

27th April.

11:43 p.m.


~Someone going live on their social media

"Hello everyone, this is your fav influencer Sirisha, right now I'm at the very luxurious party everyone is talking about for.. like a week now!"

"The decorations are really extravagant and this party is literally giving out soo royal vibes, if you ask how am I here? The celebrity herself invited me...waao! Can you believe It, I got called up by my role model, my fav, the best and the bestest, HER!; SATNAM KAUR!

"Sometimes I can't believe that we're the same age but she is way more smarter than any other, really!"

"And yeah.. I'm soo out of words for this beautiful mansion, it feels like straight out of a fiction-fantazy. But this is where she lives, she has it all for herself, sometimes I too feel jealous or envy towards her, tell me about it, who wouldn't?"

Suddenly she hears a loud voice of a lady screaming as If she was dying.

In shock, "oh my! Wh-what's that?"

She goes in the room from where the loud noises were coming, and she was spellbound from what she saw; a woman, KILLED? another woman! Right in front of her. She had a knife in her hand which was used for stabbing the other woman.. now, sirisha who was standing at the back of them watching this scene, got really scared.

"Wh-what did you do? No, "why d-did you?"

"Look over here!" that woman was standing turning around not revealing her face. Sirisha tries to capture it all in the clip she was recording,

As she was trying to do that, she senses something strangely looking familiar about that woman.

The woman turns around and says in a really friendly tone, "Why? You wanna take a shot and use it as a proof? How about I shot you dead right now, oops! I don't have a gun, how about... Getting stabbed once or thrice?" Truly evil behind a creepy looking mask smiling devilishly towards Sirisha.

Turns out that she was wearing a mask. She says, "th-that appearance, and that v-voice, it's you, you are, s-sat-naam.." she was in shock as she realised that it was HER.

Then she utters, "I-I gotta call the police, police, yes.."

The woman in red says in a sarcastic way, "HA! you wanna call the police? Go on dear.. I don't have any issues, because, you know, you won't be alive for doing that, haha!" She laughs in a cheery tone while wiping the blood on her knife.

Sirisha replies, "you'll pay for this, you sure will pay for this, N-NO!" She shouts as the woman in red was coming near her.

"D-dont come near me, I-I'm gonna call the police" in a shivering voice.

"Do it!" The woman in red says in a serious voice.

"I'll call the poli-aaaaahhh...."

~live video ended.

11:58 p.m.

trust me every one, just read it till chapter 3 atleast. I'm sure you won't regret it!

SaTnam_kAuRcreators' thoughts