
Who Is The Real Maximillian Walker

Super abilities? After the lab exploded? Max had been the man of Kailey's dreams since she first met him as a child now years later he returned claiming he loved her but after his body went under mutations. Was it really him or was it the parasite?

passmemycoffee · Sci-fi
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42 Chs

I would never lie to you

Kailey watches his walk, loving the way his jeans fit on his hips. Her eyes open wide as she sees the reddish marks her nails left. He disappears behind the wall. She went in search of a towel for him. Her legs felt so wobbly and she's aware of the dampness between them.

She's never felt like this with her husband. Ever. She was so confused. What about Max? What was she going to do about it? Her brain was still shaken by what he told her.

She hangs the towel on the railing next to the shower and a spare toothbrush on the sink then gets to drinking her coffee. It's not like she's going to get any sleep now.