
who am I to you

'His....... mere existence made me flustered' I know your never going to be mine. Atleast let me stay by your side. I won't forget that your my boss and I'm your secretary but what am I supposed to do with my heart ..........Your mere existence make me flustered'............. William Alder mysterious Multi billionaire...... An unavoidable love story between a mysterious billionaire and his temporary secretary.

Dejavu_Dejavu · Fantasy
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23 Chs

2 : Change of ........

I can't feel my feet. It's like I'm floating.

When Jess kicked me with her elbows to bring me back into my senses still it feels like something unbelievable. After the shocking meeting the two frozen persons me and Jess returned back to the restroom to flush out our stress.

" Hey Jess and Sam why are you so down it's an happy occasion we are blessed with handsome sexy more than a young chairman " handsome my butt. No one know his true nature you all are betrayed by his looks tsk tsk.

Jess gave me a faint smile i put my arm around her shoulder to comfort her.

" It's not like he is going to remember us don't worry my bestie " I gave her a faint smile.

*Sigh* We both sighed in a sync and walked in silence rest of the way.

The evening bloomed. the day is finally over without any problems. Thank god I send kisses to the sky and walked to the changing room while humming.

Suddenly someone called me

"Are you Ms. Samantha...." A woman i never saw before asked me.

"Yes I'm " i replied with confusion.

" Please follow me. someone need to see you" she said and walked.

I followed her fast steps.

When I'm about ask her who is this someone who wants to see me we entered to the main office. *My Mouth opened unknowingly* I'm surprised by its interior and forgot about the question that I was about to ask.

I come back to reality when the door behind me closed with a sound.

" Huh where is she" The mysterious woman also disappeared. It's suspicious wad she a ghost. Ghost is the last thing I want to encounter today.

I gathered all my courage that left and walked forward. The room is leading to another spacious room with a table and a chair. Very suspicious.

" Do you know why your here Samantha"

Even though the person was standing in the darkness I recognized the owner of that voice. It's going to be my end. I should have done something good and said good bye to Jess. Is it too late, my heart beat is not in my control anymore .I know it's him . William Alder, the new Chairman and the assh#le that I wanted to avoid at all costs.

I swallowed my saliva.

Is he recognized me i didn't do anything right . What is he going to do to me . Am i going to be jobless . I won't get killed right. A millions of questions aired throughout my small brain.

" Your going to be promoted"

" I'm really sorry sir I didn't know yo.....wait ..." I raised my eyebrows and blinked with confusion. Wait I'm not going to be jobless but promoted am i hearing things did I finally go insane.

" Well I don't like beat around the bush let's get to the point".

"Me too. I'm tightly hugging my life now so just already spit it out" I said it in my mind.

"As You know I just become chairman yesterday and i have lots of work to do so I need a secretary who is not so attractive but eligible"


Not attractive 😑😑. Does he want me to find someone like that.this is what he meant by promotion. It is so confusing what is his point and what am I doing here .What am I a secretary hunter.

He stood up from his chair and walked towards me . On his every steps my heart beats increased . Now the gap between us is as thin as an hair. And then he leaned and whispered to my ears. Was that necessary.

" I was searching for one but then voila I just found her yesterday. My new non sexy secretary Samantha Ellis"


"Huhhhhhh...." I moved backwards and slammed on the wall.

He giggled and come forward and patted my shoulder and walked to the door. While I continued to stare in front, he just left without saying anything.

Suddenly the woman who dumbed me in his office appeared from know where and gave me a confused look for the way I stayed. Leaning on the wall, mouth half opened, knuckles of two hand on the side facing the wall and enlarged eyes.

" Ahem mam I'm here to explain your duties "

what to !! Explain. And who is your Mam?. No way di...Did I really become his secretary. To confirm that I'm not having nightmares I pinched my chin .

" Aaaarhhhh" oh man that hurts.

Wait doesn't that means whatever that I just experienced was true.

While she explained me everything I just stayed there without any expression. To be honest I didn't hear most of the the things she tried to explain. I felt sorry for her. She looks good and smart. Black pants, tightly buttoned white shirt which half opened showing her curves. The exact definition of a visual secretary. When she is existing why do he need a new secretary. And that is someone like me. And what he meant by non sexy *pouts*.


When I entered to the changing room jess was waiting for me their with a worried expression. I faintly smiled at her.

"Sam where were you" she asked while holding my sweaty hands. I hugged her to get some positive energy. I feel like wailing while laying and kicking the ground.

I explained her about my drastic change in job title. From regular hotel worker to chairman's secretary. Wow sound like a horror thriller to me.

She got surprised at first and then congratulated me. For what!. Was it something to be get congratulated I wonder.

I don't know whether because she loves me so much or found that I'm totally out of it Jess dropped me home.

Before landing on my messy bed I mumbled to the air.

What a hectic day.

With a lots of answerless questions and confusion the day just ended.

And that's how In a blink of eye I become the multimillionaire jerks non sexy secretary *pouts again*......

To be continued.....