
Who Is The Real Maximillian Walker

Super abilities? After the lab exploded? Max had been the man of Kailey's dreams since she first met him as a child now years later he returned claiming he loved her but after his body went under mutations. Was it really him or was it the parasite?

passmemycoffee · Sci-fi
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42 Chs

10- don't let him kiss you

'Us? There is an us?'

Kailey isn't sure she's awake. Maybe she still asleep she thinks but she's definitely not going to pinch herself awake.

Max had felt like shit thinking about her when she was married but he had no choice at times. Thinking of another man's wife- maybe his mother was right... he was evil. But Kailey was his lifeline so he kept thinking that it didn't matter. Nothing mattered at all. He knew she loved him although she was married. He knew that for sure. Maybe she was in love with them both her husband and him. He didn't know why she cared for him but he was grateful for it for just that thought of her caring for him had saved him too many times from drowning in his own mind.

Especially when Louis tried to overtake his mind. Max had to tell her. HE didn't mind. HE wanted her to know.


Max had to remind himself that he was here with her finally so it doesn't matter but whenever he thought about how his mind was overtaken by someone else...