
Chapter 1

Dave wakes up at 6 am and freshens up, ready to go for a jog as usual but he realizes that he forgot something but he doesn't know what he forgot and thinks if he forgot it then it must not be very important so he continues on his jog.



He gets a call. It's his dad asking him where he is, Dave says that he went out for a jog. His dad say huh that's weird he never does that.


Dave hears something click during his jog and thinks what was I just talking to dad about.

(This is a relatively short chapter because the options have yet to be made available.)

(OPTIONS: option 1 - continue with the morning jog and meet up with your friend Kyle, option 2 - buy some bread and feed the ducks, option 3 - go back home and ask your dad what you guys were just talking about, option 4 - go to a hospital for your memory problems, option 5 - &@$&#*£€¥)

(option 5 has been chosen because no option had been chosen within the time limit of 1 day)