
Who is the self-harming snake?

I am a poor boy in a northeastern mountain village in China, the early twentieth century, in order to make a name for myself, I joined a northern faction of tomb raiding gang. From the south to the north, the jianghu hundred states, three religions and nine streams, so many years from the teenager mixed to middle-aged, the amount of alcohol to see the growth of the years wasted, I have been in contact with many many strange people and strange things, you are interested, may wish to move a small bench, listen to a tomb raider\'s Jianghu insights and his fight with the horrible snake who are called self-harming snakes.

ZhugeMeng · History
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20 Chs


"Corpse .... corpse horn fairy," I had never heard of such a thing and was instantly more frightened inside.

"Granny, can you cure me, I can pay you, I don't want to die yet." I said in fear.

Granny Liu shook her head, "Tell me the truth, what do you do for a living? If you won't tell me, then please go back."

"I ..."

Inwardly torn, if I told who I was, I knew that I might not be the only one involved, but that the handle head and the Sun brothers would also be arrested.

It was Putting Head who stopped me when I jumped off the bridge, he was willing to keep a young kid like me around to train me, willing to give me a bite to eat, and although I hadn't said so explicitly, I was grateful to him.

I couldn't do something like that to betray them behind their backs.

Not only that, once word got out and Li Jing found out who I was, she knew I was a criminal and would definitely not be friends with me.

After weighing my options, I took a deep breath and said, "Granny, although I want to be cured, there are some things that I can't say."

Granny Liu looked at me in surprise for half a day, and after a long time she shook her head and said, "All right, I know, you come with me."

"Grandma, what for?" I asked her.

"To cure you, of course... What, do you want to die?"

"But, you just said ..."

Granny Liu helped her old companion in bed to cover her life, she turned to look at me and smiled, "Those who are in the jungle, some qualities are rare and valuable."

That night, Granny Liu led me to the east room, where there were many large black jars on the floor, looking like the kind of jars used for pickled vegetables.

She told me to turn around and not to look.

All I heard behind me was the sound of the lid opening and then the sound of pounding.

Later, Auntie Liu found some gauze and she rubbed a lot of black medicine on my swollen finger, which smelled very fishy.

To be honest, to this day I don't know what was in the black altar at that time, I once guessed it could have been something like a scorpion gecko.

After applying the medicine that Granny Liu gave me, my finger stopped hurting that night. I went back to Li Jing's house for the night and the next morning when I removed the gauze, the swelling in my finger had gone down, which was amazing.

Granny Liu had saved my life and Li Jing had saved my life, and I wanted to repay them for saving my life.

Calling Li Jing out secretly, I said to him, "Thank you Li Jing, I, Xiang Yunshi, will help you, I will help you and your mother pay back the 50,000 yuan, with my own money."

Li Jing burst into a snort of laughter.

"Xiang Yunfeng you are talking nonsense, 50,000 yuan, your own money? You can't earn enough even if you earn ten years."

I don't blame her for not believing me, I secretly took this to heart. Later I asked her father about his situation, asking him what kind of business he was in and how he lost so much money.

The first time I asked about this, Li Jing's face immediately looked bad, and only after my repeated questions did Li Jing tell the truth.

Li Jing's father, Li Mingquan, was the director of a brick-burning factory in Shunde. In the past two years, Shunde had a government project to build a large number of public toilets and rubbish transfer stations around the city's moat, in order to prevent people from throwing rubbish and urinating into the river at will.

Li Mingquan had a good head on his shoulders and saw a business opportunity, so he became a supplier of raw materials for this project by means of bribery.

Don't underestimate a public toilet, if it works well, it is no less profitable than those hollow pipe projects, not to mention the many public toilets and refuse stations.

Through this project, Li Quanming made a fortune, earning a small amount of 100,000 by rough calculation.

This would have been a good thing for the Li family, but Li Quanming had a hobby, he liked to buy antiques, and Li Quanming was one of those mallets who didn't know how to pretend to understand and was an amateur pretending to be an expert.

At this time, the domestic antiques market was in full swing and many things were going up in price from year to year.

Li Quanming had made a fortune contracting projects, and many people knew about this and knew that he loved to buy antiques, so three people teamed up and prepared to screw him.

How could Li Quanming get a big deal?

Two words.

To make a game.

The three men were peddlers from the nearby antique market. They first hired someone to dig a large pit on the north side of Hook Hill, and then the three men themselves dug the tomb passage in the pit.

Of course, the gold was copper, the jade was all stone powder pressed on a lathe, and the porcelain and stone carvings were all new and fake.

To make the tomb look more alike, whenever it rained they would dig earth trenches in the hills to divert large amounts of rainwater into the fake tomb.

Once the water soaked in, the tomb was filled with mud, and the huge pile of fake antiques was buried in the mud.

After a few months of careful planning, they found Li Quanming when they thought the time was right.

Li Quanming didn't have much eyesight, but he knew one thing: good antiques can be worth a lot of money.

The three men took Li Quanming to the fake tomb, and when he looked at the shiny gold objects revealed in the mud of the tomb, Li Quanming's eyes went straight.

The gang dared to ask for a price, and they said to Li Quanming, "Boss Li, if you want it, everything in this tomb is worth 200,000 yuan a bite!"

In the end, after haggling, Li Quanming set the price at 160,000.

In order to get these things, he used his family's savings and borrowed several tens of thousands of dollars from outside.

The three men had long since disappeared.

Li Quanming thought of selling a few things first, but as you can imagine, no one wanted his things.

In one tomb, nearly a hundred pieces of burial goods were all fake, adding up to no more than a thousand dollars.

If the items could not be sold, there was no money, but he had to pay back the money he borrowed, which also had interest, and in less than six months, the principal plus interest had rolled up to 50,000 yuan.

He was forced to do nothing, and then he ran away without Li Jing and her daughter, and now he doesn't know where he is hiding.

He ran away, Li Jing mother and daughter naturally became the main target of debt collectors, after all, the monk can not run away from the temple.

That's why I was able to see the scene of the debt collector the day before yesterday.

After talking about her father, Li Jing lowered her head and said, "Xiang Yunfeng, I'm going to quit high school, I'm going to work in an electronics factory, I know a sister, she said the electronics factory can earn six hundred dollars a month."

I went back to the hotel with a heavy heart, I was still thinking about Li Jing, I was wondering how I could help her pay off her debt as soon as possible.

Wang Zhaotou and Sun Laosan were in the hotel, Sun Lao Er and a mole were nowhere to be seen, I don't know where they had gone.

When I saw that Wang Zhaotou was not looking well, I asked him what was wrong, had he found the main chamber?

Both Sun Laosan and Wang Zuotou were smoking, their faces so gloomy that it was frightening to look at them.

Sun Laosan threw away his cigarette and he clenched his fist and said.

"Second brother is missing, last night in the pit ..... Missing."

"Missing? Put the head! How can a big live person go missing!" It took me a long time to respond.

Wang Zhaotou and Sun Laosan had gloomy faces and looked preoccupied.

Sun Laosan broke off to tell me what had happened.

The two of them were working separately at night, and Sun Lao Er said that he was not sure about the west ear room.

Sun Laosan, who is still relatively calm, immediately laughed at his second brother and said, "I think second brother you are bewitched.

The head of the eye made an inference about this strange event, he firmly believes that the main chamber and coffin will not disappear into thin air, the head of the guess, probably because of the earthquake and years of water soaking, soaking collapsed the main chamber, so he felt that the main chamber of this Western Zhou tomb should still be buried in the ground, so this situation has become a tomb within a tomb, more difficult.

What is a tomb within a tomb?

In fact, this situation is not uncommon, especially in areas with frequent earthquakes in history, and is, frankly speaking, an evolution of natural disasters.

The main chamber sinks and collapses, the depth and location of this movement, there is absolutely no pattern to follow, one has to find it, luck accounts for six points and strength accounts for four points.

Some time ago three star pile suddenly burst into flames, may be some people do not know, three star pile civilization site in the last century in the 1930s was discovered by the national archaeological team, a series of archaeological so many years, not still miss a few big pits? The floundering is just not found .... It was only recently that the site was discovered by chance.

This example is typical because of the earthquake natural disaster, resulting in the accompanying sacrificial pit seriously deviated, turned into a tomb within a tomb, so that this generation of 00 after 90 is lucky to see the ancient Shu gold mask unearthed.

Sun Lao Er disappeared under the pit and in the west ear chamber, God knows if he fell into some hidden black hole, or possibly some type of flap trap. Sun Lao Er's life and death are still unknown, and as close brothers, the eldest and third are definitely the ones to look for.

They had to see someone alive, and they had to see a dead body.

They all stayed up all night, and on several occasions Sun Lao San was so excited that he said he wanted to go down to the tomb by himself to look for someone, but he was stopped by Wang Zuotou.

Wang said, "Lao-san, as the leader of the team, I'm even more anxious than you when Lao Er is missing, but that doesn't mean we have to do it brutally! Lao San, you've always been calm, let me ask you, are there still few people in the industry who have encountered this kind of situation and had an accident?"

"That's why, Lao-san, we still have to ask for help."

"Huh? Call for help?" I asked curiously, "Chief, do we have to call the police? Let the police go and find Second Brother?"

Wang Zhaotou glared at me, "Yunfeng, have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? You want to call the police? Do you want to go in and eat nest eggs for ten years?"

Scolded, I stammered, unable to retort.

He said he would find someone to help him, and the head of the group specifically told me to keep an eye on Sun Laosan and not to let him sneak out of the tomb alone, saying that the reinforcements he was looking for would be here soon.

I didn't sleep much all night, and in the morning I was brushing my teeth in the courtyard and didn't see a mole on the slut, wondering where the woman had gone.

"Yunfeng, go out and buy a drawer of xiaolongbao for San and come back in a whole bowl of chaos," the voice of Sun Laosan suddenly spoke from behind me.

Spitting out a gargle, I turned my head and said, "No way, Third Brother, the head of the gang told me to keep an eye on you, and the head of the gang said he couldn't let you leave until the help he found came."

Sun Lao San's face went blue and red for a moment.

"Fuck!" He kicked over a bin in the yard.

I was like a god of the gate in the morning, following him wherever he went, strictly carrying out the task the head grip had given me, not letting him sneak down to the pit to find someone.

I didn't expect Han to cry, I saw for a while Sun Laosan crying on the table in the house, and mumbling something about, wherever you are, you must hold on, you'll be all right, Second Brother.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, two people came to the hotel, a man and a woman, the man with sunglasses and a flat haircut, lean and thin, the woman looked to be in her thirties, a face of frost.

After seeing the head, he introduced me and said, "Yunfeng, meet the Yao siblings, they are famous in the Tao and have a long family history.

At that time I just felt that this man and woman were cowards because they had a different aura. At that time I didn't know who Master Yao was that the head of the group was telling me about, and I only had the chance to meet this Master Yao a few times later.

This man was a strange man who also came from an eye grip head, but it just didn't end well.

If you are interested, you may want to look up Master Yao, his tomb raiding stories could be published in a book, I know more than you do.

The main reason why Wang Zhuotou found these two men was because of the woman.

That woman studied abroad in international archaeology, and this woman has studied the traps in the Great Tomb, the diamond sealing stones, the quicksand sky fire flap and all these things, and this kind of skill is able to help us.

Don't think I'm talking out of my ass, it's just that the vast majority of people have never seen them, but the traps, the stones, the quicksand traps in the catacombs are real, and many of them are still in operation today.

Take two real-life examples of tomb burglaries.

The tomb of the first emperor mercury for the river, sealing the mound of earth rare in the world, a hundred and fifty meters high, under the Li Mountain layer of soil, two thousand years later today, the content of mercury is still more than three hundred times higher than the normal standard, which is anti-tomb robbery, the ancient people did not have gas masks, once the tomb robbers hit the robber hole down, within five minutes will be poisoned to death.

The first of these is the one in which Wu Zetian and Gao Zong are buried together. Until today, I think the Qianling is the best anti-theft imperial tomb in history, even above the Mausoleum of the First Emperor at Mount Li...

Who in the industry wouldn't want to go inside the Qianling tomb?

If you can touch it, you can say that 30 generations of your descendants will not worry about food and drink!

But the problem is that you really can't get in .....

The Qianling Mausoleum straddles the Breast Mountain and the Liang Mountain, I was twenty-four years old that night and had secretly gone to see it.

The person standing at the top of the breast mountain look, if there happen to be stars that day, you can look closely, the breast mountain and Liang mountain mountain mountain trend, exactly right in the sky of the seven stars of the Big Dipper, what is this called?

In terms of feng shui astrology, this is called the Domain of Longevity!

It is said that Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng drew the plans of the Qianling tomb. These two men were feng shui masters, and were also the highest authorities under Wu Zetian, responsible for watching the heavens, protecting the fortunes of the country and exterminating the stars of calamity.

In history, there have been more than seventy named robberies of the Qianling tomb, seventeen of which are the most famous.

In the case of the Qianling Mausoleum, Wen Tao, the governor, led three battalions of soldiers to dig the tomb, but it happened to be a thunderstorm that day and a dozen people were killed by lightning.

The rebels of the Huang Chao uprising sent 400,000 troops to dig the Qianling tomb with hoes because they were short of money, but they dug the mountain into two halves and never saw a single hair.

This is called a solid gold fortress.

In speaking of the two men and the two women, the man was called Yao Wenze and the woman was called Yao Yumen.

Sun Laosan explained the situation to them, and Wang Shoutui also said what he thought.

The woman, Yao Yumen, listened and nodded and said: "Wang Zhaotou, you are right, and our thoughts are similar, it is impossible for a large living person to disappear out of thin air, it is likely that he fell into the

Wang said in a gruff voice, "Miss Yao, do you mean the Western Ear Chamber?

Yao Yumen shook her head and said, "Not necessarily, Wang, look."

She took out a pen and paper and drew a cross on a piece of white paper.

She pointed her finger at the cross and said, "Wang Zuotou, this is a common pattern for Western Zhou tombs, and you said that apart from the east and west ear chambers, the way ahead was closed, and no main chamber was found, right? So, it's not a cross, it's a T, right?"

Wang put his head down and looked at the sketch on the paper and said thoughtfully, "You mean to say that ..... The front end is sunken? That's not right, if that's the case how come you can't see it?"

The woman shook her head, and she said coldly, "Put the head, I wonder if you've ever heard of a burial method like the Soul World Burial, the Sheep Field Tidings?"

"The sheep field burial!" I couldn't help but exclaim, "How is that possible! Wasn't this anti-theft burial method invented in the Han Dynasty? This is a Western Zhou tomb!"

The woman turned her head and looked at me, probably because she thought I was too young, and she looked a little surprised at my words.

She then looked at me and shook her head and laughed, "You're quite knowledgeable, but I'll tell you this, you're not entirely right.

"This method, which was already in its infancy in the late Shang Dynasty, was used in the early Western Zhou Dynasty, and the Han Dynasty's lamb's intestines were really small compared to the Western Zhou's ....."

Her words refreshed my knowledge blind spot, I really didn't know about this as it wasn't mentioned in the book, and I suspected that this woman was grasping at straws and bragging, but this was the expert that Wang Zhuotou had found, and I didn't dare to underestimate them.

The man with the sunglasses, who had been listening, spoke up at that moment.

He shook his head and said, "Maybe you're going in the wrong direction, you're checking on both sides, but you're ignoring the stone wall directly in front of you."

Wang opened his mouth and said, "I believe you, in that case, let's move tonight? You probably didn't bring enough tools in your hurry, did you? What do you need? I'll have someone prepare it."

The man shook his head and said, "No tools, we're prepared, we'll just go down to the pit."

"Well, good," Wang said, turning his head and instructing me, "Yunfeng, go and prepare some fresh water and compressed biscuits, come back before it gets dark, you and Lao San will follow these two at night and listen to the command, you will go down to Lao Er."

"Ah, putt-head, aren't you going?" I asked him doubtfully.

He shook his head and said, "I can't go, I always had the feeling that someone else had noticed the inn for the last two days and I have to stay up there to co-ordinate the whole situation for the safety of the team."

"Oh, okay," I nodded in a puzzled way.

He also told me to buy the best waterproof torches and pocket knives, saying that this would be a long trip and that I would have a spare in case something went wrong with my headlamp, so I couldn't do it blindly in the dark.

I took a thousand in the afternoon and ran out to buy something. Two hundred meters behind Shunde Three Middle School, there was a big hardware shop, the biggest in Shunde.

I told the owner straight away that I wanted to buy the best strong waterproof torch.

The shopkeeper, a middle-aged man, said unexpectedly, "Young student, the best waterproof torch is a German|national brand, military goods, it's not cheap, it costs more than two hundred."

I immediately took out a wad of money, "I'll take four."

"Four!" The boss said with a glare, "You really have money, wait, I'll go get them for you."

"Xiang Yunfeng!"

"Why are you here!" A familiar voice suddenly came from behind me, and I turned around to see that it was Li Jing and one of her female classmates.

Looking at the thick pile of money in my hand, Li Jing said in surprise, "Xiang Yunfeng, you're so rich. .... What kind of business is your family in?" When Li Jing finished speaking, her female classmate also sized me up curiously.

"I ..... I ....." I stammered and held a big red face, momentarily running out of words, I didn't expect to run into Li Jing at this point.

I waved my hand and lied, "Nothing, my parents just have a clothing business, huh."

"Oh, yeah."

Li Jing ran out of the hardware point, she looked around and waved at me, "Xiang Yunfeng, come out, I want to talk to you."

"What's wrong Li Jing?" She pulled me to the corner.

What I didn't expect was for Li Jing to suddenly grab my hand.

The girl looked up and looked at me with watery eyes and said, "Xiang Yunfeng, I know your family has money, you ..... Can you lend me 50,000 yuan ....." At the end of the sentence, her voice was getting smaller and smaller.

Before I could say anything, Li Jing bit her lip and said, "As long as you lend me money, I ..... I'll be your man ...."

"Huh?" I felt like I was struck by lightning at that moment.

She suddenly hugged me and cried, "I beg you, the debt collectors came again last night and beat up my mother, saying that if I don't pay back the money, they will throw my mother into the river."

This was the first time I had ever hugged a girl, but I didn't expect it to be in this way.

Li Jing was crying harder and harder, she was really scared, after all, she was still just a young girl of less than eighteen years old.

When she saw that I could pull out a thousand dollars with my hand, she thought my family was in big business.

Seeing that I was hesitant to speak, Li Jing gritted her teeth and said, "If you're not willing to help me, then I'll sell, I'll become a lady! I'll go sleep with old men!"

I was shocked and said to her, "Don't do that! I'll just help you."

Hearing that I would help, Li Jing stopped crying and she touched my hand and said, "Then .... Then when will you give me 50,000 ...."

"Can you wait a week?" What I wanted was to go down to the pit first and wait to find the second brother before going to borrow money from the handle head.

Li Jing immediately said sharply, "No! Those people said they would only give our family three days! It's already been two days! I have to use it tonight."

After saying goodbye to Li Jing, I carried my purchases and walked back with a heavy heart, not knowing how I was going to tell the head of the family about this.

Because I didn't have any money, let alone fifty thousand dollars.

But Li Jing and her mother had saved me.

"Back Yun Feng, have you bought everything?" Turning head asked me when we got back.

"Yes, I've bought it," nodding, I put the bag on the table.

Putting his head in a chair, he was huffing and puffing and sipping his tea.

I tried to speak several times, unable to open my mouth.

It was half past eight that night, three hours before departure.

I knelt on the ground, not daring to look Wang Zhaotou in the eye.

There was no need to hide it from him, so I told him the truth about the plight of Li Jing's family.

The light bulb in the room was low, the light was yellow and dim, Wang Zhaotou was clutching a cigarette, looking at me expressionlessly, the atmosphere between us was somewhat dull.

The atmosphere between us was somewhat dull.

I heavily kowtowed to Wang Zhaotou: "Zhaotou, that Li's mother and daughter saved my life, they are now in trouble, I Xiang Yunfeng know how to repay the kindness, tonight down the pit do not know how the consequences, I very much want to help the two of them."

"I beg the head of the handle to lend me 50,000 yuan!" I finished in worship.

Hearing my words, Wang put out the cigarette in his hand, he shook his head and said in a low voice: "Yunfeng, 50,000 yuan is not a small amount, it is the savings of an ordinary family for nearly ten years, I can lend you, but you have to promise me one condition."

"Put the head please speak." My eyes were serious.

"This condition? ..... You don't need to know it yet, you just need to remember that you owe the debt, that's all."

"Later, you will pay me back Wang Xian Sheng this debt."

"Do you agree?" Wang Hsien Chang looked at me with penetrating eyes.

I agreed then, and I did it for Li Jing.

Wang Zhaotou then went to his house, and about ten minutes later he returned with a bulging plastic bag.

Wang put the plastic bag down on the table gently.

"Yunfeng, this is fifty thousand, not a penny less, take it." He pushed the bag over.

There was some weight to it, and inside the black plastic bag was money wrapped in newspaper, in stacks and stacks of several layers.

The first time I saw so much money, my heart was beating wildly and I was too busy covering the newspaper to look at it.

Before going out, put his head behind his hands, he stood and said, "Yunfeng, remember the time, come back before twelve o'clock tonight."

"Besides, we all talk about the word fairness in the road and in the jungle, I give you money, you owe me Wang Xian Sheng a debt, likewise, the girl you helped owes you."

"I can't guarantee your safety on this trip down the pit, in our business you have to be open-minded, bold and spontaneous, Yunfeng, if you feel you're losing out."

"Just fuck her."

Wang Zhuo head tone indifferent, but I listened to the heart for a long time can not calm down.

"I ..... Should I listen to the head? But if that happens, won't I, Xiang Yunfeng, become a punk scoundrel?"

The head said the rules are that there is an out and an in, but .... That's not much of a rule, is it?

I carried a black plastic bag full of money, all the way with a heavy heart, with excitement, with fear, with excitement, with worry.

From time to time the scene of Li Jing bending over in her Donald Duck pajamas came to mind, along with what she said to me this afternoon .....

"Bang, bang," I knocked directly on her door.

"Creak," the door opened a crack and I saw half of Li Jing's face.

I carried the plastic bag in my hand and said with an excited smile, "Li Jing, I've brought the money! You don't have to be afraid of people coming to collect the money!"

"Come on, let's go out and talk," Li Jing's face lit up with joy as she pulled me over to the arch bridge.

The river was flowing, the moon was bending, and under the Shunde arch bridge stood two teenagers, a man and a woman.

"Li Jing take a look, look at this 50,000 yuan, you give this money back to the gang and you and your mother will be fine." I handed the plastic bag over. m..

By the light of the moon, it opened the bag of newspapers to take a look, looking at it, her eyes were red.

Li Jing carried the bag and hugged me.

"Xiang Yunfeng, thank you, you are so kind." She hugged me hard.

I clearly felt the girl's body heat, the softness, the curves.

My face reddened with a tentative redness.

Li Jing she buried her head in my arms and said in a very small voice: "I .... I keep my word, I'm yours."

Now listening may feel a bit dogged, but at the time this was all true, after all, both sides were young at that time.

If this were to happen now, it would be commonplace.

If you don't believe me, take a brand new Apple phone and go to high school and try it out, the young girls are open to it, and the ones who blush at the first hug are wimps like me.

That night, well ... The actual fact is, I'm a little bit confused and I'm going to go to a small hotel with Li Jing.

I won't go into the embarrassing events in between, but I ran away afterwards anyway.

I feel like I missed out on a good time.


At 12:14 midnight in Shunde, the whole city was dark, except for the two red dots bubbling up halfway up Moth Hill.

Sun boss flicked his cigarette ash and said in a deep voice: "Don't say it, things are settled, everyone check the intercom power, I'll go down with you guys a piece to find someone, the second is my brother, I can't sit still."

"I'll leave it to you to arrange for the fire and wind."

Wang did not say anything, he nodded his head and agreed.

In this way, I, the oldest three, the Yao siblings, a group of five people descended into the pit, leaving all the safety above the pit to Wang Zhaotou.

It was very dark in the pit, so I turned up the brightness of my headlamp a little.

When we got to the top of the tomb, the woman, Yao Yumen, stopped and squatted down to touch the stone top of the tomb and let out a soft giggle.

"Sister Yao, what's wrong?" I called out with a sweet mouth.

The woman gave me a blank look upon hearing this.

"Hey, your kid's name is Sister Yu, what Sister Yao, it's too hard to hear."

I was busy changing my tone, "Oh, Sister Yu, what's wrong with this stone dunking?"

She opened the door and said, "This Western Zhou tomb is a bit strange, this kind of green shale is rare in the southern region, almost none, eight|nine is not far from the Luoyang Shanshan area."

I thought about it carefully, the more I thought about it, the more alarmed I was, it's really like that, earlier our attention was attracted by the burial goods, simply did not pay attention to such things.

This woman .... was far too observant.

This stone, similar to those found in the grottoes near Longmen Yungang, is not too hard, but has good expansion, in other words stability. It does not crack under thermal expansion and contraction.

My mind was amazed by this principle of thermal expansion and contraction, did the Western Zhou craftsmen understand it 3,000 years ago?

The inscription on the bronze bean recovered from the Western Ear Chamber reads "Mustard Waiting Belt".

The boss said that he had asked someone from the Institute of Archaeology to translate it, so there should be no mistake.

There are no such stones in the south, and they would not have grown legs and travelled thousands of miles on their own, so the only explanation is that they were transported by man.

How many thousands of kilometres, and how many carriages and horses would it have taken to transport such a huge project of lapis lazuli across the north and south of the Yangtze?

The history books say that Mustard Wait was a minor vassal in the south in the early middle of the Western Zhou, and there is not even a record of the fief's descendants.

But if so.

A minor vassal would have had such enormous financial and material resources?

The huge lapis lazuli instillation in front of me is evidence of this.

I secretly guessed that the real identity of this Mustard Waiter might have been mistaken.

In other words.

It was that the history books were wrong.