.

"Don't bother too much, just wrap it casually, once ordinary people are bitten by this kind of thing, even if the rescue measures are done well, they won't survive more than a month, this thing carries a lot of bacteria from the coffin inside the mouth, this is the folklore that once a person is bitten by a zombie, no matter the size of the wound, that person will not survive."

As soon as beggar Liu heard this from the old man, he immediately drew his sword and said, "According to you, old man, if you are bitten by a yinzhi corpse, will you also become a yinzhi corpse. In that case, then I will send you on your way now!" .

"Cough! Cough!" The old man coughed several times in succession and said urgently, "That's an ordinary person! We have been in this business for generations, how can we not have some means to save our lives!"

"In three days, as long as I can get out in three days, I still have a way to save myself!"

"I'm not going to turn into a vampire! What's your hurry!"

I don't understand the way it works, but I think what Master Zhao is probably saying is that a bite from this thing is similar to a bite from a lizard, with bacteria in your mouth, and you need to go out for further treatment within three days, or your life will be in danger.

He looked at the motionless corpse on the ground and said, "Master Zhao, how long will the mouthful of money last? Is there a time limit, don't wait for the corpse to rise later."

Wrapping the wound with his clothes, Master Zhao said weakly, "Don't worry, as long as the mouth-containing money is still there this thing can't get up, the gang might kill a comeback, let's find the key and get out of here as soon as possible." ...

"Don't bother, the keys have been found," was said Red as she fished a set of keys out of the hole in the wall.

"It was only a moment ago that the man hid the keys, and I guess the place where they were hidden must not be far from the iron door," she said, shaking the string of keys in her hand.

After testing the iron doors one by one to open them, the group walked out of Cave Nine. After checking the area with a torch, there was no sign of the group.

I asked, "What's the next step?"

The head of the group pondered for a moment and said, "The little skeleton has three swords on both sides, but my guess is that the boss and the others should be locked up around here, so let's walk along the area around Cave Nine and see."

Master Zhao had probably lost too much blood, I could see that he was walking very slowly and had to be assisted to barely walk. The situation was really just as the head of the group had guessed, we walked back along Cave Nine and it didn't take long to find a Cave Seven and an unmarked cave.

The only pity was that the cave was not closed to the Sun brothers.

After another half hour of walking along the road, the handle head suddenly said sharply, "Turn off the torch, there's something up ahead."

We switched off our torches and crouched on the ground to look ahead. The cave structure was strong in sound transmission and I heard someone talking ahead.

"Damn, after all this time in this shithole, I'm finally going to get my head back on straight... When I get out, I'll have to find three girls to let off steam, I'm suffocating."

"All right, don't whine, Brother Jian told us to escort the people over as soon as possible, do a good job of evacuating afterwards, this time the job will be highly subsidized, so much money, when you get out, do whatever you want to play." The duo finished smoking and turned around and went into the cave.

Putting his head to look at the beggar Liu, Master Liu nodded and said, "Two ordinary people, I'll take care of it, you guys wait for my news." As he finished speaking, he drew his soft sword and felt his way against the wall.

It was only ten minutes before and after, there was a torch shining at us from the side of the cave, and with a wave of the head, "Go."

We went into the cave and saw that the two men watching the door in the cave were lying in a pool of blood already broken, and beggar Liu was biting his torch and wiping his soft sword. I could tell by seeing how hard Master Liu had struck that he was holding his anger in his heart.

At this moment the head of the hand suddenly waved his hand, "Do not make a sound, you listen."

I listened carefully, and there was a faint, whimpering sound coming from the cave behind me.

"That way," said Beggar Liu, carrying his sword and walking over.

Just as we turned the corner, we saw three men lying on the ground, their bodies tied up and their mouths stuffed with rags.

These three were none other than the Sun brothers, who had left us after a long time.

"Big brother!"


As soon as they were untied, the boss clutched the hand that held the head and said with an excited expression, "I knew it! I knew it! You'll find us!"

The Boss was now a man with a lot of hair, his clothes hadn't been changed for months and he smelled sour, probably due to a long period of dehydration and malnutrition.

The head immediately asked, "What's the situation with Lao Er."

Helped to stand up by Sister Hong, Lao San's face was pale and he gritted his teeth, "Second brother has been like this, waking up and sleeping, sleeping and waking up again, not saying a word."

He shook his head, "You have all suffered, anyway, let's go out first, we'll think of a way to cure Er when we get out, Yunfeng, you carry Er on your back and the others will give a hand."

I picked Er up on my back and said, "Put the head, I tried with the method of listening to thunder when it was raining before, from where we are, the way out may be in the northwest."

"I know, why not, we can't get down without knowing the way, and I left a big gift for the gang," said the head of the gang with a much lighter expression on his face having found the Sun brothers.

"Left a big gift, what big gift?"

"Don't ask, we'll find out when we get there."

There were so many of us that we went out in two teams, one headed by Beggar Liu to guard the front and the other group, including me, to look after the wounded.

After walking for less than an hour, Putting Head kept looking for something on the stone wall.

I asked him about it and he said that he had marked it with a talcum pen before coming down and that if the general direction was right, the exit should be around here.

As he expected, the head found the mark he had made on the wall, and following the mark all the way west along the cave, the group finally reached the exit. The direction was exactly the same as the one I had tried out earlier with the Listen to the Thunder method.

"From here, we can climb to the ground level, which is some distance away from the one we came down from before.

Yao Yumen walked to the wall and turned around and said, "Wang Zhaotou, the stuff is still there, there are thirty-seven detonators in total, if they detonate at once, they will be enough to blow up the cave."

He said with a cold face, "You guys go first, I'll detonate the detonators, once the road is blocked here, it's enough for those people to drink."

This was the plan that the head of the group had mentioned before, once we rescued the Sun brothers, we would use the detonator to collapse the road and block the little skeleton head's gang inside!

Ten minutes or so later, I was holding Master Zhao, who had a broken arm, when I heard a loud boom behind me!

The cave in the distance was filled with dust and collapsed .....

Wait a moment, the sky is filled with dust and smoke, put the head with clothes covering his mouth and ran out.

The head of the company has planned this in advance and it can be called the bottom of the barrel, the other party has got the Yinzhi corpse in hand, so what? The other side got the Yinzhi corpse, so what? In the inside without food and water, can not come out is a dead end!

The beggar Liu turned back to look at the collapsed cave and laughed loudly and said one word.



The sun was up and a wave of people suddenly appeared on Moth Mountain at midday, the group was mostly grey and there was an old man with a broken hand.

I put a hand to my forehead and looked up at the long-lost sun and muttered, "At last, at last I see the sun."

When we arrived at the bungalow we rented at the bottom of the hill, Yao Yumen called and got two cars. When we parted, Beggar Liu said with a fist in his hand, "Wang Zuotou, I helped you this time, so I'm returning the favour. If you run into trouble in the future, go straight to me at the Zhao Wang Hotel in Handan, Hebei Province, and I will keep you safe there."

He also said, "Thank you."

Liu Yushan and Zhao Ye left in the afternoon. Zhao Ye broke his hand and seemed to have inhaled corpse air, insisting on giving someone 100,000 yuan as compensation.

Liu Yushan smiled and shook his head, saying it was unnecessary, they came to help not for money.

Seeing the people leave, I thought to myself: "That's really a tomb raider, that's connections, people risk their lives to help for free,just for face, when will I, Yunfeng Xie, have so much face?"

My second brother's condition didn't look good. I suggested sending him to the hospital, but Tuo Tou shook his head and said going to the hospital wouldn't work, it wasn't a disease that they could cure. He said he would ask friends in Miao villages in Guangxi.

My second brother was like mentally disabled now. He was extremely afraid of light and the curtains had to be drawn tightly. He also couldn't eat or drink by himself - he would eat if fed but not otherwise. What scared me the most was that his pupils were slowlyturning yellow for some reason.

We saved him but how long he'll live is a big question.

When Yaoyumen left, our team returned to the hotel. The hotel owner's surname was Qin, a middle-aged chubby woman. When she saw Tuotou, she exclaimed in surprise and said, "Goodness, where have you all been? You're all covered in dust and dirt. I thought you paid for a year but never stayed. What's wrong with this big brother?" The hotel owner pointed to Sun Lao Er.

Tuotou coughed and said, "It's alright madam, we went traveling, aren't we back now? If anything happens, we'll call you."

The next day, Tuotou assigned me a task. He asked me to find an antique dealer surnamed Zhao in the local antique market and contact his boss... Tuotou said once contact was made, they'll meet up and he has goods to sell.

I was involved in the whole process, so I naturally knew what Tuotou meant. Previously, we only sold half of those bronzewares, and I also got around a hundred thousand yuan, it seems Tuotou wants to liquidate the other half as soon as possible.

As mentioned earlier, these bronzewares are mainly sold to Hong Kong. Some of the unearthed cultural relics can be "washed white" after auctioning in Hong Kong, and some large consignments cannot be washed white, eventually entering the private collections of rich people in Hong Kong. Selling to such people is the safest, because they don't need money and won't resell. This way, we're naturally safest—the police can't investigate their private collections no matter how capable they are. I estimated the Zhao boss Tuotou asked me to find should be related to those who run to Hong Kong.

This is a big business deal, Not just those bronze wares, but also the three pieces that I and Hong Jie brought out. Those three bronze wares engraved with mysterious totems of the ancient Yue state are of extremely high grade. I estimate that even if we ask for 1 million, there will be people who can afford it. You know, 1 million yuan in the millennium should be compared with at least 10 million yuan nowadays.

There is a very small antique market in Feng Nan District of Shunde. When I went there, there were not many people in the market. According to the hints given by TuoTou, I entered an antique shop called Sanlaogeh. The antique shop owner surnamed Zhao was a big fat man, with a nickname called Zhao Sanping in the business.

"Little brother, just have a look, There are treasures in my shop, all old things."

Seeing that no one was around, I lowered my voice and said, "Boss Zhao, Wang Xiansheng sent me. He asked you to contact your boss and say you have goods for sale."

When this fatty heard that it was Wang Xiansheng, his expression tightened immediately and he closed the door directly, and also ordered the clerk to draw all the curtains.

In the back room, the fat boss gave me a cup of tea and asked in a low voice: "Little brother, how much goods are there this time? What kind of goods? How big a basin can hold them?"

I replied seriously: "There's donkey meat and dragon meat, bowls cannot contain them, basins are needed."

"Dragon meat!" The fat boss slammed the table excitedly and asked: "Really? How many pieces?"

I thought for a moment and showed him three fingers.

The fat boss said anxiously: "If this deal goes wrong, my wife will have to attend my funeral."

He made a phone call in front of me, speaking in Cantonese dialect, "Boss, there's... "

As he talked on the phone, the fat boss frowned and blabbered a lot that I couldn't understand. But I understood the last sentence he said: "thunder bitch".

I asked. "What happened? What's the situation?"

The fat boss looked at me with a worried expression and explained. At first I couldn't figure out how this could happen...

It turned out that the person the fat boss contacted was also a runner to Hong Kong. Although this person could deal directly with the backer, he just said that the dragon meat goods could be bought, but we had to bring them in person and see the goods and trade at the designated place of the other party.

This put us in a difficult situation. The goods should still be in Shunde, how can we safely transport such a large amount over there?

As I was leaving, the fat boss whispered: "Little brother, everyone wants this money but the problem is it's hot money. Go back and discuss with Wang Xiansheng. There are many of you, it's too risky to transport it there. If nothing else works, leave the goods cheaply to me. Whether I make a profit or loss, I'll bear it alone."

"Oh? Leave it cheaply to you? How cheap are you willing to go?" I asked.

He rubbed his hands and said: "Let's say 200,000 in total,including the three dragon meat pieces, I'll bear the risk alone."

I almost cursed. 200,000 in total? Including those three bronze wares with ancient Yue totems? Each is worth at least 2 million, you have a black heart, Fatty.

But I coldly said I'd go ask.

"Okay, ask!" The fat boss patted my shoulder with a smile "If we finally reach a deal, little brother, rest assured I won't mistreat you on my side, you know?"

I didn't reply, turned and left the antique shop.

The meaning was obvious - Fatty wants to take over these goods at an extremely low price. If I can facilitate this deal, he'll privately give me money. But he overestimated me.

When I returned to the hotel, Tuotou was on the phone. After he finished, Tuotou asked "How did it go Cloud Peak, did Zhao's side make contact?"

I replied truthfully: "There's a hitch Tuotou. The runner contacted by Zhao boss doesn't dare receive the goods. He said we have to personally deliver the goods and I think he's worried. Also, Zhao boss wants to privately buy all of our goods at the price of 200 thousand."

"200 thousand yuan?" Tuotou was surprised but then laughed "This Zhao Fatty, not the first time we've dealt with him, he thinks we're fools? 200 thousand to get rid of us?"

I nodded:"That's right Tuotou, the price is ridiculous. Shall we keep it ourselves?"

"Keep it?" Tuotou poured himself a cup of tea and shook his head "That won't work, we're tomb raiders, not collectors."

"Money in hand is the best alternative."