
Who Cares!!?

When an organization that was created after WWII seeks to create the perfect human and starts experimenting on people who were declared a lost cause by the doctors, a certain teenager is randomly chosen for their incomprehensible experiments and finally after many trial and error, with error resulting in “death”, they succeed with him. After success, he is immediately dragged into his final gruesome tests. With his life on the line without him even realizing, he sets out into the world now with his new life. Mixed with adventure, action, cleverness, mystery and a touch of comedy, this book may not be the best story out there but it sure is worth your time.

JHK · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
98 Chs


It is to inform my few readers that spare their time to read my work that I have reworked my first volume. Those who have read it do not need to read it again as the plot hasn't changed in the slightest. Only the story is written in a little more depth. Sorry for any inconvenience.